What father or mother does not dream of a good life for his or
her child? What parents would not wish to enhance the life of their
children, to make them better people, to help them live better lives?
Such wishes and intentions guide much of what all parents do for
and to their children. To help our children on their way and to
make them strong in body and in mind, we feed and clothe them, see
that they get rest, fresh air, and exercise, and take great pains
regarding their education. Beyond ordinary schooling, we give them
swimming and piano lessons, enroll them in Scouts or Little League,
and help them acquire a variety of skills-artistic, intellectual,
and social. In addition, we try to develop their character, educate
their tastes and sensibilities, and nurture their spiritual growth.
In all of these efforts we are guided, whether consciously or not,
by some notion or other of what it means to improve our children,
of what it means to make them better.
Needless to say, the thing is easier said than done. Rearing children
is work only for the brave. Children can be recalcitrant, outside
influences can corrupt, and even the best of efforts may not bear
good fruit. But even apart from the practical difficulties, the
very aspiration of "producing better children" is hardly trouble-free,
even for parents and teachers with the best of intentions. For it
is easier to wish whole-heartedly that our children be improved
than it is to know what that would mean. For what, exactly,
is a good or a better child?
Is it a child who is more able and talented? If so, able in what
and talented how? Is it a child with better character? If so, having
which traits or virtues? More obedient or more independent? More
sensitive or more enduring? More daring or more measured? Better
behaved or more assertive? Is it a child with the right attitude
and disposition toward the world? If so, should he or she tend more
toward reverence or skepticism, high-mindedness or toleration, the
love of justice or the love of mercy? As these questions make clear,
human goods and good humans come in many forms, and the various
goods and virtues are often in tension with one another. Should
we therefore aim at balanced and "well-rounded" children, or should
we aim also or instead at genuine excellence in some one or a few
dimensions? It is not easy to answer. Yet absent knowledge regarding
these matters, acting on the laudable intention of producing better
children can be a tricky, not to say dangerous, business.
This is especially true because of a second difficulty, one derived
not from the ambiguity of "good" or "better" but from the ambiguity
that is at the heart of being a child. Children much more
than adults are, so to speak, double creatures: they are both who
they are here-and-now and, at the same time, they are also creatures
on the way to maturity and adulthood. To be a child means
"to-be-not-yet," means to be "on-the-way-up," growing up, maturing,
reaching toward one's prime. Yet to be a child is also to enjoy
a special time of our lives, with special gifts, possibilities,
and opportunities, and-in comparison with adulthood-with a relatively
carefree existence. Childhood is that stage of life justly celebrated
as most innocent, open, fresh, playful, wondering, unself-conscious,
spontaneous, and honest: "out of the mouths of babes." This "doubleness"
of childhood is responsible for the notorious paradox of parenthood:
we love our children unconditionally, just as they are, yet we are
constantly doing everything in our power to get them to be different,
to change for the better. Not content just to appreciate them in
their childish glory, we labor to educate them, to lead them out
of childhood, and to draw from them those latent but still largely
dormant powers and virtues they do not as yet have or have not yet
expressed. The task is made still more paradoxical once we remember
the most important improvement we seek to promote: their ability
to do without our educative meddling, to take the reins of their
own chariots, and, in the best case, to repay the debt they owe
us by doing the same for the next generation.
This delicate process of rearing the young, supporting and savoring
them as they are while coaxing and directing them toward what they
might well become, requires special attention to the means of improvement.
As hard as it may be to say with confidence what we mean
by "a better child," it is equally difficult to select the
proper means. Even were we to agree that it were desirable
that our children be well-behaved, excellent in their studies, or
able to handle disappointment, there are tough questions about which
means are best suited to these ends. The use of some means might
actually undermine the goal, especially if they achieve their effect
without demanding effort or engagement of the child himself; having
a child do his arithmetic homework with a calculator will get him
the right answers without teaching him long division. Also, the
availability of new and attractive means that facilitate one-sided
pursuits of a partial goal (for example, superior athletic or academic
performance) can threaten the overall goal of rearing: to enable
our children to flourish as autonomous adults who can think and
act for themselves, learn from adversity, and meet life's vicissitudes
with resilience and self-confidence.
These enduring perplexities regarding our aspiration for better
children now deserve our thematic and heightened attention. The
reason: new biotechnologies, present and projected, are providing
new and allegedly powerful means for improving our children. Thinking
about these possibilities invites us to examine our existing practices
and purposes, even as we try to figure out what is new and how it
In most of our efforts to assist our children's development, we
proceed through speech and symbolic deed, using praise and blame,
reward and punishment, encouragement and admonition, as well as
habituation, training, and ritualized activities. Yet nature sets
limits on what can be accomplished by education and training alone.
No matter how much we try to help, the tone-deaf will need more
training to learn to carry a tune, the short will be less likely
to excel at basketball, the irascible will have trouble restraining
their tempers, and the insufficiently smart will remain handicapped
for competitive college admissions. If the inborn "equipment" is
faulty, or even only normally limited and hence inadequate for realizing
some human purposes, it is inviting to think about improving the
native powers or the efficacy of their expression and use. For whether
we like it or not, certain desired improvements in our children
will be possible, if at all, only by improving their native equipment.
Even before the coming of the present age of biotechnology, we
have used technological adjuncts to improve upon nature's gifts.
We give our children supplementary vitamins, fluoridated toothpaste,
and, where necessary, corrective lenses or hearing aids. We even
use biological means of improving their limited human capacity to
resist disease: we immunize our children against polio, diphtheria,
and measles, among other infectious diseases, by injecting them
with attenuated viruses and bacteria in the form of vaccines. But
the scope of these now-routine kinds of biomedical improvement has
until now been limited to restoring or protecting our children's
health in a quite straightforward sense.
It is here where some truly novel biotechnologies enter the picture.
According to some predictions, our ability to improve our children's
native endowments may soon take a quantum leap, thanks to prospects
for genetically engineered improvements of native human powers and
drug-assisted improvements in their use. It is these prospects-for
so-called "designer babies" and for drug-enhanced children-that
we shall consider in the present chapter. The technologies differ
widely, so that they are rarely considered together. Yet once seen
in the context of the common goal, "better children," they raise
overlapping and similarly profound ethical and social issues-especially
about the significance of procreation, the nature of parental responsibility,
and the meaning of childhood.
I. Improving Native Powers:
Genetic Knowledge and Technology
A. An Overview
The possibility of using genetic knowledge and genetic engineering
to improve the human race and its individual members has been discussed
for many years, especially in the heady decades immediately following
Watson and Crick's discovery, in 1953, of the structure of DNA.
New life was breathed into old eugenic dreams, which had been temporarily
discredited by the Nazi pursuits of a "superior race." As late as
the early 1970s, serious scientists talked optimistically about
humankind's new opportunity to take the reins of its own evolution,
thanks to the predicted confluence of genetic engineering and reproductive
But as scientists have learned just how difficult it is to engineer
precise genetic change-even to treat individuals with genetic diseases
caused by a simple one-gene mutation-explicit talk about improving
the species has largely faded. Instead recent years have seen, in
its place, much talk about coming prospects for "designer babies,"
children born with improved genetic endowments, the result either
of careful screening and selecting of embryos carrying desirable
genes, or of directed genetic change ("genetic engineering") in
gametes or embryos.
Interest in such possibilities has been fueled by recent developments
in a number of related disciplines, beginning with the completion
of the Human Genome Project. Knowledge of the complete chemical
sequence of all human genes promises greatly increased powers for
genetic screening of individuals and embryos. Numerous studies are
already seeking to correlate phenotypic traits (and not only those
connected with disease) with the presence or absence of certain
genetic markers. Scientists have reported early success with directed
genetic change in embryos of non-human animals (including primates2),
though many more attempts have failed. And we are witnessing large
increases in the use of assisted reproductive technologies, including
for purposes that go beyond the mere treatment of infertility.3
Extrapolating from these developments, some scientists have predicted
that parents, in the not-too-distant future, will be able to exert
precise genetic control over many characteristics of their offspring.4
These predictions have been greeted both with enthusiasm-"At last,
we can escape from the tyranny of fortune and bring our inheritance
under rational control!"-and with alarm-"What hubris! Scientists
are trying to play God!"
It is difficult to know what to make of these predictions, based
as they are largely on speculation. In this enormously fertile and
rapidly developing field, the future is unknowable. Thus, anyone
can claim to be a prophet, and no one should confidently bet against
any form of scientific and technological progress. Yet in our view,
for reasons that we shall elaborate below, prophecies and predictions
of a "new (positive) eugenics" seem greatly exaggerated. In consequence,
much of the public disquiet created by loose talk of genetically
engineered "designer babies" seems unwarranted. Nevertheless, the
public's misgivings may contain a partial wisdom regarding practices
in this area that are not far-fetched, indeed, that are already
with us, including prenatal and preimplantation genetic screening.
For, as we shall see, there is some reason to be concerned both
about negative eugenics and about the practice of genetic selection
of "better" children. Therefore, even as we try to calm down fears
about genetic engineering of children, it behooves us to pay careful
attention to the reasons behind them and to the human goods at stake.
By this means, we may shed light on the meaning not only of things
we might be doing in the future but also of things we are already
doing in the present.
B. Technical Possibilities
One can distinguish several ways of trying to produce children
with better genetic endowments. First is the use of directed mating,
either choosing "superior" mating partners or using donor sperm
or donor eggs (or both) obtained from "superior" individuals. Assuming
that people with some superior natural ability or accomplishment
are genetically better endowed, and, further, that such putative
genetic excellence is heritable, directed mating of like with like,
so the theory goes, would increase the odds of getting superior
children. People seeking to initiate a pregnancy using artificial
insemination by donor (AID) or in vitro fertilization (IVF) with
donor eggs do check the pedigree (and will soon be able to check
the genetic profile) of the prospective donor for general health
and fitness, as well as for certain desired traits, from height
and hair color to intelligence. In some notorious cases, people
planning to undergo IVF have advertised in elite college newspapers,
offering up to $100,000 for an egg donor with high SAT scores or
"proven college-level athletic ability."5
Yet these approaches to genetic improvement are relatively crude
and probably unreliable, since they all involve the uncertain lottery
of chance inherent in all sexual reproduction, and they overestimate
the degree to which heredity by itself determines traits such as
intelligence or athletic ability. Moreover, most couples would rather
have their own children than those they might get by using gametes
from a "superior" donor.i
We will not be discussing this approach further.
We concentrate instead on various powers that depend upon precise
genetic knowledge and technique: (a) the ability to screen and select
fetuses, embryos, and gametes (egg and sperm) for the presence or
absence of specific genetic markers; and (b) the ability to obtain
and introduce such genetic material in order to effect a desired
genetic "improvement." The first, by itself, leads to two powers
that merely select from among genetic endowments conferred by chance,
the difference between them being the stage at which screening is
done and whether selection is "negative" or "positive." Prenatal
diagnosis during an established pregnancy (using amniocentesis
or chorionic villus sampling) permits the weeding out, through abortion,
of those fetuses carrying undesired genetic traits.ii
Preimplantation genetic screening and selection of in vitro
embryos, in contrast, permits pregnancy to begin using only those
embryos that carry desired genetic traits.iiii
In contrast to both of these, a third power, directed genetic
change (or genetic engineering), would attempt to go
beyond what chance alone has provided, improving in vitro embryos
directly by introducing "better" genes.iv
In theory, these three prospects offer scientists and prospective
parents a range of increasing genetic control, from (1) eliminating
the bad ("screening out"), through (2) selecting the good ("choosing
in"), to (3) redesigning for the better ("fixing up"). Each activity
raises its own ethical questions, some of which we shall consider
later. But in practice, they are not equally feasible as means of
producing better children, and, for reasons discussed below, we
believe that the scale of their use for this purpose will
probably remain low.
We state the conclusion in advance: The first, prenatal diagnosis
and selective abortion, widely practiced since the 1970s in order
to prevent the birth of children with genetic or chromosomal abnormalities,
is a weeding-out procedure; hence its potential to select "better
than normal" babies is negligible, and it is unlikely ever to be
effective or widely used for such purposes.v
The third and most ambitious, genetic engineering of improved children,
is-contrary to much loose prediction-a most unlikely prospect, for
reasons of both feasibility and safety. The second, selecting IVF
embryos genetically predisposed to certain superior or desirable
traits, might soon be possible for some relatively uncomplicated
traits (for example, height or leanness). Yet even here, as we shall
see, there will likely be large-perhaps insurmountable-logistical
problems in obtaining a "genetically superior" embryo for any trait
to which many different genes contribute. Moreover, absent certain
innovations in technology (and greater insurance coverage for assisted
reproduction procedures), this is unlikely to be a widespread practice
in the near future, save for those who are willing and able to undergo
IVF and to pay extra for the genetic screening. Finally, keeping
in mind that most traits of interest to parents seeking better children
are heavily influenced by environment, even successful genetic screening
and embryo selection might not, in many cases, produce the desired
We look briefly at each of the alternatives.
1. Prenatal Diagnosis and Screening Out.
Genetic screening by amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling
is an established feature of prenatal care in the United States
and other economically advanced countries. It is routinely offered
to women of advanced maternal age or to parents known to be carriers
of heritable disorders. Some prospective parents prefer not to screen
and not to know, in many cases because they have decided that they
will not abort, no matter what. But the use of the practice is growing,
and it will in all likelihood continue to do so. The capacity for
screening both parents-to-be and fetuses is certain to increase,
thanks to the completed mapping of the human genome and to greatly
improved efficiency of testing. In addition to detecting more genetic
diseases, new screening powers may also be able to detect a growing
number of genetic markers that correlate statistically with the
presence (or absence) of certain heritable-and desirable-traits
(for example, tallness, leanness, perfect pitch, longevity, and
perhaps even temperament and eventually intelligence). For parents
willing to abort and try again repeatedly, prenatal screening could
in principle be used to try to land a "better"-and not just a disease-free-baby.
But, in practice, such an approach-even leaving ethical issues aside-is
unfeasible on scientific grounds. No genetic selection can "optimize"
beyond what the parents have contributed to the fetus. Moreover,
an enormous number of "trial pregnancies" would be needed to get
an "optimum baby" for any polygenic trait. For all these reasons
this entire approach strikes us as far-fetched, and we shall not
consider it further as a realistic possibility.
Yet, before leaving this subject, we think it important to observe
that the existence and normalization of prenatal diagnosis and abortion
for genetic defect have already had significant effects on our thinking:
about our genetic endowments, about reproductive choice and responsible
parenthood, and about what constitutes a good or "good enough" child.
Attitudes and opinions acquired in connection with this practice
will certainly influence how we are likely to think about and deal
with the coming new techniques for selecting or altering our prospective
children. The ethical issues will be discussed in greater detail
later, in the section devoted to them. To prepare that discussion,
it is worth noting a few salient facts about the current practice
of prenatal diagnosis and some of its social implications-regarding
medicine, children, and parental prerogative and responsibility.
First, prenatal diagnosis has enabled many couples to avoid the
sorrows and burdens of rearing children with severe genetic and
chromosomal disorders. Anyone who has been close to families having
children with Tay-Sachs disease or anencephaly knows the anguish
and misery that are now preventable by such means. Children born
with these and comparable abnormalities endure serious and lifelong
physical and mental disabilities. With certain of the conditions,
postnatal care can restore some hope of a normal life; with others,
such care is moderately palliative at best, and the children afflicted
by these diseases are often destined to live relatively short lives
marked by persistent physical pain and profound mental retardation.
Without the option of prenatal screening, many couples at high risk
for such genetic abnormalities would choose not to bear children
at all; prenatal screening has also enabled women who have already
given birth to an affected child or who are past the age of thirty-five
(when the risk of chromosomal abnormalities begins to rise sharply)
to become pregnant with some confidence of bearing healthy children.
Yet, second, to achieve these benefits prenatal diagnosis adopts
a novel approach to preventive medicine: it works by eliminating
the prospective patient before he can be born. This kind of preventive
medicine is thus in fact a species of negative eugenics-elimination
of the genetically unfit and a reduction in the incidence of their
genes-albeit carried out voluntarily and on a case-by-case basis.
