
Guidelines for Defining Public Health Research
and Public Health Non-Research
Revised October 4, 1999
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is committed to preventing disease and
injury and improving health for all Americans. CDC is also committed to protecting individuals
who participate in all public health activities. In the conduct of public health research, CDC
follows the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 45, Part 46, The Public Health Service Act as
amended by the Health Research Extension Act of 1985, Public Law 99-158, which sets forth
regulations for the protection of human subjects.
This document, Defining Public Health Research and Public Health Non-Research, sets
forth CDC guidelines on the definition of public health research conducted by CDC staff
irrespective of the funding source (i.e., provided by CDC or by another entity). Under Federal
regulations (45 CFR 46), the final determination of what is research and whether the Federal
regulations are applicable lies with CDC and, ultimately, with the Office for Protection from
Research Risks (OPRR). Thus, this document is intended to provide guidance to state and local
health departments and other institutions that conduct collaborative research with CDC staff
or that are recipients of CDC funds. The guidelines are intended to ensure both the protection
of human subjects and the effective practice of public health.
In 1974, the Department of Health and Human Services (formerly the Department of Health,
Education and Welfare) developed regulations to assure the protection of human subjects from
research risks. These regulations were developed to address ethical issues raised in
connection with biomedical or behavioral research involving human subjects. Because most
biomedical research is funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the regulations were
developed to deal specifically with the types of research funded by NIH. The regulations have
been revised several times; currently the Department is operating under Title 45 Code of
Federal Regulations Part 46, 1991 revision. The regulations will be referred to as 45 CFR 46.
The practice of public health poses several challenges in implementing 45 CFR 46. Although
some public health activities can unambiguously be classified as either research or
non-research, for other activities the classification is more difficult. The difficulty in
classifying some public health activities as research or non-research stems either from
traditionally held views about what constitutes public health practice or from the fact that
45 CFR 46 does not directly address many public health activities. In addition, the statutory
authority of state and local health departments to conduct public health activities using
methods similar to those used by researchers is not recognized in the regulations. Human
subject protections applicable for activities occurring at the boundary between public health
non-research and public health research are not readily interpretable from the regulations.
The regulations state that "research means a systematic investigation, including
research development, testing and evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to
generalizable knowledge." Obtaining and analyzing data are essential to the usual
practice of public health. For many public health activities, data are systematically
collected and analyzed, blurring the distinction between research and non-research. Scientific
methodology is used both in non-research and research activities that comprise the practice of
public health. Because scientific principles and methodology are applied to both non-research
and research activities, knowledge is generated in both cases. Furthermore, at times the
extent to which that knowledge is generalizable may not differ greatly in research and
non-research. Thus, non-research and research activities cannot be easily defined by the
methods they employ. Three public health activities - surveillance, emergency responses, and
evaluation - are particularly susceptible to the quandary over whether the activity is
research or non-research.
The key word in the regulations' definition of research for the purpose of classifying
public health activities as either research or non-research is "designed." The major
difference between research and non-research lies in the primary intent of the activity. The
primary intent of research is to generate or contribute to generalizable knowledge. The
primary intent of non-research in public health is to prevent or control disease or injury and
improve health, or to improve a public health program or service. Knowledge may be gained in
any public health endeavor designed to prevent disease or injury or improve a program or
service. In some cases, that knowledge may be generalizable, but the primary intention of the
endeavor is to benefit clients participating in a public health program or a population by
controlling a health problem in the population from which the information is gathered.
Classifying an activity as research does not automatically lead to review by an
institutional review board (IRB) for the protection of human subjects. Once an activity is
classified as research, two additional determinations must be made: (1) does the research
involve human subjects and, if so, (2) does the research meet the criteria for exemption from
IRB review. This policy deals only with the first determination of whether a public health
activity is research or non-research.
Research - As defined in 45 CFR 46, research means "a systematic investigation,
including research development, testing and evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to
generalizable knowledge."
