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![]() Indiana Event: Birth Cost of copy: $6.00 Address: Remarks: State office has had birth and death records since October 1907. Additional copies of the same record ordered at the same time are $1.00 each. For earlier records, write to Health Officer in city or county where event occurred. Check or money order should be made payable to Indiana State Department of Health. Personal checks are accepted. To verify current fees, the telephone number is (317) 233-2700. Information on how to obtain certified copies is also available via the internet at Indiana State Department of Health. Event: Death Cost of copy: $4.00 Address: Remarks: State office has had birth and death records since October 1907. Additional copies of the same record ordered at the same time are $1.00 each. For earlier records, write to Health Officer in city or county where event occurred. Check or money order should be made payable to Indiana State Department of Health. Personal checks are accepted. To verify current fees, the telephone number is (317) 233-2700. Information on how to obtain certified copies is also available via the internet at Indiana State Department of Health. Event: Marriage (State) Cost of copy: See remarks Address: Remarks: Marriage index since 1958, for some counties. Certified copies are not available from State Health Department or State Library but must be obtained from county where event occurred. Event: Marriage (county) Cost of copy: Varies Address: See remarks Remarks: Clerk of Circuit Court or Clerk of Superior Court in county where license was issued. Event: Divorce (county) Cost of copy: Varies Address: See remarks |
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