
Climate Change Project

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*St. Agnes Hospital v. Riddick. 748 F. Supp. 319 (1990).

Annas GJ: The impact of medical technology on the pregnant woman's right to privacy. Am J Law Med 1987; 13(2-3):213-32.

Annas GJ: Webster and the politics of abortion. Hastings Cent Rep 1989 Mar-Apr; 19(2):36-38.

Bowers v. Hardwick. 478 U.S. 186 (1986).

Cahill LS: "Abortion pill" RU 486: Ethics, rhetoric, and social practice. Hastings Cent Rep 1987 Oct-Nov; 17(5):5-8.

Callahan D: How technology is reframing the abortion debate. Hastings Cent Rep 1986 Feb; 16(1):33-42.

Henshaw SK; Silverman J: The characteristics and prior contraceptive use of U.S. abortion patients. Fam Plann Perspect 1988 Jul-Aug; 20(4):158-68.

Mahowald M; Abernethy V: When a mentally ill woman refuses abortion (editorial). Hastings Cent Rep 1985 Apr; 15(2):22-23.

Milby TH: The new biology and the question of personhood: Implications for abortion. Am J Law Med 1983 Spring; 9(1):31-41.

*Planned Parenthood v. Casey. 60 U.S.L.W. 4795 (1992).

Schedler G: Women's reproductive rights. Is there a conflict with a child's right to be born free from defects? J Leg Med (Chic) 1986 Sep; 7(3):357-84.

Shore BD: Marital secrets. The emerging issue of abortion spousal notification laws. J Leg Med (Chic) 1982 Sep; 3(3):461-82.

Webster v. Reproductive Health Services. 492 U.S. 490 (1989).

Westfall D: Beyond abortion: The potential reach of a human life amendment. Am J Law Med 1982 Summer; 8(2):97-135.

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