The primary control over an agency is the enabling legislation that the
legislature passes to establish the agency. Some enabling legislation is very
general. It is not unusual to see state public health laws, at least older ones,
say only that the public health department should protect the public’s health in
whatever ways are appropriate. This is sufficient for civil enforcement,
although it would probably be seen as too vague to support criminal
prosecution. Congress seldom passes any simple laws, but there is still great
variation in the detail in the legislation for various agency functions and civil
law enforcement. In some cases, the law sets out the policy that Congress
wants implemented and the basic nature of the enforcement mechanisms, and
the agency is given the power to flesh out the details with administrative rules.
At least theoretically, Congress leaves more details to the agency when the
regulated matter involves scientific or technical decision making. An example
would be the decisions on research funding by the National Institutes of Health
(NIH). NIH is generally allowed broad discretion to distribute research funds
based on peer reviewed grant proposals. In some cases, however, influential
congresspersons get laws bypassing NIH review and giving research money
directly to institutions in their states.
Americans with Disabilities Act
is an example of a very specific, detailed
law that leaves the agency little latitude for regulatory discretion. Many
provisions of this law were very controversial and the final statute represents
detailed compromises worked out between various interest groups. Little was
left to the agencies to flesh out because businesses and others needed certain
and consistent interpretation of the law if they were to make fundamental
changes in the way they dealt with persons with disabilities. The details of
enforcement and ambiguities in the law have to be worked out by the courts,
rather than by the agency, resulting in a high volume of litigation.