Index of Medical Care Law

--of child
--of patient
--adoption alternatives to
--consent to
--controversies about
--counseling on
--government support of
--minors and
--parental information on
--personal beliefs and
--politics of
--privacy rights and
--RU 486 and changes to
Academy of Pediatrics
Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME)
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)
Acute illness observation scale
Administrative agencies
Administrative law
Administrative law
--administrative law judges, role of
--agency expertise
--civil penalties
--Congressional casework
--criminal law, parallels with
--enabling legislation
--Food and Drug Administration
--formal agency actions
--Goldberg rights
--independent agencies
--Injunctions and seizures
--political control
--political control by Congress
--political control by the President
--separation of powers
--The Jungle
Administrative orders
--as abortion alternative
--Baby M surrogacy case and
--evaluating children for
--fertility procedures and
--matchmaking in
--parental rights and
--payments in
--private placement in
--proceedings in
--records in
--state restrictions in
Affirmative defense
Alternative dispute resolution (ADR)
Alternative dispute resolution (ADR)
--American Arbitration Association
Ambulance services
Ambulatory care centers
American Academy of Pediatrics
American Arbitration Association
American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG)
American Medical Association (AMA)
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
--collective bargaining
--communicable diseases in workplace and
--direct threat
--legal risks of
--occupational health and
--physician's duty to treat
--return to work certification and
--union seniority rules
Amniocentesis ,
--Federal Trade Commission
--Justice Department Guidelines
--Managed care organizations and
--per se violation
--physicians collective bargaining
Antitrust laws
Appellate process
--abandonment of patient and
--delegation of authority to staff to make
--follow-up after missing
--physician-patient relationship and
Articles of Confederation
Artificial insemination (AI)
Artificial insemination (AI)
--choosing donor in
--consent in
--infection control in
--restrictions on
--surrogacy and
Attending physicians
Attorney fees
Attorney fees
--caps on
--contingency and
--malpractice litigation and
--plaintiff' s attorney' s fees
--structured settlements and
--as witnesses
--attorney client communications
--attorney work product
--autonomy and clients of
--being an effective client of
--billing practices
--billing, effect of practice styles
--business ventures between physician and
--conflict of cultures between physician and
--conflicts of interest
--delegation of work to others by
--fees, padding of
--highlights concerning
--identification with clients
--importance of independence
--in-house counsel
--limited engagement doctrine and
--physician refusal to treat
--physician-patient relationship, differences with
--preparing for trial and
--preventive law audit by
--structure of legal work and
--working with
Audit, preventive law
Automobile accidents

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Baby M case
Baby-selling, and adoption
Backup coverage
Basic life support
--legal standard for
Beyond a reasonable doubt standard
Birth certificates
--filing of
--information on
--naming child on
--public health statistics and
Birth control
Birth plan
Birth records
Birthing room
Birth-injured infants
--malpractice litigation over
--pregnancy risks and
Blood doping, and sports
Blood tests, and paternity
Blood transfusions, refusal of
Boards of medical examiners
Boards of nursing examiners
Boards of pharmacy
Borrowed-servant doctrine
Brady Request
Breach of contract
Business records
--hearsay rule exception for
Business ventures
--medical research and
--physician-attorney partnership in
--RICO litigation over failure of

