All agencies have to interpret their enabling legislation to determine what they
can legally do. If the legislation is clear and detailed, the agency’s role will be
easy to determine and there will be little controversy over the interpretation of
the law. In many cases, however, the enabling legislation is complex and
ambiguous, and sometimes has internal contradictions. The agency must make
its best guess as to the meaning of the law, and anticipate that it will be
challenged in the courts. Even when the law is clear, the agency may have to
respond to pressure from the president to or from Congress regulate in ways
that are questionable under the law. Wherever an agency is operating beyond
the clear limits of its enabling legislation, it can expect to have its actions
challenged in court because such challenge does not require the litigant to
exhaust the agency procedures and thus expose itself to agency sanction as
the price of appeal.
The courts do not defer to agencies’ interpretation of laws because that is the
area of the courts’ expertise. It is not unusual for a court to prohibit an agency
from regulating an activity because Congress did not give the agency authority
for the contested regulations. For example, when the FDA tried to restrict a
physician’s right to give patients his homemade drugs, the court found that the
agency’s enabling legislation did not give it the power to regulate medical
practice. The courts will also intervene if the agency actions, even if authorized
by the enabling legislation, violate constitutional protections, as in the
Goldberg case on the rights of persons being denied government benefits.