
Climate Change Project

Table of Contents



Administrative Law Cases and Materials

AALS Administrative Law Section
Teaching Materials from the 2010 Meeting in New Orleans

Administrative Law Links for Law Teachers

Regulatory Review

                EO 13497, 74 FR 6113, 1/30/09

                Obama Memorandum of 1/30/09, 74 Fed Reg 5977

Openness and transparency

                FOIA—Obama memorandum of 1/21/09 74 Fed Reg 4683

                FOIA—Holder memorandum of 3/19/09

                National security declassification—EO 13526, 12/29/09, 75 FR 707

                Transparency and open government—Obama memorandum of 1/26/09, 74 Fed Reg 4685

                Transparency and open government—Orszag memorandum 12/08/09

                Presidential records act.  EO 13489,  1/21/09, 74 Fed Reg 4669

Midnight regulations

                Emanuel Memorandum of 1/26/09 74 Fed Reg 4435

Signing Statements

                Obama Memorandum of 3/11/2009 74 Fed Reg 10669

Scientific integrity

                Obama Memorandum  of 3/9/09, 74 Fed Reg 10671


                Obama Memorandum of 5-20-09, 74 Fed Reg 24693




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See DR-KATE.COM for home hurricane and disaster preparation
See WWW.EPR-ART.COM for photography of southern Louisiana and Hurricane Katrina
Professor Edward P. Richards, III, JD, MPH - Webmaster

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