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These are the documents as originally published by the Corps. That site is no longer available. Below these are the docs as archived at the Governement Printing Office.
The FINAL Volumes of the Interagency Performance Evaluation Taskforce (IPET) are now available by clicking on the links below. All nine Volumes are FINAL. There is also a supplemental report, "A General Description of Vulnerability to Flooding and Risk for New Orleans and Vicinity: Past, Present and Future" that provides a non-technical explanation of the risk assessment process for the pre-Katrina, 2007, and 2011 Hurricane and Storm Damage Risk Reduction Systems.
Volume I. Executive Summary and Overview (Main Text & Appendices)
Volume II. Geodetic Vertical and Water Level Datum (Main Text) (Technical Appendices)
Volume III. The Hurricane Protection System (Main Text - Part 1) (Main Text - Part 2) (Technical Appendices)
Volume IV. The Storm (Main Text) (Technical Appendices)
Volume V. The Performance - Levees and Floodwalls (Main Text) Technical Appendices (1-10) (1-15) (16-23)
Volume VI. The Performance - Interior Drainage and Pumping (Main Text) (Technical Appendices)
Volume VII. The Consequences (Main Text) (Technical Appendices)
Volume VIII. Engineering and Operational Risk and Reliability Analysis (Main Text)
(Technical Appendices: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15) ) [11 was not on the original site, but is in the archive files]
Volume IX. General Appendices
posted 8 Sept 2009
Archive as of 12 Feb 2014 - original link
20-Jun-2006 11:56 4.5M |
20-Jun-2006 11:51 5.6M |
20-Jun-2006 11:08 12M |
20-Jun-2006 11:06 216K |
20-Jun-2006 11:10 15M |
20-Jun-2006 11:09 40M |
20-Jun-2006 11:16 3.6M |
Vol V The Performance Levees and Floodwalls - appendices.pdf |
20-Jun-2006 11:15 82M |
Vol VI The Performance Interior Drainage and Pumping - maintext.pdf |
20-Jun-2006 11:18 1.8M |
Vol VI The Performance Interior Drainage and Pumping - appendices.pdf |
20-Jun-2006 11:17 42M |
20-Jun-2006 11:38 3.3M |
20-Jun-2006 11:36 11M |
Vol VIII Engineering and Operational Risk and Reliability Analysis - maintext.pdf |
15-Jun-2006 14:40 1.5M |
Vol VIII Engineering and Operational Risk and Reliability Analysis - appendices.pdf | 15-Jun-2006 14:49 34M |
Vol IX General Appendices.pdf | 20-Jun-2006 11:14 3.8M |
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See DR-KATE.COM for home hurricane and disaster preparation
See WWW.EPR-ART.COM for photography of southern Louisiana and Hurricane Katrina
Professor Edward P. Richards, III, JD, MPH - Webmaster
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