Chapter 20

Smith v. Maryland

Looking back at this case, what is the court really saying about a reasonable expectation of privacy?

What does the court see within the ambit of a reasonable expectation of privacy?

Is it really an original intent approach, i.e., is the court looking to what the founders through of as personally private?

What would Jefferson have seen within the scope of privacy?


His personal dwelling?

His dealings with his bank?

What has the court ruled when confronted with new technology?

Is there a constitutional expectation of privacy in phone calls, or is it based on a statute?

What about email?

If your employer can read, can the government?

Banking records?

Transactions in general?

Why are transactions so valuable for intelligence?

Do you think the general public thinks their banking records are private?

What do the banks say?

Should the use of encryption be seen as probable cause for the government to go after the contents of the communication?

National Security Letter on page 560

What does paragraph 3 provide?

Does this apply to the entity's lawyer?

Does that raise constitutional issue?

Doe v. Ashcroft (Doe I) United States District Court, Southern District of New York, 334 F. Supp. 2d 471 (2004)

How was Doe to provide the requested records?

Did Doe comply?

Are NSLs reviewed by a judge?

What does the government have to certify?

Is there any requirement of probable cause?

What did the government have to show before the Patriot act amendments?

Is this probable cause of a sort?

Did the NSL have to go to a judge before the patriot act?

What are the usual standards for requesting enforcement of an administrative subpoena?

What are the standards for review if the party sent the subpoena just complies?

What do agencies have to keep the information secret for routine administrative subpoenas?

What is the review process for criminal law subpoenas?

When are criminal law subpoena's reviewed?

How does the standard for review different for evidence to be used at trial versus a grand jury subpoena?

What other type of proceeding does the standard for a grand jury subpoena look like?

Is grand jury information public?

How about criminal trials?

Can criminal law subpoenas be issued before there is a criminal proceeding or grand jury investigation?

What is the fundamental difference between the review of a physical search and an administrative subpoena?

Is the court correct on this?

What are the standards for an area warrant?

What about physical searches of heavily regulated businesses or permitted businesses?

How are these justified?

Who asks for the review?

Is this the same as person whose privacy is being invaded?

Is this a problem?

What does the FBI have to do if the recipient refuses to comply with an NSL?

Why do plaintiffs argue that for practical purposes the subpoenas are self-enforcing?

How does the FBI pressure the recipient?

How is the subpoena served?

What sort of commandment does the court analogize an NSL to ?

How many NSLs did the court think had been issued since 1986?

How many had been challenged?

What did the court think this implied?

What have learned recently about how many NSLs were really issued?

What were the grounds for the court finding that NSLs were unconstitutional?

In what situations has the United States Supreme Court found a right to be anonymous?

What two hypothetical situations did the court pose to find that the NSL might violated ISP subscriber's rights?

What sort of challenge is this?

Is this a proper role of the court?

Which email field is the court concerned might be improperly disclosed?

What does the government say about the expectation of privacy for internet users?

What other interesting info does an ISP have? (Think Google)

When does the court say the Internet is like a phone booth?

What is the standard for review for prior restraint of speech, or content-based speech restrictions?

What does it take to justify such restrictions?

Why does the court reject the FBI's claim that NSL restrictions are content neutral?

When does the court think the government should get some deference as to secrecy about national security matters?

Why not here?

Why was Doe I and the related case vacated?

What change was made in the secrecy provision?

How does the Patriot Improvement Act change the relevancy standard?

Will this make a difference?

Why might businesses be reluctant to challenge NSLs?

United States Dept. of Justice v. Reporters Comm. for Freedom of the Press, 489 U.S. 749 (1989) acknowledged what sort of protection for public information?

What is the mission creep problem with data mining?

What is the scary caveat in the thermal imaging case?

Based on this analysis, what would you tell the president about a long term strategy to undermine personal privacy in favor of national security?