It is true that the tests themselves are value-neutral and that
many genetic counselors are committed to non-directive counseling,
leaving prospective parents free to exercise their individual choices
based on their own value judgments. Yet the very availability of
these tests-accompanied in many cases by subtle pressures, applied
by counselors (and others) to prospective parents, to abort any
abnormal fetus-strongly implies that certain traits are or should
be disqualifying qualities of life that justify prevention of birth.
Third, the practice of prenatal screening has established as a
cultural norm (or at least as a culturally acceptable norm) a new
notion about children: the notion that admission to life is no longer
unconditional, that certain conditions or traits are disqualifying.
To be sure, parents confronted with the painful decision whether
or not to abort an affected fetus may feel deeply divided and moved
by considerations on both sides of the issue, but there appears
to be a growing consensus, both in the medical community and in
society at large, that a child-to-be should meet a certain (for
now, minimal) standard to be entitled to be born. Although, at least
in the United States, the practice of screening and elimination
is likely to remain voluntary, its growing use could have subtly
coercive consequences for prospective parents and could increase
discrimination against the "unfit." Children born with defects that
could have been diagnosed in utero may no longer be looked upon
as "Nature's mistakes" but as parental failings.
Finally, the practice of prenatal screening establishes the principle
that parents may choose the qualities of their children, and choose
them on the basis of genetic knowledge. This new principle, in conjunction
with the cultural norm just mentioned, may already be shifting parental
and societal attitudes toward prospective children: from simple
acceptance to judgment and control, from seeing a child as an unconditionally
welcome gift to seeing him as a conditionally acceptable product.
If so, these changes in attitude might well carry over beyond choices
confined to the presence or absence of genetic diseases, to the
presence or absence of other desired qualities. Far from producing
contentment and gratitude in the parents, such changes might feed
the desire for better-and still better-children.
2. Genetic Engineering of Desired Traits ("Fixing
With directed genetic change aimed at producing certain desired
improvements, we enter the futuristic realm of "designer babies."
Proponents have made this prospect look straightforward, and, on
a theory of strict genetic determinism, it is. One would first need
to identify all (or enough) of the specific variants of genes whose
presence (or absence) correlates with certain desired traits: higher
intelligence, better memory, perfect pitch, calmer temperament,
sunnier disposition, greater ambitiousness, etc. Once identified,
the requisite genes could be isolated, replicated or synthesized,
and then inserted into the early embryo (or perhaps into the egg
or sperm) in ways that would eventually contribute to the desired
phenotypic traits. In the limit, there is talk of babies "made to
order," embodying a slew of desirable qualities acquired with such
genetic engineering. But in our considered judgment, these dreams
of fully designed babies, based on directed genetic change, are
for the foreseeable future pure fantasies. There are huge obstacles,
both to accurate knowing and to effective doing. One of these obstacles-the
reality that these traits are heavily influenced by environment-will
not be overcome by better technology.
Most of the traits for which parents might wish to engineer improvements
in their children-appearance, intelligence, memory-are most certainly
polygenic, that is, traits (or phenotypes) that depend on specific
genes or their variants at several, perhaps many, distinct loci.
In such cases the relationships and interactions among these genes
(and between one's genes and the environment) are certain to be
enormously complex.vi
Isolating all the relevant genetic variants, and knowing how to
work with them to produce the desired result, will therefore prove
immensely difficult. To be sure, not every trait for which parents
might wish to select need turn out to be highly polygenic: for example,
height, skin color, eye color, or even the genetic contributions
to sexual orientation or basic temperament might be heavily influenced
by a very few genes. As we will see more fully in Chapter Four,
one mutation in a single gene has been shown to result in enormous
increases in the lifespan of flies, worms, and mice, and the same
gene has been identified in humans. Yet even here there would be
no guarantee that the predisposing genes, even if correctly and
safely introduced into the zygote or early embryo, would necessarily
express themselves as desired, to yield the sought-for improvement.
Even more of an obstacle to successful genetic engineering is
the practical difficulty of inserting genes into embryos (or gametes)
in ways that would produce the desired result and only the
desired result. Getting the genes into the right place in the cell,
able to function yet without disturbing regular cellular functions,
is an enormously challenging task. Insertion of genes into the host
genome can cause abnormalities, either by activating harmful genes
or by inactivating useful ones. Recently, for example, children
undergoing experimental gene therapy for immune system deficiencies
have developed leukemia after retroviral gene transfer into bone
marrow stem cells, very likely the result of activation of a cancer-producing
gene by the virus used to transfer the therapeutic genes into the
cell.6 And
should introduced genes become inserted into inappropriate locations,
normal host genes could be inactivated. Moreover, because many genes
are pleiotropic-that is, they influence many traits, not just one-even
a properly inserted gene introduced to enhance a particular trait
would often have multiple effects, not all of them for the better.
Running such risks might be justified in gene therapy efforts
for already existing individuals, where the genes hold out the only
hope of cure for an otherwise deadly disease. But these safety risks
will pose formidable obstacles to all interventions in gametes or
embryos, especially nontherapeutic interventions aimed at
producing children who would allegedly be, in one respect or another,
"better than well." It is difficult to see how such an intervention
could ever be considered ethical, especially since the negative
effects might extend to future generations.
As a possible way around the hazards of gene insertion, some researchers
have proposed the assembly and injection of artificial chromosomes:
the new "better" genes could be packaged in small, manufactured
chromosomal elements that, on introduction into cells, would not
integrate into any of the normal forty-six human chromosomes. Such
artificial chromosomes could, in theory, be introduced into ova
or zygotes without fear of causing new mutations. But methods would
have to be found to guarantee the synchronized replication and normal
segregation of such artificial chromosomes. Otherwise, the package
of improved genes, once introduced into the embryo, would not be
conserved in all cells after normal mitotic division. Even more
dauntingly, any gene introduced on such a chromosome would now be
present in three copies (one from mother, one from father, and one
on the extra chromosome) instead of the usual two, throwing off
the normal balance of gene copies among all the genes. The consequences
of such "triploidy" can be deleterious (for example, Down syndrome).
All in all, safety and efficacy standards would seem to preclude
doing such experiments with human subjects, at least in the United
States, for the foreseeable future.vii
It is true that research along these lines might be undertaken in
other countries (for example, China), by scientists unconstrained
by these considerations, with eventual success in effecting directed
genetic change in human embryos. But, at least for the time being,
we believe that we may set this prospect safely to the side.
3. Selecting Embryos for Desired Traits ("Choosing
Unlike the prospect for precise genetic engineering through directed
genetic change, the possibility of genetic enhancement of children
through embryo selection cannot be easily dismissed. This approach,
less radical or complete in its power to control, would not introduce
new genes but would merely select positively among those that occur
naturally. It depends absolutely on IVF, as augmented by the screening
of the early embryos for the presence (or absence) of the desired
genetic markers, followed by the selective transfer of those embryos
that pass muster. This would amount to an "improvement-seeking"
extension of the recently developed practice of preimplantation
genetic diagnosis (PGD), now in growing use as a way to detect the
presence or absence of genetic or chromosomal abnormalities before
the start of a pregnancy.
As currently practiced, PGD works as follows: Couples at risk
for having a child with a chromosomal or genetic disease undertake
IVF to permit embryo screening before transfer, obviating the need
for later prenatal diagnosis and possible abortion. A dozen or more
eggs are fertilized and the embryos are grown to the four-cell or
the eight-to-ten-cell stage. One or two of the embryonic cells (blastomeres)
are removed for chromosomal analysis and genetic testing. Using
a technique called polymerase chain reaction to amplify the tiny
amount of DNA in the blastomere, researchers are able to detect
the presence of genes responsible for one or more genetic disorders.viii
Only the embryos free of the genetic or chromosomal determinants
for the disorders under scrutiny are made eligible for transfer
to the woman to initiate a pregnancy.
The use of IVF and PGD to move from disease avoidance to baby
improvement is conceptually simple, at least in terms of the techniques
of screening, and would require no change in the procedure. Indeed,
PGD has already been used to serve two goals unrelated to the health
of the child-to-be: to pre-select the sex of a child, and to produce
a child who could serve as a compatible bone-marrow or umbilical-cord-blood
donor for a desperately ill sibling. (In the former case, chromosomal
analysis of the blastomere identifies the embryo's sex; in the latter
case, genetic analysis identifies which embryos are immunocompatible
with the needy recipient.) It is certainly likely that blastomere
testing can be adapted to look for specific genetic variants at
any locus of the human genome. And even without knowing the
precise function of specific genes, statistical correlation of the
presence of certain genetic variants with certain phenotypic traits
(say, with an increase in IQ points or with perfect pitch) could
lead to testing for these genetic variants, with selection following
on this basis. As Dr. Francis Collins, director of the National
Human Genome Research Institute, noted in his presentation to the
Council, the time may soon arrive in which PGD is practiced for
the purpose of selecting embryos with desired genotypes, even in
the absence of elevated risk of particular genetic disorders.7
Dr. Yury Verlinsky, director of the Reproductive Genetics Institute
in Chicago, has recently predicted that soon "there will be no IVF
without PGD."8
Over the years, more and more traits will presumably become identifiable
with the aid of PGD, including desirable genetic markers for intelligence,
musicality, and so on, as well as undesirable markers for obesity,
nearsightedness, color-blindness,ix
Yet, as Dr. Collins also pointed out to the Council, there are
numerous practical difficulties with this scenario. For one thing,
neither of the parents may carry the genetic variant they are most
interested in selecting for. Also, selecting for highly polygenic
traits would require screening a large number of embryos in order
to find one that had the desirable complement. With only a dozen
or so embryos to choose from, it will not be possible to optimize
for the many necessary variants.x
The practice of PGD and selective transfer is still quite new,
and fewer than 10,000 children have been born with its aid. How
likely or widespread such a practice might become is difficult to
predict. As we have already indicated, a number of practical issues
would need to be addressed before PGD could be extended to permit
selection of desirable traits beyond the absence of genetic disorders.
First are questions of possible harm caused by removing blastomeres
for testing (up to a sixth or even a quarter of the embryo's cells
are taken). Although current evidence (from limited practice) suggests
that the procedure inflicts neither any immediately visible harm
on the early embryos, nor any obvious harm on the child that results,
more attention to long-term risks to the child born following PGD
is needed before many people would consider using it for "improvement"
purposes only. Because many of the desirable human phenotypic traits
are very likely polygenic, the contribution of any single gene identifiable
by blastomere testing is likely to be small, and the likelihood
of finding all the "desired" genetic variants in a single embryo
is exponentially smaller still. Testing for multiple genetic variants
using the DNA from a single blastomere is likely to be limited-for
a time-by the quantities of DNA available, the sensitivity of the
genetic tests, and the ability to perform multiple tests on the
same sample. But it seems only a matter of time before techniques
are perfected that will permit simultaneous screening of IVF embryos
for multiple genetic variants. And should some of the "desirable"
genes come grouped in clusters, selection for at least some desired
traits might well be possible.
Finally, even if PGD could be used successfully to select an embryo
with a number of desirable genetic variants, there is simply no
guarantee that the child born after this procedure would grow up
with the desired traits. The interplay of nature and nurture (genes
and environment) in human development is too complex and too little
understood to make such results predictable. Given that IVF combined
with PGD is an inconvenient and expensive alternative to normal
procreation, and given that success is doubtful at best, the purely
elective use of this procedure seems unlikely to become widespread
in the foreseeable future. As Professor Steven Pinker put it, in
his presentation to the Council:
The choice that parents would face in a hypothetical future
in which even genetic enhancement were possible would not be the
one that's popularly portrayed, namely, "Would you opt for a procedure
that would give you a happier, more talented child?" When you
put it like that, well, who would say no to that question? More
realistically, the question that parents would face would be something
like this: "Would you opt for a traumatic and expensive procedure
that might give you a very slightly happier and more talented
child, might give you a less happy, less talented child, might
give you a deformed child, and probably would do nothing?"9
Nevertheless, we think it would be imprudent to ignore completely
this approach to "better children." More and more people are turning
to assisted reproduction technologies (ART): in parts of western
Europe, roughly five percent of all births involve ART; in the United
States, it is roughly one percent and climbing, as the average maternal
age of childbirth keeps rising and family size keeps declining.
More and more people are using IVF not merely to overcome infertility
but to screen and select embryos free of certain genetic defects.
Women who plan to delay childbearing are being encouraged to consider
early removal and cryopreservation of their own youthful ovarian
tissue, to be reintroduced into their bodies at sites easily accessible
for egg harvesting when they decide to have children. Other novel
methods of obtaining supplies of eggs for IVF-possibly including
deriving them in bulk from stem cells10-would
make the procedure less burdensome, and would, in theory, permit
the creation of a large enough population of embryos to make screening
for polygenic traits feasible.
The anticipated vast extension of genetic screening will make
many more couples aware of the risks they run in natural reproduction,
and they may choose to turn to IVF to reduce them-especially if
obtaining eggs became easy. Once more and more couples start screening
embryos for disease-related concerns, and once scientists have identified
those genes that correlate with various admirable traits, the anticipated
expansion of improved and more precise screening techniques might
enable users of IVF to screen for "desirable genes" as well. People
already using PGD to screen for disease markers might seek information
also about other traits, as they have with sex or histocompatibility.
And if, once screening becomes automated, its cost comes down, or
if society decides to reimburse for PGD (regarding it as less expensive
than the care of genetically diseased children), the use of this
approach toward "better children" might well become the practice
of at least a significant minority. Under these circumstances, should
genuine and significant improvements be achieved for a few highly
desired attributes (say, in maximum lifespan; see Chapter Four),
one can easily imagine that there would be an increased demand for
the practice, inconvenient or not. In the meantime, we would do
well to consider the ethical implications not only of such future
prospects but also of our current practices that make use of genetic
C. Ethical Analysis
The technologies we have just considered range from the well-established
(prenatal "screening out," using amniocentesis and abortion) to
the speculative (embryonic "fixing up," using direct genetic modification
of embryos or gametes), with special attention to the new and growing
("choosing in," using preimplantation genetic diagnosis followed
by selective embryo transfer). It bears emphasis that genetic technologies
have been and are being devised mainly with the intention of producing
healthier children-not "enhanced children" or "super-babies," but
children who are better only in the sense of being free of severe
disease and deformity. As we have suggested, we have our doubts
whether these powers will soon be widely employed for any other
purpose. Yet there are ample reasons why we should not become complacent
or take these matters lightly.
Powers to screen and select for one purpose are immediately available
to screen and select for another purpose; the same is true for powers
of directed genetic change. And, as already noted, it is sometimes
hard to distinguish between desirable traits that one would call
"healthy" and those that one would call "good in some other way":
consider the case of leanness (non-obesity) or perfect pitch (non-tone-deafness)
or attentiveness (non-distractibility). Moreover, there is ample
reason to take stock of the ethical and social issues related to
present and anticipated practices of screening and selection even
if, as we have indicated, there is no reason for alarm regarding
"designer babies." For the confluence of ever more sophisticated
techniques of assisted reproduction with ever greater capacities
for genetic screening and manipulation is already increasing the
intrusion of science and technology into human procreation, yielding
to scientists and parents ever growing powers over the beginnings
of human life and the native capacities of the next generation.
In addition to welcome consequences for the health of children,
such practices may have more ambiguous or worrisome consequences
for our ideas about the relation of sex and procreation, parents
and children, the requirements of responsible parenthood, and beliefs
in the equal worth of all human beings regardless of genetic (or
other) disability.
Before one can decide whether these changes should be welcomed
enthusiastically, tolerated within limits, or met with disquiet,
one must try to think through what they mean-for individuals, for
families, and for the larger society. In what follows, we shall
examine, first, the reasons why many people welcome these technologies;
second, concerns that might be raised about the safety of these
procedures and about equality of access to their use; and, finally,
more profound ethical questions regarding how these technologies
might affect family life and society as a whole.
