Exhibit 7–1 P.L. Mccarthy’s Technique For Evaluating Pediatric Patients
Quality of Cry
1—strong cry with normal tone or contented and not crying
2—whimpering or sobbing
3—weak cry, moaning, or high-pitched cry
Reaction to Parental Stimulation
1—cries briefly and then stops, or is contented and not crying
2—cries off and on
3—cries continually or hardly responds
State Variation
1—if awake, stays awake, or if asleep and then stimulated, awakens quickly
2—closes eyes briefly when awake, or awakens with prolonged stimulation
3—falls asleep or will not arouse
2—pale extremities or acrocyanosis
3—pale, cyanotic, mottled or ashen
1—normal skin and eyes, moist mucous membranes
2—normal skin and eyes, slightly dry mouth
3—doughy or tented skin, dry mucous membranes and/or sunken eyes
Response (Talk, Smile) to Social Overtures, Over 2 Months
1—smiles or alerts
2—smiles briefly or alerts briefly
3—no smile, anxious face, dull expression, or does not alert