The Cruzan case began in a Missouri public hospital. Nancy Cruzan was in a
persistent vegetative state secondary to anoxia suffered during an automobile
accident in 1983. She maintained sufficient brain function to breathe on her
own and to respond to painful stimuli. She was fed through a gastrostomy tube
but was not otherwise medicated or instrumented. Her parents, who had been
appointed her legal guardians, sought to have her nutrition and hydration
terminated. The state hospital, in consultation with the attorney general,
opposed this request. A case was initiated in state trial court, and a guardian
ad litem was appointed to protect the patient’s interests.
The trial court sought to determine Nancy Cruzan’s wishes. Since she had
neither executed a living will nor used a durable power of attorney to appoint a
surrogate to make decisions in her stead, there was no formal record of her
intent. The trial court did find that she had once discussed termination of life
support with a roommate, indicating in a general way that she did not want to
live in a vegetative state. The trial court accepted this conversation as
sufficient evidence of Nancy Cruzan’s wish not to be maintained in a persistent
vegetative state and authorized the termination of her feedings.
The Missouri Supreme Court accepted the guardian
ad litem’s appeal of the trial
court’s decision. The Missouri Supreme Court reversed the trial court’s
authorization to terminate Nancy Cruzan’s nutrition and hydration. This opinion
addressed two central points: Were Nancy Cruzan’s wishes knowable, and, if
not, did her parents have the authority to terminate her life support as an
independent decision?
The court found that Missouri law did not give Nancy Cruzan’s parents, as
guardians, the right to authorize the termination of her nutrition and hydration.
The court did not find that such authority would be constitutionally
impermissible, only that it was not explicitly provided in the state’s
guardianship statute. Having determined that Cruzan’s parents did not have
the authority to discontinue her life support, the Missouri Supreme Court
sought to determine whether Nancy’s own wishes were knowable.
The Missouri Supreme Court started with the premise that the traditional
concept of informed consent applied to decisions to refuse care, as well as
decisions to accept care. Under this standard, there would have to be evidence
that Nancy Cruzan did not want to be maintained in a vegetative state and
appreciated the significance of terminating her nutrition and hydration. The
court also required that the patient’s intentions be proved by “clear and
convincing evidence.” This is a standard that is stricter than the preponderance-
of-the- evidence rule (51%) used in most civil cases but less strict than the
beyond-a-reasonable-doubt rule required to prove guilt in criminal cases.
The clear-and-convincing-evidence standard is used in civil cases when an
individual’s liberty, rather than just money, is at issue. These situations include
involuntary commitment for mental illness, deportation hearings, and
proceedings to terminate parental rights. [
Addington v. Texas, 441 U.S. 418
(1979).] Courts choose the clear- and-convincing-evidence rather the
preponderance-of-the- evidence standard as “a societal judgment about how
the risk of error should be distributed between the litigants.” [
Santosky v.
Kramer, 455 U.S. 745, 755 (1982).] The
Cruzan court chose this standard
because of the gravity of a decision to terminate life support.
Using this heightened standard of proof, the court then reviewed the evidence
presented to the trial court. The court did not find that the testimony in the trial
court’s record provided clear and convincing proof of Nancy Cruzan’s intentions.
In particular, the court found that the reported conversations were only
general reactions to other persons’ medical care and not an informed
statement of her intention to refuse life support if she were in a persistent
vegetative state.
The disqualification of Nancy Cruzan’s parents and the rejection of the evidence
of her own desires forced the court to look for other sources of direction for
determining whether it should authorize the termination of life support. The
court’s decision to reverse the trial court’s order to terminate Nancy Cruzan’s
life support was compelled by a Missouri statute passed as part of the state’s
antiabortion laws: “At the beginning of life, Missouri adopts a strong
predisposition in favor of preserving life. Section 188.010, RSMo 1986,
announces the ‘intention of the General Assembly of Missouri to grant the right
to life to all humans, born and unborn.…’” [
Cruzan v. Harmon, 760 S.W.2d 408
(Mo. 1988).] Although the legislators who passed this law had intended it to
apply to abortions only, the court was compelled by its plain language to apply
it to all human beings, including Nancy Cruzan. This decision was appealed to
the U.S. Supreme Court.