Carefully recorded charts of a child’s growth and development are critical to
detecting long- term developmental problems and chronic illnesses with gradual
onset. The child’s physical development should be recorded on height and
weight charts. Height and weight should be recorded at regular intervals, and
weights should be taken at every visit. Weights should be measured at every
pediatric visit for acute illness. A physician cannot access hydration or weight
loss in a small child if there is no record of the child’s weight before the onset
of the illness.
The data should be plotted at the time they are taken. The most legally
damaging situation is to have height and weight information recorded in the
child’s chart but not plotted. It is impossible to evaluate changes in these data
without comparing them with previous measurements and the norms on the
charts. When the physician’s care is questioned, the plaintiff’s attorney will plot
the data to demonstrate to the jury that the physician should have seen