1. Benefits.
There is no question but that assisted reproductive technologies
have, over the past few decades, enabled many infertile couples
to conceive and bear children, and that the more recent addition
of PGD holds the promise of helping couples conceive healthy children
when there is a serious risk of heritable disease. The widespread
practice of prenatal screening in high-risk pregnancies has enabled
numerous couples to terminate pregnancies when severe genetic disorders
have been detected. It is the natural aspiration of couples not
only to have children, but to have healthy children, and these procedures
have in many cases lent crucial assistance to that aspiration. People
welcome these technologies for multiple reasons: compassion for
the suffering of those afflicted with genetic diseases; the wish
to spare families the tragedy and burden of caring for children
with deadly and devastating illnesses; sympathy for those couples
who might otherwise forego having children, for fear of passing
on heritable disorders; an interest in reducing the economic and
social costs of caring for the incurable; and hopes for progress
in the overall health and fitness of human society.xi
No one would wish to be afflicted, or to have one's child
afflicted, by a debilitating genetic disorder, and the new technologies
hold out the prospect of eliminating or reducing the prevalence
of some of the worst conditions.xii
Should it become feasible, many people would have reason to welcome
the use of these technologies to select or produce children with
improved natural endowments, above and beyond being free of disease.
Parents, after all, hope not only for healthy children, but for
children best endowed to live fulfilling lives. At some point, if
some of the technical challenges are overcome, PGD is likely to
present itself as an attractive way to enhance our children's potential
in a variety of ways. Assuming that it became possible to select
embryos containing genes that conferred certain generic benefits-for
example, greater resistance to fatigue, or lowered distractibility,
or better memory, or increased longevity-many parents would be eager
to secure these advantages for their children. And they would likely
regard it as an extension of their reproductive freedom to be able
to do so; they might even regard it as their parental obligation.
In a word, parents would enjoy enlarged freedom of choice, greater
mastery of fortune, and satisfaction of their desires to have "better
children." And, if all went well, both parents and children would
enjoy the benefits of the enhancements.
2. Questions of Safety.
Needless to say, the matter is hardly this simple. As with all
biomedical interventions, a primary ethical concern is the matter
of safety: the risks of bodily harm incurred by those subject to
the procedures involved in genetic screening and manipulation. As
with all biomedical interventions in reproductive processes, the
safety issue takes on special gravity and difficulty, precisely
because some of the hazards will be inflicted on the unconsenting
child-to-be, and in the very activities connected with his coming-into-being.
The Council has previously dealt at length with this issue in its
report on human cloning, Human Cloning and Human Dignity,
to which the reader is referred.11
There are, first of all, hazards connected to the various technological
means employed in genetic screening and manipulation: risks
to the pregnant woman, the egg donor (if different from the mother-to-be),
and, most important, to the offspring. In the case of prenatal
screening, whether by amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling,
there are well known, albeit slight, risks of infection, trauma
(to both pregnant woman and fetus), miscarriage, and premature labor.
These risks are weighed against the hazards of not screening, when
the mother is of advanced reproductive age or when there is other
evidence suggesting heightened risk of genetic defects in the fetus.
Of course, prenatal screening serves to prevent genetic defects
only if it is followed up by abortion, which, besides destroying
the fetus, involves some potential health risks to the woman.
Regarding direct genetic manipulation of the germ line,
we have already examined some of the considerable associated risks
and uncertainties in the course of arguing that this technology
is unlikely to be applied to humans any time soon.
Regarding the topic of greatest interest here, preimplantation
diagnosis and selection, there are questions as to the long-term
safety of blastomere biopsy. Although the technique of removing
one or two cells from the eight-cell embryo for chromosome or DNA
analysis does not appear to harm the embryo (at least in those cases
in which it goes on to become a child), there are as yet no studies
looking at long-term consequences for children born after blastomere
biopsy. Such currently imponderable risks might be thought to recede
in importance when severe genetic diseases are in prospect. However,
if PGD were to be undertaken, not to screen out genetic defects,
but to improve native powers, there should be heightened scrutiny
of any possible dangers involved in the procedure.
To date, ethical thinking about the hazards of the techniques
of assisted reproduction has often been incomplete, partly as a
result of the perceived desirability of the end. IVF and PGD are
undertaken with the intention of producing healthy, fit children;
put this way, the enterprise would seem to be much like other medical
practices and, as such, amenable to the same ethical standards.
But a medical procedure designed to produce a healthy person
has a different character from procedures aimed at safeguarding
or healing a patient who is already alive. Yet here our thinking
is ill-served owing to a noticeable lacuna in our approach to the
ethics of risky therapies and (especially) the ethics of research
using human subjects.
Ordinarily, when new technologies are introduced into medical
practice or when medical research is undertaken with human subjects,
the safety of the patients or subjects is of paramount ethical concern.
However, in the case of IVF, with or without PGD, the children who
are produced as a result of these procedures are not considered
subjects at risk, for the simple reason that the embryos being handled,
tested, and manipulated are not regarded as human subjects. Thus,
blastomere biopsy performed on a tiny eight-cell embryo is not treated
as an experiment on a human subject or as diagnosis of a
patient, even though the future health and well-being of
the child are very much at stake. Instead, the ethics of IVF and
PGD are generally dealt with as though the only patient involved
were the mother.xiii
Whether or not one believes that the embryo here manipulated is
a fully human being worthy of moral and legal protection, it is
certainly the essential (and fragile) beginnings of the child who
will be born and whose health and well-being should therefore be
of overriding concern.
A deeper safety question connected with the goal of genetic screening
is whether the normal ethical standard-"the best interests of the
patient"-can be said to apply if and when PGD is used to select
a "better" child. Even when PGD is used only to screen out genetic
diseases-and all the more when it is employed to select positive
traits-the parents are in effect choosing a particular genotype
for their child. The question is, will this unprecedented power
in the hands of the parents necessarily be used for the good of
the child? Should parents be willing to gamble the safety of their
children for the chance to make them "better than well"? What risks
to their health and safety are worth taking in pursuit of improvement
or perfection?
Ordinarily, in most matters regarding children, our society accepts
the principle that each set of parents has authority and responsibility
for the well-being of their own children. Yet there are circumstances
that lead the state to step in to protect a vulnerable child against
abusive or negligent parents. In such cases, the best of parental
intentions do not exonerate. How should our society view parental
(and biotechnical) discretion to seek to produce "better children"
through procedures carrying unknown hazards to those children?
These questions take on greater poignancy once we recognize a
novel but morally significant feature of embryo selection using
PGD, absent in prenatal diagnosis. In intrauterine genetic
screening, there is one fetus being tested, and the question at
issue is a binary choice of "keep" or "destroy." In contrast, in
preimplantation screening a whole array of embryos are scrutinized
and tested, and the choice is not the either-or "yes or no" but
rather the comparative choice of "best in the class." For if one
is going to the trouble of doing IVF supplemented by preimplantation
diagnosis, why not get "the best"-the healthiest and, perhaps soon,
the "better-than-healthiest"? But in order to get the best, or even
in order to get a non-diseased child, one must conceptually "bundle"
all the separate embryos and regard them as if they were a single
precursor. All will be subjected to testing so that the one who
is chosen will be disease-free or better. Yet to make sure that
the child who is to be born is the fittest, rather than his diseased
or inferior brother or sister, the anointed one must bear potential
risks (imposed during the testing) that he would not have borne
in the absence of the parental desire for quality control. For
the sake of which benefits to the child can we justify imposing
on him what kinds and what degrees of risk?
Before leaving the subject of safety and the concern for the health
of children, we observe an ironic feature of the search for better
babies with the aid of genetic screening. What if, as a result of
widespread genetic screening of adults and improvement in diagnostic
screening of embryos, the practice of IVF with PGD came to be seen
as superior to natural procreation in offering a greater
probability of obtaining a healthy child? If the procedures became
sufficiently routine and inexpensive (to the point, say, where they
are covered by ordinary health insurance), prospective parents interested
in healthier (or otherwise better) children might increasingly be
tempted to consider IVF with PGD. Furthermore, couples who would
then elect PGD in order to screen out genetic diseases might well
be tempted to engage at the same time in some positive trait selection.
In that case, what began modestly as a means to help the infertile
bear children and continued as a way to screen out the worst genetic
defects might ultimately stand as a competitor to natural reproduction
altogether, with significant consequences for the family and for
society at large.xiv
As this discussion indicates, the issue of health and safety proves,
on further reflection, to concern more than safety. When biomedical
technology permits the substitution, for natural procreation and
the rule of chance, of a procedure in which parents begin to control
their child's genotype, reproduction becomes to some extent like
obtaining or making a product to selected specifications. Even if
the parents are guided by their own sense of what would be a good
or perfect baby, their selection may serve to satisfy their own
interests more than that of the child. The new technologies, even
when used only to screen out and get rid of the sick or "imperfect,"
imply a changed attitude of parents toward their children, a mixture
of control and tacit expectations of perfection, an attitude that
might grow more pronounced as the relevant techniques grow more
sophisticated. Apparently good intentions-to improve the next generation,
to enhance the life of our descendants-will not guarantee that genetic
screening will be an unqualified blessing for parents and children.
(We return to this subject shortly.)
3. Questions of Equality.
Many observers have noted with concern that, owing to the sheer
expense of IVF and PGD-a successful assisted pregnancy costing,
on average, roughly $20,000-$30,00012
xv-not all couples who could
benefit from these procedures have unfettered access to them. If
PGD were to become an established option, but only for the affluent,
one envisages the troubling prospect of a society divided between
the economically and genetically rich, on the one hand, and
the economically and genetically poor on the other. Severe
inherited diseases might disappear except among the poor, while
genetic enhancement through screening and selection might be a privilege
enjoyed exclusively by the rich. These concerns would, of course,
diminish (though they would not disappear) if, as seems likely,
the costs of the procedures in question come down and access to
these services grows wider.xvi
Yet these legitimate concerns about equality of access rest, ironically,
on certain inegalitarian assumptions that need to be brought
to light. First, the goal of eliminating embryos and fetuses with
genetic defects carries the unspoken implication that certain "inferior"
kinds of human beings-for example, those with Down syndrome-do not
deserve to live. The assumption that the genetically unfit ought
to be prevented from being born embodies and invites a profoundly
denigrating and worrisome attitude toward those who do get
to be born. How will we come to regard the many people alive today
who carry genetic defects that in the future will be screened out,
or the many people, even in a future age of more widespread screening,
who will still be born with the abhorred disabilities and diseases?
The worry over unequal access to PGD is, in effect, a worry about
the inability of the economically poor to practice the ultimate
discrimination against the genetically poor.
Second, when new techniques permit parents to be the partial authors
of their child's genetic makeup, the inequality between parents
and children is substantially increased. Parents thereby acquire
the power, not just of giving life to their children, but of shaping
(or trying to shape) the character of that life. Of course, through
education and upbringing parents have always had an enormous influence
on the lives of their children; but inasmuch as the consequences
of genetic screening are imposed before birth and are carried as
the child's permanent biological destiny, the inegalitarian effect
of the new technology is unprecedented and irreversible.
In response to these concerns, it will be pointed out, rightly,
that genes are not exactly destiny, and that it will prove very
difficult to intervene genetically at the embryonic stage in ways
that will guarantee the appearance of the desired "improvements"
in one's children. But much mischief can be done to a child simply
from the enhanced parental expectations, all the more so if the
child fails to attain the superior native gifts for which he was
selected. And as we shall soon see, we are already witnessing certain
subtle forms of genetic discrimination even though the technology
of screening is still very undeveloped.
4. Consequences for Families and Society.
Beyond questions of safety and equal access, there is reason to
believe that the advent of expanded genetic screening and its uses
in reproduction could have a profound impact on human procreation,
family life, and society as a whole. At present, fewer than 10,000
children have been born following PGD, and the screening procedure
itself is being used to diagnose only a limited number of chromosomal
and genetic ailments. For these reasons, it is both difficult to
predict and also easy to underestimate the societal import of marrying
genomic knowledge with established techniques of assisted reproduction,
should the practice become widespread.
To make vivid the possible implications, it may therefore be helpful
to imagine a future time at which all external barriers to the use
of these procedures have been largely removed.xvii
Suppose that, a decade from now, IVF and PGD have been perfected
to the point where preimplantation screening is safe and effective,
not prohibitively expensive, and capable of identifying a wide range
of markers for heritable disorders. Suppose, in other words, that
prospective parents (perfectly fertile) routinely have the option
of using these technologies in order to select an essentially disease-free
embryo for transfer to the mother's womb.xviii
Under such circumstances-admittedly quite hypothetical-might not
the practice become moderately widespread? Could many people come
to regard using IVF plus PGD as safer (for the child) than the randomness
of sex, and therefore preferable to natural procreation even when
there is no particular history of genetic disease? In societies
in which people are limited-or limit themselves-to only one child,
might they not increasingly turn to these techniques to ensure that
their child might be as "perfect" as possible? And, should this
procedure begin to compete with or even to supplant sex as the more
common route to conceiving children, in what ways would the meaning
of childbearing be altered?
The hypothetical case just sketched may seem like science fiction,
but the important questions it raises are, in fact, implicated in
the current practice of genetic screening. Even though the practice
of PGD is still in its infancy, its availability has begun to influence
our thinking about childbearing. Already the goals of assisted reproductive
technologies are changing, from the original modest aim of providing
children for the infertile to the novel and more ambitious aim of
producing healthy children for whoever needs extra assistance in
obtaining them.xix
Anticipating the coming of augmented powers of genetic screening
and selection, people are expanding the idea of "a healthy child"
and therewith almost certainly the aspirations of prospective parents.
In his presentation to the Council, Dr. Gerald Schatten, a leading
researcher in the field of reproductive biology, stated that the
overall goal of assisted reproductive technology is "to help prospective
parents realize their own dreams of having a disease-free
legacy" (emphasis added).13
The dream of a disease-free legacy-as stated, a goal that looks
beyond merely the next generation-seems rather different from the
merely hopeful wish for a healthy child. And even without such a
broad ambition, the intervention of rigorous genetic screening into
the order of childbearing will likely involve raising the standard
for what counts as an acceptable birth. The likely significance
of this fact is subtle but profound. The attitude of parents toward
their child may be quietly shifted from unconditional acceptance
to critical scrutiny: the very first act of parenting now becomes
not the unreserved welcoming of an arriving child, but the judging
of his or her fitness, while still an embryo, to become their child,
all by the standards of contemporary genetic screening. Moreover,
as the screening technology itself grows more refined, more able
to pick out serious but not life-threatening genetic conditions
(from dwarfism and deafness to dyslexia and asthma) and then genetic
markers for desirable traits, the standards for what constitutes
an acceptable birth may grow more exacting.
With genetic screening, procreation begins to take on certain
aspects of the idea-if not the practice-of manufacture, the
making of a product to a specified standard. The parent-in partnership
with the IVF doctor or genetic counselor-becomes in some measure
the master of the child's fate, in ways that are without precedent.
This leads to the question of what it might mean for a child to
live with a chosen genotype: he may feel grateful to his parents
for having gone to such trouble to spare him the burden of various
genetic defects; but he might also have to deal with the sense that
he is not just a gift born of his parents' love but also, in some
degree, a product of their will.
These questions of family dynamics could become even more complicated
when preimplantation genetic screening is used to select embryos
for some desirable traits. While current negative screening is guided
by the standard of a healthy or disease-free baby, the goals of
prospective positive use are in theory unlimited, governed only
by the parents' ideas of what they want in their child. Today, parents
using PGD take responsibility for selecting for birth children who
will not be chronically sick or severely disabled; in the future,
they might also bear responsibility for picking and choosing which
"advantages" their children shall enjoy. Such an enlarged degree
of parental control over the genetic endowments of their children
cannot fail to alter the parent-child relationship. Selecting against
disease merely relieves the parents of the fear of specific ailments
afflicting their child; selecting for desired traits inevitably
plants specific hopes and expectations as to how their child might
excel. More than any child does now, the "better" child may bear
the burden of living up to the standards he was "designed" to meet.
The oppressive weight of his parents' expectations-resting in this
case on what they believe to be undeniable biological facts-may
impinge upon the child's freedom to make his own way in the world.
Here we see one of the ethically paradoxical consequences of the
new screening technologies: designed to free us from the tyranny
of our genes, they may end up narrowing our freedoms as individuals
even further.
In addition to changes in the parent-child relationship, there
are reasons to be concerned about the wider social effects of an
increased use of genetic screening and selection. There is, first
of all, the prospect of diminished tolerance for the "imperfect,"
especially those born with genetic disorders that could have been
screened out. It is offensive to think that children, suffering
from "preventable" genetic diseases, should be directly asked, "Why
were you born?" (or their parents asked, "Why did you let him live?").