Human Subjects - As defined in 45 CFR 46, a human subject means "a living individual
about whom an investigator conducting research obtains (1) data through intervention or
interaction with the individual or (2) identifiable private information. Intervention includes
both physical procedures by which data are gathered and manipulations of the subject or the
subject's environment that are performed for research purposes. Interaction includes
communication or interpersonal contact between investigator and subject. Private information
includes information about behavior that occurs in a context in which an individual can
reasonably expect that no observation or recording is taking place, and information which has
been provided for specific purposes by an individual and which the individual can reasonably
expect will not be made public (for example, a medical record). Private information must be
individually identifiable (i.e., the identity of the subject is or may readily be ascertained
by the investigator or associated with the information) in order for obtaining the information
to constitute research involving human subjects."
Surveillance - The ongoing, systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of
outcome-specific data, closely integrated with the timely dissemination of these data to those
responsible for preventing and controlling disease or injury (Thacker and Berkelman, 1988).
Emergency Response - A public health activity undertaken in an urgent or emergency
situation, usually because of an identified or suspected imminent health threat to the
population, but sometimes because the public and/or government authorities perceive an
imminent threat that demands immediate action. The primary purpose of the activity is to
document the existence and magnitude of a public health problem in the community and to
implement appropriate measures to address the problem (Langmuir, 1980).
Program Evaluation - An essential organizational practice in public health using a
systematic approach to improve and account for public health actions (Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, 1999)
Evaluation - The systematic application of scientific and statistical procedures for
measuring program conceptualization, design, implementation, and utility; making comparisons
based on these measurements; and the use of the resulting information to optimize program
outcomes (Rossi and Freeman, 1993; Fink, 1993).
CDC is required to and has an ethical obligation to ensure that individuals are protected
in all public health research activities it conducts. All CDC activities must be reviewed to
determine whether they are research involving human subjects. When an activity is classified
as research involving human subjects, CDC and its collaborators will comply with 45 CFR 46 in
protecting human research subjects.
Some surveillance projects, emergency responses, and evaluations are research involving
human subjects; others are not. Each project must be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
Although general guidance can be given to assist in classifying these activities as either
research or non-research, no one criterion can be applied universally. The ultimate decision
regarding classification lies in the intent of the project. If the primary intent is to
generate generalizable knowledge, the project is research. If the primary intent is to prevent
or control disease or injury or to improve a public health program, and no research is
intended at the present time, the project is non-research. If the primary intent changes to
generating generalizable knowledge, then the project becomes research.
I. General
The Human Subjects Contact (HSC) in each Center, Institute, or Office (CIO) determines
whether the project constitutes research. If the HSC is unclear about classifying a project,
the HSC should consult with the CDC's Deputy Associate Director for Science. This
determination is made by examining the intent of the project. What is the primary purpose
for which the project was designed?
General Attributes of Public Health Research - Intent of the project is to generate
generalizable knowledge to improve public health practice; intended benefits of the project
may or may not include study participants, but always extend beyond the study participants,
usually to society; and data collected exceed requirements for care of the study
participants or extend beyond the scope of the activity. Generalizable knowledge means new
information that has relevance beyond the population or program from which it was collected,
or information that is added to the scientific literature. Knowledge that can be generalized
is collected under systematic procedures that reduce bias, allowing the knowledge to be
applied to populations and settings different from the ones from which it was collected.
Generalizable, for purposes of defining research, does not refer to the statistical concept
of population estimation or to the traditional public health method of collecting
information from a sample to understand health in the population from which the sample came.
Holding public health activities to a standard of studying every case in order to classify
an activity as non-research is not practical or reasonable.
General Attributes of Non-Research - Intent of the project is to identify and control a
health problem or improve a public health program or service; intended benefits of the
project are primarily or exclusively for the participants (or clients) or the
participants' community; data collected are needed to assess and/or improve the program or
service, the health of the participants or the participants' community; knowledge that is
generated does not extend beyond the scope of the activity; and project activities are not
Other attributes, such as publication of findings, statutory authority (see discussion in
next section), methodological design, selection of subjects, and hypothesis
testing/generating, do not necessarily differentiate research from non-research because
these types of attributes can be shared by both research and non-research projects.
