Event: Birth
Cost of copy:
Office of Vital Statistics
Department for Health Services
275 East Main Street
Frankfort, KY 40621
Remarks: State office has had records
since January 1911.
Check or money order should
be made payable to Kentucky State Treasurer. Personal checks are accepted.
To verify current fees, the telephone number is (502) 564-4212.
Event: Death
Cost of copy:
Office of Vital Statistics
Department for Health Services
275 East Main Street
Frankfort, KY 40621
Remarks: State office has had records
since January 1911.
Check or money order should
be made payable to Kentucky State Treasurer. Personal checks are accepted.
To verify current fees, the telephone number is (502) 564-4212.
Event: Marriage (State)
Cost of copy:
Office of Vital Statistics
Department for Health Services
275 East Main Street
Frankfort, KY 40621
Remarks: Records since June 1958.
Event: Marriage (county)
Cost of copy:
Address: See remarks
Remarks: Clerk of County Court in county
where license was issued.
Event: Divorce (State)
Cost of copy:
Office of Vital Statistics
Department for Health Services
275 East Main Street
Frankfort, KY 40621
Remarks: Records since June 1958.
Event: Divorce (county)
Cost of copy:
Address: See remarks
Remarks: Clerk of County Court in county
where license was issued.