Yet it is almost as troubling to contemplate that "defective" children
and their parents may be treated contemptuously and unfairly in
light of such prejudices, even if they go unspoken. Already, parents
who have a child with Down syndrome are sometimes asked, "Well,
didn't you have an amnio? How did this happen?" Many of these parents
are people who, for their own ethical reasons, have chosen to proceed
with the pregnancy even after learning the results of genetic screening,
electing to love and care for the children that it has been given
to them to love. Yet as the range of detectable disorders increases,
as adult screening becomes ubiquitous and every pregnancy is tested,
and as the economic cost of caring for the afflicted remains high,
it may become difficult for parents to resist the pressure, both
social and economic, of the "consensus" that children with sufficiently
severe and detectable disabilities must not be born.
In all likelihood parents will increasingly feel pressure to conform
to shifting social standards of what is genetically fit. Along with
the freedoms bequeathed by the new technologies comes a certain
danger of social coercion and tyranny of public opinion. Furthermore,
as our table of detectable genetic markers grows more complete,
there is the prospect of using genetic screening to weed out not
only the most devastating genetic disorders but also heritable conditions
that are bad but manageable, or even merely inconvenient. In practice,
it is likely to prove very hard to draw a bright line between identifiable
defects that might justify discarding an embryo or preventing a
birth and those defects that parents might (or should) be able to
find acceptable. It is not clear what resources our society will
be able to draw upon to assist parents in making such important
Should PGD and IVF, contrary to current expectations, ever become
widely used for positive screening of desirable traits, the impact
on society could be even greater. Our knowledge of the human genome
and our powers of genetic selection might grow so great as to unleash
competition among parents eager to bear children who are biologically
destined to be taller, thinner, brighter, or better-looking than
their peers.
It should be noted that the social consequences of the widespread
use of genetic screening alone are likely to outstrip the actual
biological enhancements: those "unfortunate" enough to be born with
genetic "defects" that might have been detected by screening might
well be subject to discrimination, even without waiting to see how
they turn out. The thoughtful (if not quite scientifically accurate)
film Gattaca explores some of the chilling social implications
of a human future in which genetic screening of children has become
the norm. To the careful observer of current practices, the risks
of such discriminatory implications are already evident.
There is one area in which parents are today already able to choose
an important inborn characteristic of their children: sex selection
and control. This practice is widespread in many countries around
the world, and there is some evidence that it is being used with
growing frequency in the United States.14
Strictly speaking, choosing the sex of children is not exactly a
choice for a "better" child, save in those cultures in which one
sex (usually male) is held to be superior or privileged (or more
rewarding to the family economically). But, if "good" means "that
which is desired," it is a choice for a child thought by the parents
to be "better" in the limited, but significant, sense of "more wanted."
In choosing a child of the preferred sex, the parents are acting
to satisfy their own desire for what, to them, is better (at least
here and now).
While it is true that what is being chosen here is nothing
new or different-selection is confined to one or the other of the
eternal alternatives, male or female-the choice is not for that
reason trivial or free from moral implications. Parents choose a
supremely important aspect of their child's lifelong identity, yet
in most cases they do so not for the child's sake. They choose not
because they think that the child will be better off being male
rather than female, or the reverse, but because they now want a
boy or a girl, or because they want to balance a family now lacking
in one sex or the other.xx
The seemingly innocent practice of sex selection in fact raises
many of the larger ethical concerns introduced above: about changing
the relations between parents and children, moving procreation toward
manufacture, and expanding parental choice and mastery over the
next generation. Moreover, what happens in the area of sex-selection
may have implications for other, more far-reaching efforts to choose
or control the genetic makeup of our offspring, if and when that
becomes possible. Both for itself and as a precedent, it is worth
considering on its own this more modest form of seeking "better
In considering the ethical implications of sex selection, we must
attend especially to the social consequences not just of the fact
of choice but of the choices made. For the private choices
made by individuals, once aggregated, could produce major changes
in a society's sex ratio, with profound implications for the entire
community-and also its neighbors. Over the past several decades,
disturbing evidence has accumulated of the widespread use of various
medical technologies to choose the sex of one's child, with a strong
preference for the male sex. The natural sex ratio at birth is 105
baby boys born for every 100 baby girls. But in several countries
today the ratio approaches or even exceeds 120 baby boys born for
every 100 girls. There is also evidence that the ratio at birth
of boys to girls is rising among certain ethnic groups in the United
States. This phenomenon especially calls out for our attention and
demands a broad-ranging ethical and social evaluation.xxi
A. Ends and Means
Sex selection offers a stark example of the marriage that can
occur between modern technique, on the one hand, and ancient custom
or primordial desire, on the other. For the human desire to choose
the sex of one's offspring-usually to have a son rather than a daughter,
but also on occasion a daughter rather than a son-is hardly new.
The folk wisdom of times gone by attests to the enduring power of
this human want, found in mothers and fathers alike. In ancient
Greece, it was believed that if men had sex while on their right
side, a boy would result; and in eighteenth-century France, it was
recommended to men who wanted sons to tie off their left testicle
during intercourse. In our own time, books that claim to reveal
the secrets of having a boy or a girl abound, with one bestseller
recounting myriad methods but recommending the timing of sexual
intercourse as the key. Indeed, the importance to all of us of a
baby's sex is revealed in the first question we nearly always ask
upon news of a newborn (assuming that we have not already found
out by sonogram): "Is it a boy or a girl?"
If the central importance of a baby's sex and our desires to choose
it are old, the medical techniques for realizing our desires are
new. The principal means for doing so are, first, prenatal diagnosis
(either using a sonogram to disclose the genitalia or using amniocentesis
or chorionic villus sampling to disclose whether the karyotype is
XX, female, or XY, male), followed by abortion of fetuses having
the unwanted sex. Second, preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD)
followed by selective transfer of embryos having the desired sex.
And third, a less certain technique, pre-fertilization separation
of sperm into X- and Y-bearing spermatozoa,xxii
followed by artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization. The
first two techniques select post-conception; the last seeks to produce
the desired sex at the time of conception.
These methods were developed (or at least the first two were)
to prevent disease. However, as with many other medical technologies,
nontherapeutic uses were quickly discovered and put into practice.
The techniques of amniocentesis and sonograms have been available
respectively since the 1970s and 1980s and have become increasingly
widespread. Amniocentesis can make a determination of sex at 16
to 18 weeks of gestation; sonograms at 15 to 16 weeks. PGD, the
procedure (described earlier) to screen IVF embryos for chromosomal
abnormalities and genetic diseases, has been available for about
ten years. The newer and less tested sperm-sorting technology was
originally a creation of the U.S. government, invented by a Department
of Agriculture scientist in the 1980s for the purposes of selecting
sex in livestock. The Genetics and IVF Institute in Fairfax, Virginia,
developed the technology for humans and currently has an exclusive
license on it-the technology is known as "MicroSort." The Institute
charges about $2,300 per try, and currently claims a 90 percent
success rate for girls and 73 percent success rate for boys. It
offers this service only for the purpose of "family balancing"-that
is, for achieving a mix of boys and girls in a family.
Even in just the short time that these various methods of sex
selection have been available, they have had dramatic effects on
sex ratios in many parts of the world. Generally, any variation
in the sex ratio exceeding 106 boys born per 100 girls born can
be assumed to be evidence of the practice of sex selection. Here,
from the most recent figures available, are just a few examples
of skewed sex ratios around the world today. The sex ratio at birth
of boys to 100 girls in Venezuela is 107.5; in Yugoslavia 108.6;
in Egypt 108.7; in Hong Kong 109.7; in South Korea 110; in Pakistan
110.9; in Delhi, India, 117; in China 117; in Cuba 118; and in the
Caucasus nations of Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia, the sex ratio
has reached as high as 120.xxiii
While the sex ratio in the United States has remained stable at
104.8, certain American ethnic groups have seen a statistically
significant rise in their sex ratios. In 1984 the sex ratio for
Chinese-Americans was 104.6 and for Japanese Americans 102.6; in
2000, these ratios had risen respectively to 107.7 and 106.4.15
Imbalances in the sex ratio are certainly not evenly spread across
every region of the globe. However, one cannot but be impressed
by the fact that distortions in the sex ratio afflict developed
as well as underdeveloped nations, Hindu and Moslem populations
as well as Christian populations, Western as well as non-Western
nations, wealthy and educated regions as well as those that are
less so. Although the practice is, for now, greater outside than
within the United States, the other nations are mainly using technologies
that we have developed (albeit for other purposes). One can only
expect in the future that technologies of sex selection will be
further refined and that new and cheaper technologies will emerge
on the market. In the absence of some system of regulation, nothing
stands in the way of a continuation and expansion of substantial
distortions in the sex ratio, at least in some parts of the world
and among some communities in the United States.xxiv
B. Preliminary Ethical Analysis
Previous public discussions of the ethics of sex selection, conducted
largely in terms of "sex bias" and "reproductive freedom," have
been oddly ambivalent. On the one hand, despite the widespread and
growing practice of sex selection, it has attracted few overt defenders
or partisans, at least in the United States. Almost no one argues
openly in its favor, and those who do rarely offer up the single
most important reason for its spread-the desire for sons over daughters
(though, as we shall see, this taboo may be changing). To date,
several special panels and advisory bodies in the United States
have considered the ethics of sex selection.16
None of these has condoned the practice; all have raised serious
ethical concerns. Yet, on the other hand, all have insisted that
sex selection should not be made illegal and may at least in some
instances be defensible. Even those who condemn the practice urge
that there is nothing we can do about it without violating our most
cherished principles of reproductive freedom and individual autonomy.
Typifying this approach, the one previous presidential commission
to consider the topic gave several reasons to support its judgment
that the use of amniocentesis and abortion for sex selection was
"morally suspect." First, such a practice was "an expression of
sex prejudice." Second, it was incompatible with the findings of
developmental psychology that the parent-child relationship depends
upon "the attitude of virtually unconditional acceptance." Third,
sex selection treated the child "as an artifact and the reproductive
process as a chance to design and produce human beings according
to parental standards of excellence"-an attitude that the commission
Yet despite these powerful objections, the commission did not see
the matter in black-and-white terms either, and its policy recommendations
were mild:
This is not to say that every decision to undergo amniocentesis
solely for purposes of sex selection is subject to moral criticism.
Nonetheless, widespread use of amniocentesis for sex selection
would be a matter of serious moral concern. Therefore, the Commission
concludes that although individual physicians are free to follow
the dictates of conscience, public policy should discourage the
use of amniocentesis for sex selection. The Commission recognizes,
however, that a legal prohibition would probably be ineffective
and, worse, offensive to important social values (because vigorous
enforcement of any such statute might depend on coercive state
inquiries into private motivations).18
One factor distorting the ethical discussions of sex selection
in America is that it has become entangled-as has the debate over
stem cells and human cloning-in the controversy over abortion. Certain
widely accepted political and ethical principles, such as individual
autonomy, equality, the right to choose, and "non-directiveness,"
are thought to be threatened by any thoroughgoing critique of sex
selection. In the early years, when post-conception determination
of sex followed by abortion was the only means of sex selection,
it was widely argued by many feminist-oriented scholars, as well
as other liberal thinkers, that any legal or policy actions taken
against abortion for sex selection would put the abortion right
itself at risk.
The practice of sex selection also throws other cherished principles
into disarray. Since the end of World War II, genetic counselors
have adhered to the ethical norm of "nondirectiveness." It was hoped
that by this principle they would avoid the coercive eugenic policies
of the past, from forced sterilization to genocide. Yet by mandating
the moral neutrality of genetic counselors, nondirectiveness in
fact makes it easier for individual couples to practice sex selection
as a matter of personal choice. And here too the culture wars over
abortion play a part. In one study it was found that genetic counselors
were reluctant to recommend against sex selection since they considered
it a "logical extension of parents' rights to control the number,
timing, spacing, and quality of their offspring."19
But three new developments conspire to invite a serious reexamination
of this matter. First, there is the growing cultural heterogeneity
of American society, with a rise in subgroups with distinct preferences
for males. Second, there are growing commercial prospects for these
services. Although the sex-selection technologies were originally
developed within the moral framework of medicine and were directed
towards disease prevention, the commercial possibilities of these
technologies are becoming increasingly evident. Sex-selection services
are openly advertised on the Internet, and sex selection could in
the future become a big business.xxv
Third, perhaps related to the second, resistance to this practice
is weakening, including among those who are keepers and purveyors
of the technologies.
In 1999, the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM)
criticized the use of PGD and sperm sorting for sex selection, fearing
that such practices might contribute to gender stereotyping and
In 2001, however, the ASRM relaxed its opposition to sperm sorting
if used for the purpose of "family balancing,"21
and, later that year, the chairman of ASRM's ethics committee appeared
to endorse the use of PGD for the same purpose. When this produced
considerable public controversy, in part based on concern over the
destruction of embryos involved in PGD, the ASRM reaffirmed its
position that PGD for sex selection should be discouraged, in deference
to concerns about gender bias as well as about the moral status
of the embryo. But the Society's recommendations are not enforced,
and several of its members are openly offering sex selection to
their clients.
In sum, although the practice of sex selection continues to grow,
the American public debate over sex selection has never been aired
in full. The new impetus to the growth of this practice, from multiculturalism
to commercial interests, will make it difficult to slow its future
spread. All the more reason to try now to evaluate its significance,
beginning with the most common arguments for and against the practice.
* * *
There are a number of reasons given to support the practice of
sex selection. The most common rationale today for sex selection
is that it permits family balancing, enabling a couple to achieve
its as-yet-unfulfilled wish to raise both sons and daughters. Many
parents have had three or four girls (or boys) in a row, and really
want a boy (or girl); effective sex selection would satisfy this
wish without any risk of continued "failure." More generally, sex
selection is defended on grounds that it could increase the happiness
of the parents by enabling them to fulfill their desire for one
or more sons or daughters. Sex selection is also supported because
it may help to slow population growth (since many families continue
to have children only to achieve a particular balance of boys and
girls); because it may enable parents to fulfill religious or cultural
expectations (since some cultures attach great importance to or
impose special obligations on male heirs); and because it may make
children feel more wanted and comfortable with their sex (since
they will know that they were in fact chosen to be whichever sex
they are).
In certain cultures, the desire of parents for sons is extremely
powerful; in traditional Islam, for example, parents are expected
to continue bearing children until they have at least one son. A
strong preference for sons also appears prevalent in most (though
not all) of the countries of Asia. Sex selection can therefore be
defended on "multicultural grounds," as helping parents to achieve
not merely individual preferences but also traditional and religious
A common objection voiced against sex selection is that, in its
most prevalent practice today, it almost always involves the abortion
of (otherwise healthy) fetuses of the unwanted sex.xxvi
However, sex selection by IVF with PGD involves instead the selective
transfer of embryos of the desired sex and the discarding of any
embryos of the other sex; some people, for this reason, regard this
approach as less morally objectionable than the one that requires
abortion, while others see no moral difference. No such stigma attaches
to the practice, still nascent, of sex selection by sperm sorting;
whether used with artificial insemination or in conjunction with
IVF, sperm sorting reduces the need to discard embryos of the unwanted
sex. Should ongoing research eventually produce selective spermicides
that would permit sex selection via natural intercourse, all such
objections to the means would be much diminished or even disappear.
We would be left to evaluate only the end itself.
The objection most often raised to sex selection, especially as
it is practiced throughout the world today, is that it reflects
and contributes to bias or discrimination against women. Sex selection
has involved the abortion of female fetuses on a massive scale,
or, in a few cases only, the selection of male embryos over female
ones for implantation. As we have seen, sex ratios in some communities
have been altered sharply in a very short period of time. Yet, criticism
of this phenomenon has tended to be muted because of the connection
between sex selection and abortion; those who support the right
to an abortion have generally been reluctant to argue that abortion
for the sake of sex selection should be restricted. The "pro-choice"
idea of "every child a wanted child" establishes the rule in reproductive
matters of the supremacy of parental "wants." Ironically, the "right
to choose," which was and is defended in the name of equality for
women, has in this way made permissible the disproportionate choice
of aborting female fetuses. It is open to question whether the cause
of equality has been well served by this development.
