The first administrative agencies were the local boards of health and citizens
commissions in the colonies. They dealt with quarantine and nuisance and any
other threats to the public health and welfare. Although the members were
volunteers, rather than governmental employees, they tried to get citizen
members who had expertise in the matters at hand, which usually included a
physician to advise on health issues. These boards were preserved in the early
post-Constitutional period, becoming the first agencies of the new state
governments. At this period, the federal government was very small and its
first agency functions were also health related—the formation of the public
health hospital system to treat sailors. Although these hospitals treated the full
range of naval injuries, they were termed public health hospitals because
sailors were a major source of contagion brought in from foreign voyages.
This early history shaped the legal conception of agencies as bodies with
expertise in the area that they regulated, exercising governmental power to
remedy threats to the public health. They might be made up of private citizens
or of government employees, or, commonly, a citizen board including experts
such as physicians and engineers overseeing governmental employees. They
were not a police force, in that their legal authority extended only to
controlling threats to the public health and safety, not punishing the persons
who caused the threats. The distinction between punishment and prevention is
critical: whenever there is threat of imprisonment, the government must
provide full criminal law due process provisions. Since such protections include
pervasive limits on searches, the necessity of court hearings before many
actions can be taken, and the right of the defendant to have counsel and to
contest most stages of the proceeding, they make it impossible to act quickly
or flexibly. In a classic case, the owners of a freezer plant attacked the right of
a public health agency to seize and destroy thousands of pounds of chickens
that had thawed when the refrigeration failed. The court ruled that the agency
was justified in seizing and destroying the chicken without having a court
hearing first because of the potential threat to the public. [
North Am. Cold
Storage Co. v. City of Chicago, 211 U.S. 306 (1908)