The most important nonmonetary civil remedy is the injunction. In certain
situations, the court has the right to order that a person be prevented from or,
more rarely, required to do something. This order is called an
injunction. To
obtain a temporary injunction, the plaintiff must show that the defendant’s
actions would cause irreparable harm and that the plaintiff has a substantial
chance of prevailing in a trial. The key issue in an injunction is convincing the
court that the harm cannot be cured by just paying the plaintiff money later. In
a medical context, a surgeon might try to get an injunction to prevent a
hospital from a summary termination of his or her medical staff privileges. The
surgeon’s argument would be that his or her career and reputation would be
permanently damaged and that his or her patients would be put at risk. The
judge might grant such an injunction unless the hospital could show that the
risk to patients was greater if the surgeon were allowed to continue to practice
while the hospital conducted hearings on the termination of privileges.
When a temporary injunction is granted, the plaintiff must post a bond that is
sufficient to compensate the defendant if the plaintiff does not prevail in the
case. If the plaintiff does prevail, the bond is refunded, and the court may
enter a permanent injunction to prevent the complained-of conduct. If the
defendant prevails, the bond will be used to pay any damages that the
defendant can prove were caused by the injunction. Since an injunction is a
court order, violating an injunction is contempt of court and may be punished
by a fine or imprisonment.
Injunctions are often requested in cases such as medical staff disputes,
withdrawal of life support cases, and cases involving the treatment of children.
In these cases, the complaining party attempts to convince the court that since
human lives are at stake, the court must step in. In some cases, courts have
tried to order pregnant women not to have abortions, or to submit to certain
types of medical care ordered by their physicians. These are controversial
actions and will be discussed in greater detail in subsequent sections. In some
cases these are resolved by injunctions, but in most cases they require the
appointment of a guardian who will determine what is in the best interest of
the patient.
The courts are generally unwilling to use injunctions to enforce personal service
contracts, such as research contracts or employment contracts. As an example,
assume that you sign a contract to perform a study for the Dreck drug
company but never complete the study. Dreck is furious and sues to force you
to complete the study. You offer to return the money you have been paid, but
Dreck refuses, claiming that you must complete the study so approval of its
drug will not be delayed. Since you have a detailed agreement as to how the
study is to be conducted, why shouldn’t the court force you to comply with the
The problem with ordering the performance of a personal services contract is
that courts want to make rulings that end disputes. If the court orders you to
complete the study, it will be faced with determining whether you are working
fast enough, if your work is of acceptable quality, and other issues as to the
performance of the contract. The court’s ruling would only create new disputes.
This pragmatism, combined with a reluctance to interfere in individual
behavior, results in the policy of refusing to enforce personal services
contracts. The court may award the plaintiff (Dreck) monetary damages for
any extra costs entailed in having someone else complete the study.
An increasingly common problem is the reverse of this situation: the medical
care practitioner has signed a contract that has a noncompete agreement. This
might say that the signer agrees not to work for competing managed care plan
for a year, or that the practitioner will not practice within three miles of the
previous employer for two years. If the practitioner violates the terms of these
contracts, the courts are often willing to grant an injunction to force the
practitioner to quit the noncomplying job. Unlike an order to do a job, which
can require ongoing supervision, an order to not do a job is simple to enforce.