Paradoxically, the anti-female bias thought by critics to be implicit
in sex selection might in fact redound to the advantage of women,
at least regarding marriage: their relative scarcity could give
them greater selectivity, choice, and control of partners. In certain
Asian countries for example, where the ratio of boys to girls at
birth has been severely skewed by sex selection, young men of marriageable
age are already facing a severe shortage of young women to marry.
Thus one might oppose sex selection as much for the actual harm
it does to men as for the prejudice it expresses against women.
But sex selection is ethically troubling for reasons that go beyond
both its potentially discriminatory use and the necessity, under
current procedures, of destroying fetuses or embryos of the unwanted
sex. One of the fundamental issues has to do with the limits of
C. The Limits of Liberty
As we noted earlier, few policy makers or opinion leaders argue
openly in favor of sex selection. Rather, the assumption is made
that our most cherished ideals of individual autonomy and the right
to choose preclude an unambiguous condemnation of sex selection
or public polices that might curtail it. Yet this assumption is
Our society, to be sure, deeply cherishes liberty and rightfully
gives a wide berth to its exercise. But liberty is never without
its limits. In the case of actions that are purely self-regarding-that
is, actions that affect only ourselves-society tends to give the
greatest protections to personal freedom. But as we move outward,
away from purely self-regarding actions to those actions that affect
others, our liberty is necessarily more liable to societal and governmental
oversight and restraint. Sex selection clearly does not belong in
the category of purely self-regarding action. The parents' actions
(their choice of a boy or a girl) are directed not only toward themselves
but also toward the child-to-be.
One might argue that, since each child must be either a girl or
a boy, the parents' actions in selecting the sex do not constitute
much of an intrusion on the prospective child's freedom and well-being.
But the binary choice among highly natural and familiar types hardly
makes the choice a trivial one. And having one's sex foreordained
by another is different from having it determined by the lottery
of sexual union. There is thus at least a prima facie case for suggesting
that the power to foreordain or control the nature of one's child's
sexual identity is not encompassed in the protected sphere of inviolable
reproductive liberty. It is far from clear that either the moral
or the legal right to procreate includes the right to choose the
sex-or other traits-of one's children.
But it is not only that sex selection affects the individual child-to-be
that puts it in a class of actions fit for oversight, regulation,
and (perhaps) curtailment. Sex selection, if practiced widely, can
also have powerful societal effects that reach far beyond individuals
and their families to the nation as a whole. The dramatic alteration
in sex ratios in such countries as South Korea and Cuba bear this
out. Whether or not one views the preference of individuals for
sons over daughters as rational, taken together these individual
preferences could and do have serious society-wide effects. The
males may have diminished chances of finding an acceptable mate,
while the broader society may suffer from higher crime, greater
social unrest, increased incidence of prostitution, etc.-social
troubles closely associated with an abnormally high incidence of
men, especially unmarried men.xxvii
One could argue that the choice of a male child is individually
rational for parents, given the strong preference in certain cultures
for males. But such individual choices may be socially costly-a
case where individual parental eugenic choices do not yield a social
optimum. Indeed, unrestricted sex selection offers a classic example
of the Tragedy of the Commons, in which advantages sought by individuals
are nullified, or worse, owing to the social costs of allowing them
to everyone.22
In such cases, it is acceptable (and arguably necessary) for a liberal
polity to place limits on individual liberty.
D. The Meaning of Sexuality and Procreation
The two aspects of sex control-it is control of sex, and
it is a form of control of offspring-locate the deeper significance
of this practice in two important human contexts: the meaning of
sexuality, and the nature of procreation and family relations. A
discussion of these matters shows why there is more at stake here
than personal liberty.
The arguments previously advanced against sex selection, based
on concerns regarding sexual bias, have been less than satisfactory.
Some have argued, for example, that sex selection would reinforce
gender stereotypes and threaten gender equality-presumably because
it would manifest preferences for boys. Yet these critics do not
specify what they mean by "gender stereotypes" and "gender equality."
Sometimes it seems that they are worried that expressed preference
for males would lead to a return to the world of 1950s-style stereotypes,
with men and women playing distinct social roles. But it sometimes
seems that they are also worried that sex selection would threaten
a positive goal, a movement toward a more genuinely gender-neutral
or socially androgynous society, one in which our socially constructed
human identities would triumph over the mere biology of sexual difference.
But in such a gender-indifferent society, it would presumably make
no difference whether you are a girl or a boy, a woman or a man.
And thus the choice of parents of a boy rather than a girl, or vice
versa, would have no negative implications of gender stereotyping
and would not threaten the equality of the sexes. The choice between
a girl and a boy would be purely an aesthetic choice-as between
pink and blue. And who could then object to letting parents choose?
The very logic and language of gender equality, taken in its androgynous
direction, would seem to soften opposition to sex selection. Further,
there seems to be a contradiction between arguing that "sex should
not count" in opposing the right of parents to choose boys rather
than girls, while at the same time implying that "sex counts plenty"
in approving sex selection for "family balancing." If, as the critics
say, sex does not or should not count, why could they think a sexually
balanced family humanly better than an unbalanced one? By selecting
sex for any reason, does one not in fact acknowledge that
it is very important?
As one of its arguments against the use of PGD for sex selection,
the ASRM has suggested that it might "trivialize human reproduction
by making it depend on the selection of nonessential features of
But if sexual identity is non-essential for many purposes (for example,
at least in theory, in employment or other areas where the law forbids
discrimination), for other purposes it is central to who and what
we are. Humanity exists as a sexually differentiated species; it
is constituted in part by the sexual difference. The reason
is that our bodies are integral to our humanity. There is no generic
or androgynous human "self" to which, as a kind of accidental addition,
either a male or female body is then appended. Were that the case,
sexual identity really would be "nonessential" or "inessential"
to our self. It would not in any sense help to constitute
a person's identity.
If, however, we do not accept that kind of dualism in which the
real self simply is attached to and makes use of a (male or female)
body, then we will have to take sexual identity seriously as given
with our body. Every cell of the body and the entire body plan and
form mark us as either male or female, and it is hard to imagine
any more fundamental or essential characteristic of a person. It
is surely odd, to say the least, to deny the importance of sexual
identity in the very activity of initiating a life.
Seeing this, we can understand why it often seems so important
to people that they have either a boy or a girl. Indeed, it would
be surprising if people did not care about a difference so fundamental.
But acknowledging this, we can also understand why we should be
reluctant to see ourselves as people who may appropriately dictate
such a crucial part of the identity of our child. Many prospective
parents will say quite honestly that they don't care whether their
baby is a boy or a girl; they'll be happy to have either. That attitude
is desirable not because the sex of the child is a matter of indifference
but because it counts for so much. Far too much to be seen as their
responsibility to determine.
In a previous Council report, on human cloning,24
we emphasized how cloning-to-produce-children alters the very nature
and meaning of human procreation, implicitly turning it (at least
in concept) into a form of manufacture and opening the door to a
new eugenics. Sex selection raises related concerns.
The salient fact about human procreation in its natural context
is that children are not made but begotten. By
this we mean that children are the issue of our love, not the product
of our wills. A man and a woman do not produce or choose a particular
child, as they might buy a particular brand of soap; rather, they
stand in relation to their child as recipients of a gift. Gifts
and blessings we learn to accept as gratefully as we can; products
of our wills we try to shape in accordance with our wants and desires.
Procreation as traditionally understood invites acceptance, not
reshaping or engineering. It encourages us to see that we do not
own our children and that our children exist not simply for our
fulfillment. Of course, parents seek to shape and nurture their
children in a variety of ways; but being a parent also means being
open to the unbidden and unelected in life.
Sex selection challenges this fundamental understanding of procreation
and parenthood. When we select for sex we are, consciously or not,
seeking to design our children according to our wants and desires.
The choice is never merely innocent or indifferent, since a host
of powerful expectations goes into the selection of a boy or a girl.
In choosing one sex over the other, we are necessarily making a
statement about what we expect of that child-even if it is nothing
more than that the child should provide sexual balance in the family.
As fathers, we may want a son to go fishing with; or as mothers,
we may want a daughter to dress for the prom. The problem goes deeper
than sexual stereotyping, however. For it could also be the case
that we may want a daughter who will become president to show that
women are the equal of men. But in making this kind of selection
we have hardly escaped the problem, for the child's sexual identity
would be determined by us in order to fulfill some particular desire
of our own. If this were not the case then there would be no felt
need to choose the sex of our child in the first place. And thus
does it happen that in practicing sex selection our acceptance of
our children becomes conditional-a stance that is fundamentally
incompatible with the deeper meanings of procreation and parenthood.
The truth of this matter is paradoxically displayed by a small
fact connected with current American practices of sex-selection.
The assisted reproduction clinics that offer elective sex selection
(through sperm sorting or PGD) require their clients to agree in
advance that they will accept whatever child results, even if the
child is not of the sought-for sex. The clinics are no doubt mainly
protecting themselves against legal liability for a wrong result.
Yet their need to insist on accepting an undesired "product" shows
how the practice itself must make into a matter of compulsory agreement
what the idea of parenthood should take for granted: that each child
is ours to love and care for, from the start, unconditionally, and
regardless of any special merit of theirs or special wishes of ours.
III. Improving Children's Behavior: Psychotropic
In addition to trying to enhance or control the inborn capacities
of their children, parents can try to improve what their children
do with the capacities they have. They can help them improve specific
native gifts (musical, artistic, athletic, etc.) through practice
or training. They can stimulate interest, develop tastes, and enlarge
horizons through reading, travel, and exposure to culture. They
can try to improve their moods, attitudes, and, of course, their
behavior: how they act at home and school, how they respond to authority,
how they comport themselves with family and friends. They can try
to improve their ability and willingness to be considerate, show
respect, pay attention, carry out assignments, accept responsibility,
deal with stress and disappointment, and practice self-control.
In these efforts, parents continue to use, as they always have,
our time-honored methods for child rearing and education. But they
may be acquiring extra help from biotechnology and the novel approaches
to behavior modification that make use of drugs and devices that
work directly on the brain.
Opportunities to modify behavior in children using psychotropic
drugs are growing rapidly, and the young but expanding field of
neuroscience promises vast increases in understanding the genetic
and neurochemical contributions to behavior and comparable increases
in our ability to alter it, safely and effectively. The variety
of available drugs and the range of conditions for which they are
now or may soon be used is large and growing. Today, stimulants
(Ritalin, amphetamine, and the like) are the class of behavior-modifying
drugs most frequently prescribed to children, and they are used
almost exclusively for the treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity
disorder (ADHD). Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)-such
as Prozac and Zoloft-and other antidepressants, widely prescribed
for the treatment of mood and anxiety disorders in adults, are increasingly
being prescribed to children and adolescents for treatment of depression,
obsessive-compulsive disorder, tic disorders, and anxiety disorders,
including separation anxiety and school refusal. Neuroleptics, long
used to treat schizophrenia in adults, are now being used to treat
children for tics, schizophrenia and other psychoses, behavioral
problems in autism, and nonspecific aggression. Research is actively
under way exploring the use of mood stabilizers (for example, lithium)
to treat children and adolescents for bipolar disorder, oppositional
defiant disorder, conduct disorder, episodic explosiveness, and
mood lability.25
A 2003 study found that the overall use of psychotropic drugs by
children tripled during the 1990s, in many cases approaching adult
rates of utilization.xxviii
The growing availability of a wide range of behavior-modifying
drugs offers an ever-expanding armamentarium for parents (and others)
interested in trying to improve their children. Indeed, the mere
availability of such powerful new agents and knowledge of their
effects will invite many parents at least to consider their use,
in order to realize more effectively various aspirations they have
for their children. And if other people's children are already using
them for similar purposes, many parents may feel pressed to give
them a try, in order not to deny to their own child an opportunity
for greater success. Competitive behavior of many parents seeking
advantages for their children is already widespread in schooling
and sports programs; there is no reason to believe that it will
stop at the border of psychotropic drugs, should they prove effective
and safe.
The wish of parents for "better children" most often takes the
form of a desire for children who are more well-adjusted, well-behaved,
sociable, attentive, high-performing, and academically adept. Parents
are moved not only by reasons of parental pride but also by the
belief that children who possess these qualities are more likely
to succeed and flourish later in life. These are perfectly fitting
desires and proper motives, and we might well find fault with parents
who did not share them, at least to some considerable degree. But
the power to fulfill these aspirations through the dispensing of
drugs forces us to wonder both about the propriety of the means
and also about the desire for better children itself: how it should
best be understood and most responsibly be acted upon. What are
the costs, including costs to good conduct itself, of seeking improved
conduct by this means? What are the costs, including costs to flourishing
childhood itself, of trying to secure our children's future success
in life by overzealous efforts to guarantee their achievements or
govern their behavior?
Not surprisingly, the pursuit of better-behaved and more competent
children through the use of drugs, like the pursuit of better-endowed
children through the use of genetic technologies, has raised considerable
public disquiet and debate, both about means and about ends. The
arguments have been highly emotional, yet beneath the surface lie
deep questions about the meaning and responsibilities of parenthood.
Because it involves children already here (rather than children
on their way to birth), this use of drugs also confronts us with
issues of moral education and character development, the uniquely
important yet limited freedom afforded to children, and the complex
meaning of childhood. It also challenges us to negotiate the often
vague boundary between what seems plainly to be therapeutic medicine
and what seems plainly to be parental or social control or performance
enhancement. As with behavior-modifying drugs used by adults, there
is a potential conflict between personal freedom and the need for
prudence and restraint. But because the drugs will often be given
to young children incapable of making important decisions for themselves,
parents must also shoulder a complex and heavy burden of responsibility-whether
they choose to have their children medicated, or to forego the advantages
such medication might provide.
A. Behavior Modification in Children Using
To consider these questions regarding behavior modification in
children, we have at our disposal a rich and illuminating case study.
For several decades now, stimulant drugs have been routinely used
to alter the behavior of children who are inattentive, impulsive,
or hyperactive to an abnormal degree. When the behavior in question
is sufficiently severe, chronic, and early in its onset, such children
are held to suffer from attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
(ADHD). These children frequently suffer greatly (as do their parents),
especially as a result of failures in school, disruptions at home,
and the negative responses their behavior generates from teachers,
peers, and family members. Caring for them is often an ordeal, affecting
everyone in the vicinity. Fortunately, the symptoms comprising ADHD
respond well to prescription stimulants such as Ritalin (methylphenidate)
or Adderall (amphetamine). For the worst cases, these drugs have
proved a godsend, rescuing many a child from failure in school,
trouble with authorities, and general shame and opprobrium. In the
great majority of children diagnosed with ADHD, stimulant drugs
(frequently used in combination with non-medical efforts to alter
behavior) have apparently succeeded in enhancing focus and attention,
calming disruptive behavior, and improving performance at school.
Moreover, their use by children also appears to be safe, non-addictive,
and free of major side effects. Thus, when prescribed for children
suffering from properly diagnosed and clear-cut cases of ADHD, stimulants
are not only an acceptable but a necessary treatment of choice,
and, until now, better than all other available alternatives.
Yet this good news comes with nagging concerns. In recent years
the rate at which children are diagnosed with ADHD and treated with
stimulants has risen dramatically. Although it is difficult to get
precise figures, it is estimated that up to four million American
children are taking Ritalin or related drugs on a daily basis.27
The rapid expansion of both ADHD diagnosis and Ritalin prescription
has raised troubling questions in some quarters. Because there is
at present no definitive biological marker for ADHD, its diagnosis-especially
in borderline cases-can be a matter of subjective judgment. This
has aroused some concern about misdiagnosis of ADHD and overprescription
of Ritalin, especially in children displaying less acute forms of
distractibility and restlessness. The wide variation in the incidence
of stimulant prescription in different parts of the United States
has generated arguments about whether the drugs are underprescribed
(and ADHD underdiagnosed) in some communities or overprescribed
(and ADHD overdiagnosed) in others-or whether both may be true.
Some observers are also apprehensive because the drugs safely used
in small doses in children nonetheless belong to a family of powerful
stimulants (amphetamines) that are dangerous and addictive when
snorted or otherwise abused by teenagers and adults.
