This section defines the condition that triggers the use of the particular
protocol. There may be more than one set of criteria that trigger the same
protocol. The criteria will be very specific. A differential diagnosis has no place
in a strict protocol:
Diagnostic Criteria for Strep Throat
1. Positive strep culture or rapid strep test on pharyngeal swab
2. Sore throat or cervical adenopathy in a household or day care contact to a
laboratory- confirmed case of strep throat
3. Asymptomatic member of a household with two or more laboratory-
confirmed cases of strep throat
4. Established patient with two or more laboratory-confirmed episodes of strep
throat who now has symptoms that are typical for strep in this patient
5. Any sore throat in a patient with a history of rheumatic fever
This list gives five circumstances that trigger the protocol and allow the NPP to
treat the patient for strep throat. The criteria take into account medical
history, physical examination, patient complaints, laboratory tests, and living
situation. The NPP may do the entire history, examination, and laboratory tests
but is not called upon to judge what constitutes the need for treatment of
strep throat. This diagnostic judgment is made by the physician in authorizing
the protocol. A nurse who treated a patient for strep throat because he or she
thought the throat was so red that it could not be anything else would be
acting outside the protocol.