Model Brief Supporting the Fluoridation of Water
This model reply brief catalogues by issue the existing case law to serve as a quick reference guide for government entities seeking support for public water fluoridation implementation ordinances. Because there is not a lot of case law from any particular jurisdiction, available case law from jurisdictions that have considered water fluoridation plans across the country is relied upon. The model brief is formatted so that an attorney from a government entity facing a challenge to its fluoridation plan may insert the specific statute or ordinance currently being challenged, as well as pertinent local case law. Additionally, a government attorney may choose to edit the model brief to include responses only to those challenges to water fluoridation being raised by the opponent in his case. Finally, several websites are cited throughout the brief, intended to help attorneys in one of two ways. The sites listed before the body of the brief begins are links to policy opinions of professional organizations promoting water fluoridation, as a starting point to locating expert witnesses. The websites cited in the body of the paper are provided to lead attorneys to relevant scientific evidence proving the merits of fluoridation.