The increase in severe sexually transmitted disease in the general population
has made this a paramount consideration in artificial insemination. Virtually
any venereal disease can be transmitted by fresh or processed semen. There
have been cases of infection with HIV through artificial insemination. In such a
case, there could be costly suits on behalf of the infected woman and on behalf
of the baby if it is also infected.
There are medical standards for screening donors and treating specimens to
prevent the spread of disease, and these should be followed carefully. The
current recommendation on HIV control requires that the donor be tested for
HIV when the semen is collected. The semen is then frozen for six months. The
donor is tested again at the end of the six months. Only after this second test
is negative can the semen be used. [ACOG Committee Opinion 109.
Maximizing Pregnancy Rates Resulting from Donor Insemination with Frozen
Semen. April 1992.]