Our interest in this case study, however, is not driven by concerns
about the possible misdiagnosis of ADHD in children whose symptoms
are relatively mild or whose maladaptive behavior might have other
sources. Rather, we are interested in the use of psychotropic drugs
to correct this behavioral disorder because it provides an
opportunity to consider what it means in general to seek
better or better-behaved children by pharmacological means. For
this purpose, several aspects of this case study are especially
First, even when stimulant drugs are properly used to treat a
recognizable disorder, they are acting as agents of behavior modification
and control, applied by adults to children. It is aberrant behavior
that justifies their use; it is the diminution or elimination of
said aberrant behavior that is the measure of their success. Second,
there are ambiguities in the set of behaviors being treated: the
symptoms clustered together under the diagnosis of ADHD-inattentiveness
and distractibility, hyperactivity, impulsiveness-can and do exist
separately and in varying degrees of severity, and they are always
targets of possible corrective intervention, regardless of diagnosis.
Third, these symptoms are continuous with unwanted behaviors found
in children who do not have the disorder; indeed, these behaviors
are found to some extent in most normal children at some time or
another. Fourth, the very safety of these drugs in children increases
the temptation of parents to seek and physicians to consider prescribing
these agents as remedies for the undesirable behaviors. Fifth, growing
socio-economic pressures-from schools, clinics, advertising, and
health insurance reimbursement arrangements-are encouraging people
to consider such pharmacological approaches to controlling the behavior
of children. Finally-and perhaps most importantly-the stimulant
drugs used to treat ADHD may also be effective in correcting undesirable
behavior and improving performance even in the absence of a full-blown
picture of ADHD. It is precisely their effectiveness in improving
attentiveness, focus, and steady conduct-coupled with the absence
of serious side effects when they are properly administered in small
doses-that makes these drugs attractive also for the treatment of
inattention, distractibility, and impulsivity in children who do
not manifest the full disorder. Indeed, these drugs have the capacity
to enhance alertness and concentration in children without any symptoms
All these reasons conspire to make the use of stimulants to control
behavior a fascinating and important case study for the pursuit
of "better children" through psychopharmacology. None of us on the
Council questions the reality of attention-deficit/hyperactivity
disorder. All of us believe that children suffering its depredations
should receive the best treatment available, including prescription
stimulants. Though we worry about misuse and abuse, we are not opposed
in principle to using behavior-modifying drugs in children, even
very young children, if circumstances require it. Though we worry
about the consequences of direct marketing of these drugs to parents,
we do not even begin with a decided prejudice against the use of
drugs in borderline cases, where the benefits to the child may outweigh
the potential harms and hazards. And we have no interest in passing
judgment on the practice of medicine in relation to ADHD or on the
criteria for its diagnosis adopted by the psychiatric profession.
Our purpose here is different. Taking our bearing from the generalized
capacities of these behavior-modifying drugs, we are mainly interested
in efforts to use them to achieve improvements in behavior and performance
that are independent of desires to heal disease. By considering
the implications of present and anticipated practices, we hope to
shed light on the promise and peril of a whole array of pharmacological
avenues toward improving our children. Given that anticipated advances
in neuroscience will almost certainly yield many new psychotropic
drugs capable of altering various behaviors, it is crucial that
we prepare ourselves in advance to identify and cope with the ethical
and social implications of using them as agents of control, enhancement,
and behavior modification.
The story of stimulant use by children begins to paint a picture
of what it means to seek to modify children's behavior through drugs,
both within but especially beyond the realm of therapy, and especially
in the light of the powerful social and cultural forces that are
encouraging this practice. By drawing some lessons from the story
of stimulant use in children, we shall try to add some depth and
color to that picture and to suggest some potential concerns that
should be kept in mind as the technology advances and its use increases.
Should we succeed, this picture could function also as a mirror
in which we might be able to scrutinize all of our many efforts
to produce "better children."
Before considering some ethical and social implications, we pause
to review some important aspects of the treatment and the behavior
1. What Are Stimulant Drugs?
The stimulants in question are, for the most part, two related
drugs: methylphenidate (sold under the brand name Ritalin, among
others) and amphetamine (sold under the brand name Adderall, among
others). The two are chemically similar (methylphenidate is in fact
a synthetic derivative of amphetamine), and their effects are analogous.xxix
They were not originally developed as agents of
behavior modification. They were first used in medicine in order
to raise and support blood pressure. Yet their stimulant effects
on the central nervous system have been known for many years, and
these are today almost the exclusive reason for their use. It is
believed that they act primarily on the dopaminergic neurotransmitter
pathways of the brain, blocking reuptake at dopamine receptor sites
and therefore leading to increased dopamine concentrations between
nerve cells. Their effects seem especially focused on the pre-frontal
cortex and the locus ceruleus region of the brain, centers which
are believed to be associated with impulse control, inhibition,
and cognitive functions related to choice and action. Among their
effects are diminished fatigue, improved concentration, decreased
distraction and restlessness, and enhanced effort on demand, as
well as increased blood pressure and greater physical strength,
speed, and endurance.
Such drugs can therefore have a powerful effect on behavior and
performance: concentrating the mind, calming the nerves, enhancing
focus and attentiveness. And indeed, behavior modification with
the aid of stimulants, including in children, is nothing new. Such
drugs have been used by physicians to temper hyperactive children
since at least the 1930s,29
though such uses appear to have been extremely rare until the early
1960s. Over time, the effectiveness of the drugs and the duration
of their action have been substantially increased, and their side
effects have been decreased. Although this class of stimulants can
be prescribed for the treatment of narcolepsy, and as an augmenter
for certain antidepressants, they are by far most commonly prescribed
for the treatment of hyperactivity and disorders of attention. But
they are also used for their stimulant and performance-enhancing
effects by high school and college students, pilots and soldiers,
and others eager to enhance their alertness and attentiveness, say,
for example, during test-taking or combat.
Although they might be successful if tried, such drugs are, of
course, not just routinely used today to quiet any restless child.
Because of their addictive effects in adults, stimulants like Ritalin
and Adderall are not only prescription drugs; since 1971 they have
been classified as Schedule II controlled substances. This means
their production is strictly monitored and regulated by the federal
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). Yet, closer to the ground
of action, their prescription and actual use by pediatricians and
other physicians are unregulated, and there is no scrutiny of off-label
uses. Moreover, because the drugs are so prevalent in most communities,
owing to the high incidence of ADHD, they can easily escape from
professional control. It is thus extremely difficult to prevent
them from being shuttled around from children being treated for
ADHD to other users for other purposes.
2. Behaviors Inviting Improvement through Stimulant
Compared with adults, many children, at many times, might be described
by those around them as restless, jumpy, impulsive, inattentive,
distractible, fidgety, overactive, and unruly. When persistent and
severe, these characteristics can be distressing to everyone in
the vicinity, whether at home, school, church, or playground. People
begin to suspect that these aberrant behaviors may be symptoms of
some underlying disorder, neurological or psychological. In order
to help parents, teachers, and general pediatricians sort out what
degree and combinations of aberrant behaviors or symptoms deserve
medical or psychiatric intervention, behavioral and pharmacologic,
psychiatrists have set down diagnostic criteria for a family of
attention deficit and hyperactivity disorders.
The criteria for ADHD are set forth in the Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders, the standard American reference
for diagnosis of psychiatric disorders (now in its fourth edition,
and often called by a shorthand title, "DSM-IV"). They include serious
symptoms of inattention, impulsivity, or hyperactivity that persist
for at least six months and that cause significant impairment of
function in more than one setting, whether familial, social, academic,
or occupational. The criteria further require that at least some
of the symptoms must have begun before the age of seven; as defined,
ADHD is thus a childhood disorder.xxx
(Readers are encouraged to examine the full text of the DSM-IV criteria,
presented in the appendix to this chapter.)
The causes of ADHD are not fully understood, yet the current consensus
appears to be that it is brought about by some combination of genetic
susceptibility and environmental factors.xxxi
Recent studies have shown that genetic factors contribute substantially,
"with most estimates of heritability exceeding 0.70,"30
and one study has located a major susceptibility locus for ADHD
on a specific portion of chromosome 16.31
Environmental risk factors seem to include traumatic brain injury,
stroke, severe early emotional deprivation, familial psychosocial
adversity, and maternal smoking during pregnancy. Yet despite the
generic genetic and environmental correlations, there is at present
no clear biological marker or physiological test for ADHD. The disorder
is diagnosed solely on the basis of observed and reported symptoms.
In florid cases, a symptom-based diagnosis is easy to make. But
the symptoms themselves shade over along a continuum into normal
levels of childish distractibility or impulsiveness, and, in all
cases, evaluation is unavoidably subjective. Degrees of attentiveness
or self-command in children distribute themselves normally, which
is to say, around a bell-shaped curve. And there is good reason
to believe that the population of children who have ADHD overlaps
with children who appear in the low-end tail of the curve. As a
result, the purely symptomatic diagnosis of ADHD, even when made
by experienced experts after the requisite thoroughgoing examinations
in home and school settings, is always at risk of scooping up children
who lack the disorder but who are nonetheless comparably handicapped.
Where the symptoms are less clear-cut and less severe, diagnosis
is fraught with difficulty.xxxii
Even the codified guidelines of DSM-IV reveal the difficulty: the
Manual's classification of the types of ADHD lists, as an
additional diagnostic category, "ADHD, not otherwise specified,"
a type of ADHD defined by "prominent symptoms of inattention or
hyperactivity-impulsivity that do not meet the criteria for ADHD"32
(emphasis added).
This unavoidable vagueness in diagnosis tends to create uncertainty
with regard to appropriate treatment. In extreme cases, it is easy
to conclude that a child desperately needs a trial of treatment
with prescription stimulants. But in the cases of children who barely
meet the diagnostic criteria, or who barely fail to meet them, the
challenge confronting the child's physician and parents is far more
complicated, and the question of whether to prescribe stimulants
can be quite vexing.
Although estimates of how many children suffer from ADHD vary
widely, there seems to be little doubt that the numbers are rising.
Conservative estimates range between 3 and 7 percent of school-age
children, though only slightly more permissive criteria yield estimates
as high as 17 percent.33
There is also disagreement concerning the cause of the increasing
incidence of the diagnosis. Have children always suffered this disorder
in comparable numbers, but without being either diagnosed or treated?
Or is the increased emergence of symptoms a reaction of today's
children to the peculiar stresses of modern life, the changing expectations
we have for our children, and the tenuous character of many families
and other institutions that should be supporting them? How much
of the increase is due to "diagnostic creep," the tendency of diagnoses
to expand in accordance with the growing use of effective behavior
Although the DSM criteria are carefully set forth by pediatric
psychiatrists, many of the actual diagnoses are made by family physicians
lacking specialized training in these disorders, often on the basis
of brief visits and incomplete work-ups. Studies reveal widespread
regional differences in the frequency of diagnosis, as well as big
differences among various ethnic and racial groups. The true incidence
of ADHD in children cannot be determined from prescription stimulant
use alone, since, for all of the noted reasons, it is highly likely
that Ritalin and similar drugs are both over-prescribed and under-prescribed.
Some children who receive the drugs likely do not require them,
while many children who are in need of treatment are likely not
receiving it.xxxiii
What is clear, however, is that stimulant prescriptions have skyrocketed
in recent years. The DEA attempts to calibrate its production quotas
to meet demand, so that production levels roughly correlate with
prescription levels. In the decade between 1990 and 2000, annual
production of methylphenidate increased by 730 percent, and annual
production of amphetamine increased by an even more astounding 2,500
The overwhelming majority of those taking these medications are
children, though adult use has been growing rapidly. Estimates of
the number of American children taking Ritalin-like stimulants hover
around three to four million.xxxiv
Recent reports also suggest that increasing numbers of very young
children-as young as two years old-are receiving prescription stimulants.35
These levels of prescription and use have created an entire network
of rules, procedures, and institutions within the American educational
system charged with identifying and accommodating those children
who need or use stimulant medications. In countless schools around
the country, distribution of the drugs to those students is a familiar
daily routine, and a generation of American students has grown up
accustomed to the presence of Ritalin and similar drugs in their
schools and, if not in their own lives, in the lives of their fellow
3. The "Universal Enhancer."
The continuity of ADHD symptoms with ordinary behaviors, the range
of their severity, and the resultant difficulty of diagnosis is
only part of what opens the door to widespread use of stimulant
drugs to control behavior. The less-than-precise specificity of
the behavioral problems is more than matched by the non-specific
enhancing effects of the drugs. As first demonstrated by a groundbreaking
NIH study in the 1970s, Ritalin has similar effects on all children,
regardless of whether they meet the criteria for ADHD. Researchers
found that normal boys (and normal adult men) and boys diagnosed
with ADHD had similar rates of improvement in performing certain
mental tasks when given Ritalin.xxxv
The stimulants brought the performance of the ADHD patients up to
normal or near-normal levels, and brought those of the normal subjects
to above-normal levels.36
Stimulants of this sort have therefore been called "universal
enhancers," capable of modifying the behavior and improving the
performance of anyone who takes them. They will calm an unruly child,
whether the child suffers from a recognized psychiatric disorder
or not, and they will enhance the concentration and alertness of
any user.
Herein lies the rub, and a chief source of our interest in this
subject in the present report. The fact that Ritalin and similar
stimulants can be, and quite possibly are being, used to mollify
or improve children who suffer no disorder except childhood and
childishness suggests to us another way in which biotechnology may
affect future attitudes toward rearing the young. Leaving aside
all questions about the way in which ADHD is understood and approached,
we can learn a great deal from the public debates concerning Ritalin
use in children about the forces and pressures that accompany the
emergence and growth of the power to modify children's behavior.
As the ability to modify and pacify behavior has increased, a network
of pressures, incentives, and attitudes in medicine, corporate America,
the educational system, the political system, and the general culture
has formed that tends to push in the direction of greater use of
drugs-these and many others. The deep desire for better children
has for some found an outlet in prescription stimulant use.
We have no doubt that, in most cases, parents, teachers, and physicians
are acting in what they sincerely deem the best interest of the
child. But anecdotes abound of schools and teachers pressuring parents
to medicate their children, often as a condition of continued enrollment;
of doctors, pushed by hectic schedules and distorted insurance rules,
prescribing stimulants to children they have not fully examined;
and of parents seeking a quick way to calm their unruly child or
pressuring their doctors to give their son the same medication that
is helping his schoolmates.37
Powerful social pressures to compete, prominent in schools and felt
by parents and students alike, may play a role in encouraging extra
stimulant use. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act,
without intending to do so, has created financial incentives for
schools-and parallel incentives for parents-to push for an ADHD
diagnosis and treatment.xxxvi.xxxvii
Insurance requirements that tie reimbursement to diagnosis (rather
than to need) also conspire to push for more diagnosis and more
drug treatment; so do insurance rules that base doctors' fee schedules
on the number of visits with patients and provide greater compensation
for short visits offering drug treatment than for longer sessions
exploring behavior-changing approaches.
In a major (and worrisome) change from previous practice, drug
companies have taken to marketing drugs directly to parents, with
spot ads depicting miraculous transformations of anxious, lonely,
or troublesome children into cheerful, confident, honor-roll students.
The presence in virtually every community of children known to be
gaining advantages from stimulants creates a temptation for other
parents to offer similar advantages to their own children. In addition,
strong evidence suggests the growing illicit and self-medicating
use of Ritalin and similar stimulants by high school and college
students, taken (often by snorting and at higher doses) to enhance
focus and concentration before important exams or while writing
term papers. Anecdotes do not make a trend or a rule, and we do
not mean to suggest that this is how Ritalin and similar drugs are
usually used. But there is more than ample cause for concern.
For it is clear that the potential for controlling and modifying
the behavior of children with such drugs already coincides with
the deeply felt desire for better-behaved, well-adjusted, sociable,
high-performing, happier children. This desire is felt not only
by parents of children who suffer from psychiatric disorders, but
by every decent, well-meaning parent of even the healthiest child.
It is the desire to do what is best for one's child and to secure
his or her present contentment and future success. But when this
desire is joined with the power to affect behavior directly through
biotechnology, its consequences may not serve the best interests
of children and parents. Indeed, the power to mold better children
through biotechnical interventions raises serious concerns.