A non-research project may generate generalizable knowledge after the project is
undertaken even though generating this knowledge was not part of the original, primary
intent. In this case, since the primary intent was not to generate or contribute to
generalizable knowledge, the project is not classified as research at the outset. However,
if subsequent analysis of identifiable private information is undertaken to generate or
contribute to generalizable knowledge, the analysis constitutes human subjects research that
requires IRB review.
If a project includes multiple components and at least one of those components is
designed to generate generalizable knowledge, then the entire project is classified as
research unless the components are separable.
II. Specific
- Surveillance - Surveillance is a term describing a method for public health data
collection. Surveillance systems may be either research or non-research. Surveillance
systems are likely to be non-research when they involve the regular, ongoing collection
and analysis of health-related data conducted to monitor the frequency of occurrence and
distribution of disease or a health condition in the population. Data generated by these
systems are used to manage public health programs. They have in place the ability to
invoke public health mechanisms to prevent or control disease or injury in response to an
event. Thus, the primary intent of these surveillance systems is to prevent or control
disease or injury in a defined population by producing information about the population
from whom the data were collected. These attributes of surveillance that is non-research
are generally found in state statute or regulation where the intent of the activity, its
purposes, and uses of the data are specified. Surveillance systems that most easily fit
into this category are ones in which the data are limited to describing the occurrence of
a health-related problem (disease reporting) and systems in which no analytic (etiologic)
analyses can be conducted. Subjects are rarely selected according to a design; rather, all
cases are entered into the surveillance system because they are passive reporting systems.
Hypothesis testing is not part of the system.
Surveillance systems are likely to be research when they involve the collection and
analysis of health-related data conducted either to generate knowledge that is applicable
to other populations and settings than the ones from which the data were collected
or to contribute to new knowledge about the health condition. The information gained from
the data collection system may or may not be used to invoke public health mechanisms to
prevent or control disease or injury, but this is not a primary intent of the project.
Thus, the primary intent of these surveillance systems is to generate generalizable
knowledge. Characteristics of surveillance systems that most easily fit into this category
are: longitudinal data collection systems (e.g., follow-up surveys and registries) that
allow for hypothesis testing; the scope of the data is broad and includes more information
than occurrence of a health-related problem; analytic analyses can be conducted; and cases
may be identified to be included in subsequent studies.
In general, lawful state disease reporting, monitoring requirements and other data
collection activities conducted under state statute or under recognized public health
authority are non-research. Disease reporting activities are not research. Disease
reporting, for these purposes, is defined narrowly to include the reporting of the
specific health condition or disease, demographic information; and accepted, known risk
factors as specified in state statutes or regulations. When reporting systems collect data
beyond standard reporting information, the reporting activity is not automatically
considered to be non-research. Collection of data that would allow etiologic analysis is
likely to be research.
If other activities are added to a surveillance project with the specific intent of
generating new or generalizable knowledge, these additional activities are considered to
be research. It becomes important to distinguish between disease reporting activities that
are non-research and uses of the reported data that may be either non-research or
Sometimes, CDC funds state and local health departments to establish surveillance
systems with dual intentions on the part of CDC: to build state capacity in disease
reporting and for CDC to generate new knowledge. Disease reporting activities conducted at
the state level are generally non-research. However, if CDC uses the data collected
through such reporting to generate new knowledge, CDC would be engaged in research. CDC
may consider state health departments to be engaged in the research depending upon their
role. If state health departments are participating beyond merely providing the data, they
may be considered as engaged in the research. Institutions providing information to state
health departments would not be considered engaged in the research (see OPRR memorandum
dated 1/26/99).
Some surveillance projects do not fit easily into the categories described above. For
these projects, the primary intent and elements of the project must be examined carefully.
- Emergency Responses - Most emergency responses tend to be non-research because these
projects are undertaken to identify, characterize, and solve an immediate health problem
and the knowledge gained will directly benefit those participants involved in the
investigation or their communities. However, an emergency response may have a research
component if: 1) samples are stored for future use intended to generate generalizable
knowledge or 2) additional analyses are conducted beyond those needed to solve the
immediate health problem. When investigational new drugs are used or drugs are used
off-label, the emergency response is almost always research. The same applies to medical
devices. For emergency responses, whenever a systematic investigation of a non-standard
intervention or a systematic comparison of standard interventions occurs, the activity is
- Evaluation - The terms "evaluation" and "program evaluation" are
used interchangeably. Yet, there are subtle differences between the two terms (see
definitions and reference provided above). Evaluation is a term, broad in meaning, that
refers to the systematic use of scientific methods to measure efficacy, implementation,
utility, and so on of a program in its entirety or its components. Evaluations may or may
not be research. Program evaluations are a subset of evaluations. As defined here program
evaluations are almost never research.
