Congress has two houses: the Senate and the House of Representatives. These
houses have different procedural rules, and their members serve terms of
different lengths. Senators were originally chosen by state legislatures, but
now both senators and representatives are popularly elected. Reflecting the
original compromise between the large states and the small states, each state
has two senators, at least one representative, and each state has as many
more representatives as its share of the national population, for a total of 435
representatives. Senators are elected from the entire state, and
representatives are elected by districts, if the state has more than one
representative. The districts for representatives are redrawn every 10 years
after the national census.
Congress is the only branch of government that can authorize the spending of
government funds and the imposition of taxes. Each proposed law (bill) must
be passed by both houses of Congress. The president can veto legislation he or
she does not like, and Congress can override a presidential veto only by a two-
thirds majority vote of both houses. The president also can propose legislation
and does so each year when he or she presents the proposed budget.
Ultimately, however, it is Congress that passes laws. To keep Congress from
becoming too powerful, the Constitution gave the power to enforce the laws to
the president.