B. Ethical and Social Concerns
Any use of behavior-modifying drugs by children calls for special
attention, not only because drugs might do damage to the body or
brain of the developing child, but also because the causes of human
behavior, perhaps especially in children, are always ambiguous and
because a child's behavior is inherently transitory. If the targeted
behavior occurred only in cases clearly linked to an underlying
medical abnormality, there would be no need for discussion. But
human conduct has so many intertwined roots-native biological conditions,
environmental factors, specific experiences, habits, beliefs, moods,
etc.-that it is rarely possible to pin down the exact source of
a particular "maladaptive" behavior. Even when an underlying disorder
is unequivocally present, it is hard to say with confidence that
its presence alone made someone act the way he did. Then, too, children
are constantly changing as they grow, and they complete the journey
to adulthood by paths many and varied. In children especially it
can be difficult to distinguish between temporary behavior problems
that will resolve themselves later in life and long-term or permanent
aberrations that will respond only to medical treatment.
The crucial ethical and social issues therefore concern not so
much any possible harms to the brain or body produced directly or
indirectly by the medications-a problem shared with all drug use.
What should concern us most are the implications of inserting the
novel and precedent-setting use of drugs into child-rearing and
educational practices, and what this means for the character of
childhood and the nature of responsible parenting. Yet responsible
analysis cannot omit a brief discussion of the safety of the drugs
themselves. For these are, as has been noted, dangerous and addicting
1. Safety First.
No drug is entirely without risk of bodily harm, even when used
as directed. And common sense suggests that any drug whose brain
effects are powerful enough to alter behavior is powerful enough
to do damage, perhaps even as a result of its direct and immediate
cerebral effects. Yet the preponderance of the evidence shows a
remarkably low incidence of side effects when the stimulants are
used, in low doses, in treatment of ADHD and allied conditions.
Unlike adolescents and adults who are often attracted by the hepped-up
feeling produced by amphetamines (appropriately named "Speed"),
small children do not like it. They are thus little tempted to move
to the higher, potentially addicting doses. While some have expressed
the concern that children who use stimulants when young might be
more likely to become drug abusers in their teens and beyond, there
is evidence that the opposite is true.38
By avoiding the dismay and frustration of failure attached to untreated
ADHD, effective drug treatment early is thought to reduce the incidence
of later drug abuse (and other troubles with the law) in the afflicted
population. Yet while the benefits-both direct and indirect-of the
treatment are well known, there is not yet sufficient data regarding
long-term and late-onset effects of having been on stimulants for
several years during childhood. We raise this matter not to cast
doubt on the reasonableness of drug treatment in clear-cut cases
of need where the benefits are great, but to raise a cautionary
flag regarding any behavior-improving uses that are purely "elective"
and nontherapeutic.xxxviii
2. Rearing Children: The Human Context.
Rearing children is a uniquely complicated, difficult, and important
task. As we noted at the start of this chapter, parents must guide
and instruct their children while at the same time allowing them
to develop to their own potential and, to an extent, to follow their
own path. The child has his or her own wishes, wants, and inclinations,
and a parent must discern which of these are detrimental and should
be corrected or countered, and which are expressions of distinctive
personality or identity that should be abided, met, or encouraged.
Parents know that their children must come to learn certain difficult
lessons, and that sometimes the learning is as important as the
lesson. But they also want to shield them from this world's difficulties
and to make their path in life as free of burdens and dangers as
possible. Parents must navigate the narrow way between oppressive
control of their children's lives and negligent deference to their
children's freedom. They know that sometimes their own desire to
do what is best for their child can run to excess, and do harm inadvertently.
This difficult balancing act often comes down to allowing one's
good intentions to moderate one another.
The biotechnical capacity to modify children's behavior threatens
to introduce an element into the mix that is so powerful as to be
very difficult to moderate. In an effective, safe, and relatively
inexpensive way, it would seemingly allow parents to help their
otherwise healthy children behave better, learn better, interact
better, and perform better..xxxix
So why should any parent refrain from making use of behavior-modifying
drugs? In light of our above reflections, the following principal
reasons or worries present themselves: social control and conformity;
moral education and medicalization; and the meaning of performance.
3. Social Control and Conformity.xl
Behavior-modifying agents would allow parents, teachers, or others
to intervene directly in a child's neurochemistry when that child
behaves in a way that defies their standards of conduct. In some
cases, the children clearly benefit; in other cases, they do not.
In all cases, the use of such drugs to shape behavior raises serious
questions concerning the liberty of children.
The liberty of children is, of course, a complicated and controversial
concept. Children are not sufficiently mature, responsible, or knowledgeable
to make for themselves the most important decisions regarding their
lives. Choices about their health, their education, their activities,
their environment, and their future are made for them by others.
And yet, we all recognize certain limits to the degree to which
they may be coerced or restricted. If we take the trouble to think
about it, we remember that children are not just little adults and
that their native gifts and dispositions come in all shapes and
sizes. Some are bold while others are cautious; some are outgoing
while others are shy; some are docile while others are seemingly
unteachable; some are independent and like their own company, others
are dependent and insist on sociability. We recognize that children,
even very young ones, display certain traits of personality and
forces of will that ought not simply to be repressed by others.
Present and emerging psychopharmaceuticals may increasingly enable
us to affect and control these traits in our children, and therefore
to significantly restrict that liberty that nature and society usually
afford them. And whereas the overt behavior of today's overbearing
parents may elicit a friendly reminder or a rebuke from grandparents
or neighbors-"Take it easy on him; he's just a kid!"-the use of
drugs to attain similar goals proceeds out of sight, immune to the
correcting eyes of others.
Individual differences notwithstanding, childhood is generally
marked by a spirited rambunctiousness that, especially in the case
of young boys, often borders on sheer unruliness and hyperactivity.
Curbing the latter may too easily stifle the former, and with it
an important part of growing up. This would not only restrict the
freedom of children, but alter the very character of childhood.
Because schooling is crucial (today perhaps more so than before)
to later success in a world that demands high cognitive skills,
we tend to forget that the temperaments selected over eons of evolution-perhaps
especially in males-are not obviously well-suited to sitting quietly
in classrooms or to the quiet demeanor that classrooms require.
And because our society insists that all children receive more or
less the same kind of education ("No child left behind"), we tend
to ignore important individual differences and instead tend to treat
difficult or non-conforming children as problems. We fail to consider
that their spiritedness might be part of a more ambitious nature,
their lack of attention part of an artistic temperament, or their
restlessness a fitting response of genuinely eager students to uninteresting
or poorly taught classes.
A well-meaning teacher, confronted by an oversized class of excitable
second graders, might judge the most restless and disruptive among
them to be simply uncontrollable and potentially in need of treatment.
The busy, tired parents of an especially fidgety and energetic eight-year-old
might be tempted to seek pharmacological ways to help their child
be more sociable and attentive or do better in class. In some cases
such children really will need medical treatment to be able to perform
even minimally. But in some cases they won't, and the increasing
availability and popularity of the treatment may diminish our ability
to tell the two apart; or, more importantly, it may alter our standards
of when a child is in need of psychopharmaceutical intervention.
Using psychotropic drugs might become, for an increasing number
of children, a social necessity or expectation-merely to keep up.
This enhanced ability to make children conform to conventional
standards could also diminish our openness to the diversity of human
temperaments. As we will find with other biotechnologies with a
potential for use beyond therapy, behavior-modifying drugs offer
us an unprecedented power to enforce our standards of normality.
Human societies have always had such standards, but most societies
(and certainly our own) have in practice tolerated fairly significant
deviations from them, and have greatly benefited from such tolerance.
Some proponents of the new biotechnologies suggest that they will
offer us new options and enlarge our capacity to exercise our individual
desires. Far from restricting variety, they contend that these new
empowerments would serve and increase the diversity of our society.
The point is not without merit. Yet diversity is not only a matter
of options and choice, but also a matter of innate inclination and
temperament, strength of desire and aspiration, and cultivated character.
The power to stifle these latter traits in the name of better behavior
and elementary education seems likely to diminish both the range
of human types in our society and the range of the choices we will
finally make. This danger seems especially great with regard to
techniques of exercising control over children, since parents are
more likely to desire to help their children fit the mold and conform
to the conventional pattern than to seek social conformity for themselves.
As the physician-bioethicist Carl Elliott put it:
[T]he very changes that some people may think of as unqualified
"enhancements" (i.e., becoming more attentive and mindful) are
not quite as unqualified as they may initially think; . . . moreover,
these enhancements may well be changes critical to a person's
identity, a person's sense of who he or she is.39
In an age of routine and widely used agents of behavior modification,
the power to control our children would therefore raise significant
worries about the prospects for benevolently enforced conformity,
restriction of freedom, and perhaps even for the decline of genuine
4. Moral Education and Medicalization.
A further concern has to do with the substitution of the language
and methods of medicine for the language and methods of moral education.
Children suffering from ADHD and similar disorders genuinely lack
some degree of the capacity to impose their will on their behavior.
If a child has poor impulse-control equipment in his brain, repeated
failure will not produce self-command, but rather a loathing of
it. Drugs could help get him to the "level playing field," after
which time he might have a fighting chance to enjoy a normal course
of learning self-command. Yet most children whose behavior is restless
and unruly could (and eventually do) learn to behave better, through
instruction and example, and by maturing over time. Praise and blame
from parents and teachers, patient instruction and extra attention,
as well as the experience of performing poorly or well, can help
strengthen the will of the child, which slowly increases the child's
ability to control his or her impulses and behavior.
Behavior-modifying agents circumvent that process, and act directly
on the brain to affect the child's behavior without the intervening
learning process. If what matters is only the child's outward behavior,
then this is simply a more effective and efficient means of achieving
the desired result. But because moral education is typically more
about the shaping of the agent's character than about the outward
act, the process of learning to behave appropriately matters most
of all. If the development of character depends on effort to choose
and act appropriately, often in the face of resisting desires and
impulses, then the more direct pharmacological approach bypasses
a crucial element. The beneficiaries of drug-induced good conduct
may not really be learning self-control; they may be learning to
think it is not necessary. As Dr. Steven Hyman put it in his presentation
to this Council:
There are symbolic messages to children about self-efficacy.
Behavioral control comes from a bottle. We have the problem of
anabolic steroids for the soul.40
By slowly learning to master his or her impulses, a child not
only comes to behave well, but also learns to exercise genuine self-control
and some degree of self-mastery. The child grows more mature. By
treating the restlessness of youth as a medical, rather than a moral,
challenge, those resorting to behavior-modifying drugs might not
only deprive that child of an essential part of this education.
They might also encourage him to change his self-understanding,
by coming to look upon himself as governed largely by chemical impulses
and not by moral decisions grounded in some sense of what is right
and appropriate.
This concern arises with a number of the biotechnologies we will
consider in this report. By medicalizing key elements of our life
through biotechnical interventions, we may weaken our sense of responsibility
and agency. And, technologies aside, merely regarding ourselves
and our activities in largely genetic or neurochemical terms may
diminish our sense of ourselves as moral actors faced with genuine
choices and options in life. These concerns are especially serious
with regard to children, where those who are treated are not the
ones making the choice to seek treatment. Children learn by their
elders' example, and in this instance they may learn from those
whose opinions matter most to them that behavior is simply a matter
of chemistry, and that responsibility for their actions falls not
to themselves but to their pills. They may behave better, but they
will not have learned why, or even quite how.
5. The Meaning of Performance.
A distinct but closely related concern has to do with the lesson
taught to children about the significance of their abilities. Agents
of behavior modification, like Ritalin, Adderall, and future generations
of such drugs, are at the same time also agents of performance enhancement.
We will take up performance enhancement in its own terms in the
next chapter, but our interest here is in the modification of a
child's behavior by drugs given to him by his elders.
Children's behavior, in the limited context in which we have been
discussing it, is largely a matter of impulse control and self-restraint.
But performance is a matter of ability and skill, and (sometimes)
of one's standing in competition with others. One's assessment of
one's own achievement and worth often has to do with how one performs
in the face of various physical and mental challenges. Building
our abilities and self-confidence-through study and practice over
time-is an important part of all of our lives, and an especially
crucial element of childhood.
Parents understandably want their children to perform at high
levels, to stand with or above their peers, and to succeed. They
know that such things are crucial for any child's future, and they
want their child to do as well as possible. But the introduction
of performance-enhancing agents confuses the picture, in this area
as in the others. Artificial enhancement can certainly improve a
child's abilities and performance (at least of specific tasks, over
the short run), but it does so in a way that separates at least
some element of that achievement from the effort of achieving.
It may both rob the child of the edifying features of that effort
and teach the child, by parental example, that high performance
is to be achieved by artificial, even medical, means. At the very
least it sends a confusing message to the child about the meaning
of performance: one which at the same time puts too much emphasis
on the importance of performance, and too little emphasis on the
integrity of genuine ability and unaugmented merit.
The concerns with performance, together with the temptation to
seek to improve it through biotechnology, are felt first by parents,
and in a sense imposed on children by the parental decision to seek
stimulants or similar enhancers. But with time, as a child lives
and matures knowing that such agents of behavior modification and
performance enhancement have been integral to his life, the child
himself may also come to feel the desire to make use of such technologies.
Performance enhancement will cease to be imposed, and will come
to be a choice, perhaps even more attractive than it is today. In
the remaining chapters, we will take up the subject of freely chosen
adult use of biotechnologies beyond therapy, and consider the sorts
of desires, ends, and means that may shape the human experience
in the age of biotechnology.
To this point we have indicated ways that the use of biotechnical
means can actually undermine the end of better children. But there
are also serious questions to be put to the goal itself, some about
"childhood," some about what is "better." Life is not just behaving,
performing, achieving. It is also about being, beholding, savoring.
It is not only about preparing for future success. It is also about
enjoying present blessings. It is not only about school, work, and
networking. It is also about leisure, play, and friendship. At no
time of life are these truths more evident-and more realizable-than
in childhood. Life soon enough becomes serious, driven, and hard.
The sweetness, freshness, and spontaneity of life are available
in their purest form only to the as-yet-unburdened young.
Some observers of the present scene have commented ruefully about
the way in which much of modern life threatens the innocence and
the simple joys of childhood. People note with sadness how both
a pragmatic concern for their future successes as adults and a precocious
introduction to the troubles of the adult world are obtruding themselves
into the lives of younger and younger children. It would be paradoxical,
not to say perverse, if the desire to produce "better children,"
armed with the best that biotechnology has to offer, were to succeed
in its goal by pulling down the curtain on the "childishness" of
childhood. And it would be paradoxical, not to say perverse, if
the desire to improve our children's behavior or performance inculcated
short-term and shallow notions of success at the expense of those
loftier goals and finer sensibilities that might make their adult
lives truly better.
Diagnostic Criteria for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity
According to the American Psychiatric Association, to be diagnosed
with ADHD a patient must meet the following five criteria (A-E)
(but also see the category, "ADHD, not otherwise specified,"
A. Either 1 or 2:
1. Six (or more) of the following symptoms of inattention have
persisted for at least six months to a degree that is maladaptive
and inconsistent with developmental level:
a. Often fails to give close attention to details or makes careless
mistakes in schoolwork, work, or other activities
b. Often has difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or play
c. Often does not seem to listen when spoken to directly
d. Often does not follow through on instructions and fails to
finish schoolwork, chores, or duties in the workplace (not due
to oppositional behavior or failure to understand instructions)
e. Often has difficulty organizing tasks and activities
f. Often avoids, dislikes, or is reluctant to engage in tasks
that require sustained mental effort (such as schoolwork or homework)
g. Often loses things necessary for tasks or activities (e.g.,
toys, school assignments, pencils, books, or tools)
h. Is often easily distracted by extraneous stimuli
i. Is often forgetful in daily activities
2. Six (or more) of the following symptoms of hyperactivity-impulsivity
have persisted for at least six months to a degree that is maladaptive
and inconsistent with developmental level:
a. Often fidgets with hands or feet or squirms in seat
b. Often leaves seat in classroom or in other situations in which
remaining seated is expected
c. Often runs about or climbs excessively in situations in which
it is inappropriate (in adolescents or adults, may be limited
to subjective feelings of restlessness)
d. Often has difficulty playing or engaging in leisure activities
e. Is often "on the go" or often acts as if "driven by a motor"
f. Often talks excessively
g. Often blurts out answers before questions have been completed
h. Often has difficulty awaiting turn
i. Often interrupts or intrudes on others (e.g., butts into conversations
or games)
B. Some hyperactive, impulsive, or inattentive symptoms that caused
impairment were present before age seven years.