When the purpose of an evaluation is to test a new, modified, or previously untested
intervention, service, or program to determine whether it is effective, the evaluation is
research. The systematic comparison of standard or non-standard interventions in an
experimental-type design is research. In these cases, the knowledge gained is applicable
beyond the individual, specific program. Thus, the primary intent is to generate new
knowledge or contribute to the knowledge in the scientific literature. Further, it is
intended to apply the knowledge to other sites or populations.
When the purpose is to assess the success of an established program in achieving its
objectives in a specific population and the information gained from the evaluation will be
used to provide feedback to that program, the evaluation, referred to as program
evaluation, is non-research. In the non-research scenario, the evaluation is used as a
management tool to monitor and improve the program. The evaluation activity is often a
component of the regular, ongoing program. Information learned from the evaluation has
immediate benefit for the program and/or the clients receiving the services or
interventions. The information is often not generalizable beyond the individual program.
Interventions and services that are evaluated are never experimental or new; they are
known (either from empirical data or through consensus) to be effective.
Sometimes, the term "formative evaluation" is used to describe data
collection activities that occur prior to the implementation of an intervention, service,
or program. Whether the "formative evaluation" is research or non-research
depends upon its intent. If the evaluation is conducted prior to implementing a new,
modified, or previously untested intervention, the evaluation is part of the overall
research project. If the evaluation is conducted to provide information on how to tailor a
proven-effective intervention, service, or program in a specific setting or context, the
evaluation is not research.
Evaluations of CDC's national programs, i.e., programs that CDC funds to all state
health departments and in which evaluation is one component, are not research. These
evaluation activities are on-going and involve generally the collection of minimal,
standard data elements across all sites. The data are generally used at the local level as
a management tool as well as at the national level for the same purpose. Sometimes, data
from these evaluation activities will be aggregated at CDC and used for other purposes.
When this occurs, subsequent use of the data may be research.
In some cases, program activities and evaluation activities are separable. For example,
interventions or services are being provided; they have a history of being provided and
there is an intention to continue to provide them. An evaluation is conducted to determine
the efficacy of these program activities. In another example, a public health department,
under its public health authority, may provide an untested intervention in an outbreak
situation. An evaluation component is added. In both of these examples, because the
intervention and evaluation activities are undertaken with different intentions and are
separable, the intervention activities are not research but the evaluation activities are
Examples of CDC surveillance, emergency responses, and evaluation activities that are
non-research and research.
Non-research -
National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System (NNDSS) - States and territories have
asked CDC to act as a common data collection point for data on nationally notifiable diseases.
A notifiable disease is considered by the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists to
be a condition for which regular, frequent, and timely information about individual cases is
necessary at the national level for the prevention and control of disease. NNDSS data are
collected and published weekly in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report and annually in
the Summary of Notifiable Diseases, United States. The NNDSS is essential to the day to day
practice of public health. The primary intent of the surveillance system is to provide CDC and
state and local health officials with information to detect and control outbreaks of disease.
The NNDSS is also used to measure the impact of programs such as immunization. The intended
benefits resulting from the NNDSS are for the residents of the states and local areas who
contribute data to the system.
Diabetes Surveillance Report - Using public use data from several national surveys, a
national diabetes surveillance system is produced. Data from the surveillance system are used
to describe the burden of diabetes and its complications on a national and state level. The
primary intent of the surveillance system is to provide information for the development of
national and state public health priorities and policies regarding the prevention and control
of diabetes. The intended benefits are for those who have diabetes or those who are at risk of
developing diabetes.
