There are three possible roles for a telemedicine practitioner: local patient
contact; remote consultant; and remote operator. All of these imply contact
and decision making for a specific patient and trigger the formation of a
physician–patient relationship with its attendant legal duties. Running an
Internet site that provides medical information to the general public, rather
than specific advice to individual patients, does not trigger the
physician–patient relationship and is legally more like publishing a book. Such
activities are generally protected by the First Amendment and cannot be the
basis of tort liability, other than for publication related torts such as
defamation. Giving advice to specific patients can trigger a physician–patient
relationship, as would any medical decisions such as writing a prescription or
providing medications by mail order.
Some telemedicine consultations mimic classic phone consultations—the
patient’s local physician knows the consultant and his or her expertise and all
the medical recommendations are given to the local physician, who
implements them as he or she sees fit. As long as the consultant in these
consultations does not do any independent testing or evaluation of data (as
would a cardiologist or radiologist), most states would see this as advice to the
local physician and would not assume that a physician–patient relationship was
formed. This starts to change when the patient is introduced into the
consultation. When the remote consultant makes direct contact with the
patient, either by video or audio, or perhaps even email, there is a strong
presumption that a physician–patient relationship has been formed.