Unlike automobile accidents, most medical malpractice litigation involves
plaintiffs with substantial preexisting illness. These cases require expert
testimony on the issue of causation—the extent that the defendant’s
negligence increased the patient’s medical costs. If the patient has a serious
chronic disease, it may be impossible to prove that the physician’s negligence
increased the cost of the patient’s care. This fact, combined with the patient’s
limited earning capacity, makes it very difficult to establish sufficient damages
to justify bringing a medical malpractice lawsuit on behalf of an elderly,
chronically ill patient.
There are two classes of cases in which the defendant causes an injury
independent of the patient’s preexisting illness or condition. A small number
are pure accidents, unrelated to questions about medical judgment. Typical of
these are slips and falls in the hospital, burns from improperly grounded
electrosurgical devices, and the patient’s receiving medications and procedures
meant for a different patient. It is usually easy to separate the medical costs of
these mishaps from the patient’s overall medical care. The more difficult cases
are those in which the patient has a self- limited or curable medical condition
and suffers a severe injury from medical treatment—for example, birth trauma
cases and anesthesia-related injuries in otherwise healthy persons undergoing
elective procedures such as orthopaedic surgery. The plaintiff may have
difficulty in proving that the defendant was negligent, but once negligence has
been established, the excess medical costs are obvious.