Research -
A Sentinel Surveillance System for Lassa Fever in the Republic of Guinea - Four study
sites were selected to identify and describe cases of Lassa fever. Cases were identified from
hospital and outpatient admissions. The purpose of the project was to generate baseline
information on the Lassa virus and human clinical Lassa fever in the Republic of Guinea. No
public health interventions were planned as part of this project; there was no direct benefits
for study participants. Thus, the primary intent was to contribute to the knowledge of Lassa
Developmental Disabilities in Very Low Birthweight Children: Linkage of the Georgia Very
Low Birthweight Study and the Metropolitan Atlanta Developmental Disabilities Surveillance
Program - The Metropolitan Atlanta Developmental Disabilities Surveillance Program, an
ongoing CDC surveillance program to monitor trends in the occurrence of selected developmental
disabilities in children living in the metropolitan Atlanta area, and the Georgia Very Low
Birthweight Study, conducted in the 1980s to investigate the environmental and other risk
factors for very low birthweight were linked for specific investigations of adverse
developmental outcomes. Linkage of these primary files provides a unique opportunity to assist
efforts to assess the occurrence of selected developmental disabilities in metropolitan
Atlanta children and to identify causes of these conditions without the additional time and
resource expenditure of additional field data collection. For these investigations involving
secondary analyses of the linked primary data sets, no individuals were contacted; only
information available from the linkage were used. The purpose of the project was to estimate
the prevalence of cerebral palsy, mental retardation, and hearing and visual impairments and
to identify pre- and perinatal medical and sociodemographic risk factors for these
disabilities in a population-based cohort of very low birthweight children in Atlanta. The
primary intent was to generate generalizable knowledge about developmental disabilities.
Non-research -
Outbreak of Gastroenteritis - Three days after a cruise ship left Los Angeles,
California for several ports in Mexico, CDC was notified that 24 of 1,899 passengers and 6 of
670 crew had presented to the ship=s infirmary with
gastrointestinal illness. The purpose of the investigation was to determine the cause and
extent of the outbreak and to prevent and control gastrointestinal illness among the ships
passengers and crew. Although this type of investigation is often undertaken after the
outbreak has occurred and therefore information gained is likely to benefit the ship=s next set of cruise passengers and crew, the primary
intent of the investigation is to assist in controlling the current disease outbreak.
Recall of Six Lots of Influenza Vaccine - One of the pharmaceutical companies who
manufactures influenza vaccine instituted a voluntary recall of six lots of influenza vaccine.
The lots were recalled due to decreased potency of the A/Nanchang/933/95 (H3N2) component of
the vaccine. CDC was notified by a state health department that a nursing home had vaccinated
its residents with the recalled vaccine. The purpose of the investigation was to determine
whether residents of this nursing home who received the vaccine had a suboptimal immune
response and required revaccination. The primary intent of this investigation was to prevent
the occurrence of influenza among the participants if they demonstrated a suboptimal immune
response; there was a potential for participants to receive a direct benefit in the form of
revaccination if they participated.
Research -
Childhood Exposure to Nicotine-Containing Products in Rhode Island - Between January 1,
1995 and June 30, 1996, 90 cases of nicotine-containing products were reported to the Rhode
Island Poison Control Center. No known population-based investigation has been conducted to
determine risk factors associated with nicotine-containing products poisoning. The purpose of
the Epi-Aid was to determine risk factors associated with childhood exposure to
nicotine-containing products, and to develop appropriate control measures. Although there may
be some benefit to the 90 children exposed in Rhode Island, the benefits from this study
extend beyond the study participants to the population of children who are at risk of exposure
to nicotine-containing products. In addition, there was no immediate health problem to be
controlled. Thus, the primary intent of the investigation was to generate generalizable
knowledge about the risk factors associated with childhood exposure to nicotine-containing
Azithromycin Used as Prophylaxis Against the Spread of Illness Due to Mycoplasma Pneumoniae
in the Setting of an Outbreak - During the first week of freshman entering a post high
school academic institution, a cluster of respiratory illness was recognized by the infirmary
staff. Early serologic testing suggest Mycoplasma pneumoniae as the etiologic agent. About
four weeks later 42% of the freshman and 17% of the upperclassmen reported a respiratory
illness; 50% of those tested had serologic evidence of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection. The
lower attack rate among upperclassmen was likely a consequence of them returning to campus 15
days after the freshmen arrived. A trial of chemoprophylaxis with azithromycin was proposed.
