Public health laws are often criticized as antiquated and thus unconstitutional.
The argument is that traditional public health laws do not provide the privacy
or due process protections required under modern constitutional law. It is true
that standards for protecting privacy and for criminal due process protections
were strengthened under the Earl Warren Court. None of these decisions,
however, changed the traditional standards for public health practice. Rather
than extend the protections of the Warren Court to public health matters, more
recent Supreme Court cases clearly favor the state’s right to control dangerous
individuals. The recent case of
Hendricks v. Kansas, [
Kansas v. Hendricks, 521
U.S. 346 (1997)] in which the Supreme Court upheld the preventive detention
of a sexual predator, specifically endorsed traditional public health
The more dangerous flaw in the argument that public health laws should
provide extensive procedural protections is that it ignores the costs of those
protections. Court proceedings take time and money. No health departments
have sufficient legal staffs to have a court hearing before every enforcement
action. This has been specifically recognized in several U.S. Supreme Court
decisions. [
Camara v. Municipal Court of City and County of San Francisco, 387
U.S. 523 (1965)] The administrative costs of elaborate due process
requirements prevent the enforcement of public health laws.
Some states have rewritten their communicable disease laws to provide more
than the protections mandated by the Constitution. These protections often
interfere with local health authorities’ ability to deal with diseases such as drug-
resistant tuberculosis. In many jurisdictions, health officers must bring their
enforcement actions through the district attorney’s office. These offices are so
buried under crimes such as murder that it is impossible to get timely
assistance with public health orders.