C. Some impairment from the symptoms is present in two or more
settings (e.g., at school [or work] and at home).
D. There must be clear evidence of clinically significant impairment
in social, academic, or occupational functioning.
E. The symptoms do not occur exclusively during the course of
a Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Schizophrenia, or other Psychotic
Disorder and are not better accounted for by another mental disorder
(e.g., Mood Disorder, Anxiety Disorder, Dissociative Disorder, or
a Personality Disorder).
Types of ADHD Using DSM-IV Criteria
ADHD, predominantly inattentive type
If Criterion A1 is met but Criterion A2 is not met for the past
six months.
ADHD, predominantly hyperactive-impulsive type
If Criterion A2 is met but Criterion A1 is not met for the past
six months.
ADHD, combined type
If both Criteria A1 and A2 are met for the past six months.
ADHD, not otherwise specified
This category is for disorders with prominent symptoms of inattention
or hyperactivity-impulsivity that do not meet the criteria for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity
Disorder. Examples include:
1. Individuals whose symptoms and impairment meet the criteria
for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder but whose age at onset
is seven years or after;
2. Individuals with clinically significant impairment who present
with inattention and whose symptom pattern does not meet the full
criteria for the disorder but have a behavioral pattern marked by
sluggishness, daydreaming, and hyperactivity.
* * *
Source: American Psychiatric Association, Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision, Washington,
D.C.: American Psychiatric Association, 2000, pp. 92-93.
i. The Repository for Germinal Choice, a California sperm bank
accepting deposits only from Nobel Laureates or other comparably
accomplished donors, recently closed its doors, having done
only minimal business in the roughly twenty-five years of its
Although a form of "negative" genetic selection, prenatal diagnosis
can give reassurance to prospective parents that such traits
are absent.
Of course, the desired trait for which an embryo is selected
may in fact be simply the presence of a normal gene, lacking
the feared genetic abnormality.
iv. Cloning-to-produce-children (if not
all human cloning) could be considered yet another form of genetic
control of the next generation. After all, the aim of cloning
is to secure a new life with a predetermined and preferred genome.
Cloning gives genetic control not only of a single trait but
of a whole person; the ethical issues attending other forms
of genetic control are, if not identical, similarly troubling.
Many of these issues are explored in this Council's report,
Human Cloning and Human Dignity: An Ethical Inquiry,
Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 2002.
There is one exception that we will consider
later, on its own: the use of prenatal diagnosis and abortion
for choosing sex of offspring. Such sex selection is widely
practiced in some parts of the world and, on a more modest scale,
in the United States. Choosing sex of children need not involve
genetic testing: a sonogram can make the diagnosis.
Growing recognition of the complexity of gene
interactions, the importance of epigenetic and other environmental
influences on gene expression, and the impact of stochastic
events is producing a strong challenge to strict genetic determinism.
Straightforward genetic engineering of better children may prove
impossible, not only in practice but even in principle.
The Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee
(RAC) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), responsible
for ethical review of all NIH-funded research proposals that
involve putting genes into human beings, is, as a matter of
policy, not reviewing any proposals that seek to modify gametes
or embryos. This decision produces an effective moratorium on
all such research (at least that supported by federal funding).
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recently shut down
the practice of ooplasm transfer into eggs undergoing in vitro
fertilization, regarding it as a practice of unapproved germ-line
genetic engineering because ooplasm contains mitochondrial DNA.
Although scientists are able to identify thousands
of human genes and their variants, the fact that at present
blastomere testing is done on the minute quantity of DNA present
in one or two cells limits the reach of PGD in any given embryo
to a handful of genetic variants. However, ongoing research
on techniques for whole genome amplification will likely permit
PGD in the future to test simultaneously for hundreds or even
thousands of genetic variants in the same embryo. Of course,
because of the complex relationship between genes and traits,
the mere ability to screen for multiple genetic variants in
no way guarantees that numerous phenotypic traits will soon
be detectable.
Color-blindness, a single-gene defect, can already
be screened for.
If, for example, a desired trait required the concurrence of
only seven specific genetic alleles and (to take the simplest
case) there were only two alternate variants of each gene, one
would need (on the average) 128 embryos (and even more eggs)
to get the full complement (2 to the seventh power). (This point
is powerfully illustrated in figures VIII.a-c in the recent
report of the German National Ethics Council, Genetic diagnosis
before and during pregnancy: opinion, Berlin: Nationaler
Ethikrat, 2003, pp. 158-160.) Today, in the average IVF cycle,
twelve to fifteen eggs are obtained by superovulation, and roughly
only half make it to the stage where screening could occur.
Of course, if the oocyte supply could be increased, say by deriving
oocytes from embryonic stem cells, this problem might be soluble.
xi. Not all Members of this Council agree
that it is obviously and simply good to assist people in avoiding
the need to care for children who are not healthy. One Member
comments: "It would be good to live in paradise, but, given
that we don't, I am not sure that it is necessarily a good not
to have to care for children who are not healthy. I would have
thought it 'good' to try to produce people who-in a world that
is not paradise-are able and willing to shoulder such burdens."
xii. We know of at least one exception:
the case of a deaf couple using genetic screening to produce
a deaf child.
In several of its efforts to exercise authority over practices
connected with assisted reproduction, such as cloning-to-produce-children
or ooplasm transfer, the Food and Drug Administration has had
to resort to the fiction that the embryo is a "drug," whose
"administration" to the mother is potentially hazardous-to her.
xiv. As early as 1971, only two years after the first successful
in vitro fertilization of human egg by human sperm (and well
before the birth of Louise Brown in 1978), geneticist Bentley
Glass, in his presidential address to the American Association
for the Advancement of Science, was heralding the eugenic possibilities
of IVF. He looked to IVF, coupled with genetic screening of
gametes and embryos, not for the relief of infertility but for
securing "the right of every child to be born with a sound physical
and mental constitution, based on a sound genotype." Glass went
on to predict: "No parents will in that future time have a right
to burden society with a malformed or a mentally incompetent
child." (Glass, B., "Science: Endless Horizons or Golden Age,"
Science 171: 23-29, 1971, p. 28.)
A single reproductive cycle of IVF costs about $8,000, with
roughly a 30 percent chance of producing a baby; PGD adds $3,000
or more to the cost of an IVF cycle and slightly reduces the
chance of producing a baby.
Indeed, one could argue that, under such circumstances, there
may be greater relative gains for the poor than for the rich,
since the former can, to some degree, "catch up genetically."
Even if genetic inequality persisted, the genetically poor might
be better off than they are now.
The discussion that follows is frankly speculative, and only
time may tell how accurate it is. Yet because the stakes are
potentially very high, this thought experiment is useful in
clarifying what such innovation could mean for human procreation
and our attitudes toward children.
The desire for a "disease-free" inheritance will be, of course,
difficult if not impossible to realize. All of us carry genetic
variants that predispose to illness; perhaps a few dozen for
each of us. It is highly unlikely that all of these can ever
be screened out.
A significant and growing fraction of Americans now using assisted
reproductive technologies are not infertile or seeking treatment
for infertility. Dr. Gerald Schatten informed the Council that
up to a third of couples who undergo IVF with PGD choose to
do so without a history of infertility. (See Dr. Schatten's
presentation cited in endnote 3.) In Europe, according to a
2001 survey by the European Society of Human Reproduction and
Embryology, as many as three-quarters of PGD procedures are
performed on couples without a prior history of infertility
or subfertility. ("ESHRE PGD Consortium: data collection III
[May 2001]," Human Reproduction, 17[1]: 233-246, 2002.
See especially Table II: Reasons for preimplantation genetic
diagnosis.) At present we know nothing about the children born
as a result, or how they fare in their families.
Of course, some parents may believe that a balanced family,
with both sons and daughters, is better not only for them but
for all their children. Alternatively, they might believe that
boys need brothers and girls need sisters, or that they (as
parents) are better suited to raising a child of one sex rather
than the other. And, in societies with a deep cultural belief
in the superiority of males, parents might well think they are
doing their child a favor by selecting for maleness.
Our focus here is on the nonmedical use of sex selection-that
is, sex selection for purposes of choosing sex unrelated to
the treatment or prevention of disease. Sex selection can also
be used to prevent the transmission of sex-linked genetic diseases.
For example, in the case of families carrying the gene for hemophilia-an
X-linked recessive disease, affecting only males-detection and
abortion of all male fetuses will prevent the birth of an afflicted
child. In such instances, a clear medical goal is being served.
While some Members of Council would question whether sex selection
for this purpose is legitimate, or even whether the prevention
of disease by selecting for sex is the same as treating a patient
for disease, this discussion will not take up these more general
issues. Our goal is to examine sex selection for itself and
to understand what might be troubling about the practice apart
from the issues of elective abortion or the destruction of embryos.
It is also worth noting that "sex selection for medical reasons"
is a misnomer. It is only incidentally a selection for sex,
but uses sex as the criterion for selecting against a sex-based
disease. Should genetic tests become available that would distinguish
the afflicted male fetus from the non-afflicted one, selection
would no longer be based on maleness, but solely on the presence
or absence of the mutant gene.
For the time being, the separation is physical. But researchers
are also interested in finding immunological techniques that
might differentially find X- and Y-bearing sperm and destroy
or deactivate the undesired ones.
Although data is lacking regarding the techniques people in
these countries use to produce these large shifts in the sex
ratio, we suspect that sonography-plus-abortion is by far the
most common.
If sex selection in the United States were practiced largely
for family balancing (the use of sex selection to help a couple
with at least one child to have another child of the less represented
sex in the family), it is unlikely that we would experience
major distortions in the sex ratio.
Here's how Fortune magazine recently summed up the potential
market just for MicroSort alone: "Each year, some 3.9 million
babies are born in the U.S. In surveys, a consistent 25 percent
to 35 percent of parents and prospective parents say they would
use sex selection if it were available. If just 2 percent of
the 25 percent were to use MicroSort, that's 20,000 customers
. . . [and] a $200-million-a-year business in the U.S. alone."
(Wadman, M., "So You Want a Girl?" Fortune, 9 February,
Note that this is not an objection to the activity
of sex selection as such, but only to an aspect of the means
used. Other objections, considered below, address the thing
itself: the choosing of sex, the choosing of sex,
and the social consequences of the choices made.
At the same time, the preponderance of males may encourage marriage,
discourage cohabitation, and increase the proportion of two-parent
families, given that women, being scarce, could exert greater
control over the marriage market. See, for example, chapter
3 of the recent book on marriage by Council Member James Q.
Wilson (Wilson, J.Q., The Marriage Problem: How Our Culture
Has Weakened Families, New York: HarperCollins, 2002). But
a high incidence of marriage in sex-imbalanced societies does
not solve the social problem of the large number of unmarried
and unmarriable males.
This study does not indicate the conditions for which these
drugs are being prescribed. The mere increase in utilization
rate, though worthy of notice, does not tell us what we most
need to know: why this increase, and is all of it reasonable
and proper?
The public debate over these drugs has tended to use Ritalin
as the generic name for the entire class of stimulants, although
Adderall has actually been the most widely prescribed and used
of these drugs since at least 1999.
Notwithstanding this conclusion, there has been much recent
discussion about "adult ADHD," and pharmaceutical companies
are aggressively advertising remedies for this "disorder" on
In this respect, too, the behavioral disorders being treated
may be seen as paradigmatic. For very few behavioral disorders
is there likely to be a purely genetic cause.
Dr. Lawrence Diller, a pediatrician specializing in behavior
problems whose referral practice gets mostly hard-to-diagnose
cases, estimates that in his experience less than half of the
children for whom he prescribes Ritalin are genuine cases of
ADHD. See Diller, L., "Prescription Stimulant Use in Children:
Ethical Issues," presentation to the President's Council on
Bioethics (www.bioethics.gov), Washington, D.C., 12 December
2002. If diagnostic difficulties obtain even where experienced
and careful experts spend several hours, involving separate
visits also to school and home, to evaluate the child, one can
readily see the risks of misdiagnosis where evaluation is made
during a 10-15 minute visit to the family doctor's office.
A recent study of the use of stimulants to treat
children for ADHD in a rural North Carolina community is instructive.
The authors found that about a quarter of children with unequivocal
symptoms of ADHD were not receiving stimulant medication. Girls
and older children with ADHD were less likely to receive such
treatment. On the other hand, the authors also found that most
of the children receiving stimulants did not actually meet the
diagnostic criteria for ADHD and had never been reported by
their parents as having impairing ADHD symptoms. The authors
concluded that, at least in this community, stimulants were
being used in ways "substantially inconsistent with current
diagnostic guidelines"-underprescribed in some cases and overprescribed
in others. (Angold, A., et al., "Stimulant treatment for children:
A community perspective," Journal of the American Academy
of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 39: 975-984, 2000.) Commenting
on the North Carolina study, Dr. Benedetto Vitiello of the National
Institute of Mental Health emphasized that "research is urgently
needed to elucidate the most common pathways leading to children's
referral, diagnosis and treatment" (loc. cit., pp. 992-994).
We lack comparable data for other countries. In his presentation
to the Council, Dr. Lawrence Diller reported that the United
States uses 80 percent of the world's Ritalin. See Diller, L.,
"Prescription Stimulant Use in Children: Ethical Issues," presentation
to the President's Council on Bioethics (www.bioethics.gov),
Washington, D.C., 12 December 2002.
Thus, the effectiveness of Ritalin and similar
drugs in calming rowdy children or concentrating unfocused minds
does not prove that those being treated have ADHD.
In 1990, Congress passed the Individuals with
Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), which mandates special education
and related services for (among others) children diagnosed with
ADHD. Compared to other alternatives, according to Dr. Lawrence
Diller, "savvy parents prefer to win IDEA eligibility for their
child; it offers a wider range of options, access to special-education
classrooms and programs that are guaranteed funding, and stricter
procedural safeguards." (Diller, L., Running on Ritalin:
A Physician Reflects on Children, Society and Performance on
a Pill, New York: Bantam Books, 1998, p. 149.)
In addition, a doctor's diagnosis of ADHD (or learning disability)
will permit college-bound students extra time in taking the
all-important SAT exam, and, since 2001, without any notice
of this fact reported with the results. It will be interesting
to discover whether more students now declare themselves victims
of ADHD, eligible not only for extra time on exams but also
for stimulant drugs that could improve their attention and performance.
Already the annual production quotas for Ritalin almost tripled
between 1992 and 1995 (and doubled again between 1995 and 2002).
The 2002 quota of 20,967 kg is sufficient to produce a little
over one billion Ritalin pills containing 20 mg of methylphenidate.
Special safety concerns have been raised about
the growing practice of prescribing stimulants "off label" to
toddlers as young as two years old. One concern is that, between
the ages of two and four, the brains of children are still undergoing
important biological development that might be adversely affected
by the use of psychotropic drugs. At present, stimulants are
approved by the FDA only for treatment of children age six and
above. The National Institute of Mental Health is currently
sponsoring a large study of the safety and efficacy of stimulants
among preschoolers who exhibit ADHD-like behavior. See Coyle,
J., "Psychotropic drug use in very young children," Journal
of the American Medical Association 283(8): 1059-1060, 2000,
and Vitiello, B., "Psychopharmacology for young children: Clinical
needs and research opportunities," Pediatrics 108(4):
983-989, 2001.
We say "seemingly," for there may be reasons to question or
doubt whether the use of stimulants by normal, healthy, or even
above-average children would in fact improve performance in
the ways that matter most, or whether the drugs might enhance
certain powers and faculties at the expense of other powers
and faculties. As far as we know, there have been no major studies
on the long-term effect of sustained stimulant use simply as
a performance-enhancer or behavior-improver. There is evidence
that stimulants do improve performance in immediate and specific
tasks such as test-taking. But this is hardly sufficient evidence
of long-term educational benefit.
The phrase "social control" may raise for some readers the specter
of Soviet-style oppression masquerading as psychiatry. We imply
no such prospect. Yet even without any government policy, people
often act to control the social behavior of children. Drugs
offer them a new and potentially powerful way to do so. Our
discussion in this section considers the whole panoply of behavior-modifying
drugs, not just stimulants.
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Dr. Hyman concluded his presentation to the Council with these