Highly effective control measures in the setting of an outbreak have not been described. There
is limited information about the role of antimicrobials in controlling an epidemic of
Mycoplasma pneumoniae. Thus, the primary intent of the investigation was to generate
generalizable knowledge about the efficacy of azithromycin to prevent the spread of Mycoplasma
pneumoniae in an outbreak situation.
Non-research -
Evaluation of School-based HIV Prevention Program - As part of the evaluation of the
school-based HIV prevention program in Denver public schools, principals, teachers, student
contact staff, students, and parents were interviewed. HIV program efforts in policy
awareness, staff development, curriculum implementation, and status of students receiving HIV
prevention education were assessed.
The purpose (primary intent) of the program evaluation was to provide information to Denver
public schools that will be used to improve their school-based HIV prevention programs. The
results from the evaluation were used to assess the success of the interventions in a specific
population (Denver public school children) and to refine the interventions in that population.
IMPACT Progress Reports - The Office on Smoking and Health awarded 32 states and the
District of Columbia health departments cooperative agreements to build capacity to conduct
tobacco use prevention and control programs. These cooperative agreements are part of CDC=s Initiatives to Mobilize for the Prevention and Control
of Tobacco Use (IMPACT), which is a nationwide effort to establish comprehensive, coordinated
tobacco use prevention programs. Evaluation of IMPACT is comprised of awardees submitting
semi-annual progress reports. Information in the evaluation includes staffing, coalition
composition and efforts, status of a state tobacco control plan, development of a resource
center, training efforts, community outreach and mobilization, and participation in CDC
national campaigns.
The primary intent of these state tobacco control program evaluations is to assess the
success of the intervention activities within each state. The information gained from the
evaluation is used to refine the interventions in that state. In addition, the information is
used nationally to evaluate the success of the IMPACT program.
Research -
Evaluation of Community Based Organization Intervention to Reduce Sexually Transmitted
Disease (STD) Rates Among STD Patients in Miami - Male STD Patients were randomized to
either the standard HIV prevention counseling or intensive counseling comprised of four
sessions of HIV counseling from a community based organization. STD clinic records were
reviewed to determine whether there was a difference in return rates with new STDs between the
groups. The objective of intervention and evaluation is to determine whether intensive
counseling reduces the acquisition of new STDs among high risk people attending a STD clinic.
The purpose of the project was to evaluate a new intervention for reducing the
transmission of STDs. Knowledge gained from this evaluation would be used to generalize to
other sites.
A Comprehensive Evaluation for Project DIRECT (Diabetes Intervention: Reaching and
Educating Communities Together) - Project DIRECT is a community diabetes demonstration
project targeting African American adults residing in Raleigh, North Carolina. The project is
three-tiered and addresses diabetes care, community screening for persons at high risk for
developing diabetes, and population based approaches to increase physical activity and reduce
dietary fat intake (two risk factors for diabetes). The goals of the community project are to
reduce preventable complications of diabetes via a health systems approach, increase the
proportion of persons at risk for diabetes who are screened, and increase the proportion who
participate in regular vigorous physical activity and eat a reduced fat diet. Baseline and
follow-up population-based surveys are planned to evaluate the community intervention. The
purpose of this project is to evaluate new and innovative interventions to prevent diabetes
and its complications. Knowledge gained from this project will be used to develop similar
intervention projects in other communities.
Fink, A. Evaluation fundamentals. Newberg Park: California:Sage Publication, Inc., 1993
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Framework for program evaluation in public
health. MMWR 1999;48(No. RR-11):1-40.
Langmuir, AD. The Epidemic Intelligence Service of the Center for Disease Control. Public
Health Reports 1980;95:470-7.
OPRR Memorandum. Engagement of Institutions in Research, January 26, 1999.
Rossi, PH and Freeman, HE. Evaluation: A systematic approach. Newberg Park, California:Sage
Publications, Inc., 1993.
Thacker, SB and Berkelman, RL. Public health surveillance in the United States.
Epidemiologic Review, 1988;10:164-190.