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Capitation agreements
--Managed care organizations and
--risks to physicians
Captain-of-the-ship doctrine
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
Carrier state
--disease control and
--HIV infection
Cause of death
Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
--basic life support and
--occupational medicine and
Cesarean section
Cesarean section
--consent in
--emergency care with
Child abuse
--as legal finding
--investigation of
--pediatric care and
--reporting of
--treatment for
Child custody
--document in medical record
Child welfare agency
--abandonment of
--conflict between parents and
--custody after divorce and
--development and hormonal techniques for
--guardianship and
--HIV infection in
--informed consent and emergency care for
--litigation over injuries to
--parental refusal of medical care to
--school doctor and
Civil law
Civil law
--administrative regulations and
--nonmonetary remedies in
--peacekeeping function of
Civil penalties
Civil rights legislation
Civil rights movement
--quarantine and
Clayton Act
Clear-and-convincing-evidence standard
COBRA (see Emergency Medical Treatment and Actice Labor Act)
Cocaine abuse
--pregnancy and
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)
Collateral source rule
College students
College students
--health programs for
--sports and
Commercial bribery
Common law
Common law
--Democratic traditions and
--evolution of precedent
--legitimacy of children under
--physician-patient relationship in
--pleading under
--precedent, importance of
--public health authority under
Communicable diseases
Communicable diseases
--Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) concerning
--as disabilities
--direct threat
--direct threat from
--direct threat to others
--duration of risk
--fear of
--immunosuppression and
--legal risks of
--nature of the risk
--of minors
--origin of
--policy regarding
--prison doctor and
--reporting of
--school doctor and
--significant risk from
--Supreme Court case
--third-party liability in
--transmission methods for
--treatment of
--workplace and
--immunization programs and
--respect for physicians in
Company doctor (see Occupational Medicine)
Company doctor (see Occupational Medicine)
--professional standards and
Compliance plans
Compliance plans
--as preventive law
Compliance, and termination of care
Computers, and medical records
Condoms, and birth control
--adoption records and
--college health programs and
--disease control reporting and
--medical records and
--occupational medicine and
--pre-employment medical examination and
Conflicts of interest
Conflicts of interest
--attorneys and
--hospital ownership and
--incentive plans and
--informed consent and
--laboratory ownership and
--medical research and
--physician-patient relationship and criminal activity
--proxy consent and
--sexual relationships with patients and
--team doctor and
--treating family members and
--contraception and
--Medicare/Medicaid regulation by
Congressional casework
--for autopsy
--guardianship and
--intoxication testing and
--minors and
--right to refuse treatment
--public health authority and
--commerce clause
--criminal law
--limits on federal power
--police power
--preemption of state laws
--sovereignty determination under
Constitutional protections
Constitutional protections
--double jeopardy
--ex post facto laws
--grand jury indictments
--habeas corpus
--just compensation for takings
--rights of the accused
--searches and seizures
--searchs and seizures
--trial by jury
--child abuse seen in
--documentation of
--function of
--information on patient provided in
--physician's duty to choose
--recordkeeping in
--referrals differentiated from
--tests and procedures and
Consulting physicians
Consulting physicians
--duty to inform patient
--duty to inform treating physician
Contact effectiveness
Contact tracing
Contingent fees
Continuing care
--balancing health care practitioner's and patients' rights in
--choice in
--HIV infection and
--implantable contraceptives and
--minor's access to
--natural family planning and
--risk of pregnancy and
--sterilization and
--artificial insemination and
--between hospitals and physicians
--breach of
--civil law covering
--managed care organizations and
--medical research and
--occupational medicine physicians and
--preferred provider organizations (PPOs) and
--preventive law audit of
--school doctor and
--surrogacy and
--Uniform Commercial Code (UCC)
--waiving as fraud
Coroner cases
Corporate practice of medicine
--attorneys as model
--interference with professional judgment
--physicians, limited to
--prohibition of
Court costs
--lawyers' fees and
Court system
--administrative agencies, deference to
--administrative regulations enforced by
--appellate process in
--definition of death by
--guardianship in
--life support system termination and
--litigation bias in
--role of judges in
--treatment mandated by
Criminal law
Criminal law
--administrative law, parallels with
--citizen's duty under
--decision to prosecute under
--medical research and
--Miranda rights
--physician-patient relationship protection under
--reporting duties under
--right to counsel
--vague laws, attacking
Critical care unit (CCU)
--fetal monitors in
--legal risks with safety devices in
--products liability in
--pulse oximetry
Cruzan case
--medical treatment of children and

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--Lump sum damage payments
--civil law mandating
--collateral source rule and
--costs of litigation and
--direct economic
--emotional distress
--future earning capacity
--indirect economic
--lost wages
--medical expenses, future
--medical expenses, past
--pain and suffering
--structured settlements
Davis v. Davis (custody of embryos)
--a legal definition of
--public health records on
Death certificates
Decision making
--Declaration of Helsinki
--in contraception, sterilization, and abortion
--public health authority and
Declaration of Geneva
Defensive medicine
Delegation of authority
--classes of medical tasks in
--issues to consider in
--limitations on
--midwives and
--physician's orders and
--protocols and
--supervision with
--children in school and
Denial of care
--physician's duty and
Denver Development Screening Test
Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)
Department of Justice
Department of Justice
--health care criminal prosecutions
Department of Transportation
Development of child
--birth injuries in
--hormonal techniques for altering
--medical records on
--differential diagnosis list for
--protocols for
Diagnosis-related groups (DRGs)
Dilatory practice
Direct orders
Direct threat
Disabled persons (see Americans with Disabilities Act)
--Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) definition of
--communicable diseases and
--damage award for expenses of
--immunosuppression and
--worker' s compensation and
--Brady Request
--contesting orders for
--cross-examination for
--definition of
--forms of
--in criminal cases
--latitude for
--medical records and
--HIV carrier state
Disease registries
--embryo custody after
--genetic counseling and
--medical treatment of children
--parental rights in
--pregnancy and
Domestic violence
Down syndrome
Drug abuse
Drug abuse
--college students and
--pre-employment medical examination and
--prisoners and
--rehabilitation program for
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
--laws covering
--prescription of
--samples of
--testing of
Dual capacity doctrine
Due process
--prison doctor and
--public health and
Durable power of attorney

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Electrocardiograms (EKGs)
Electronic medical records
Electronic medical records
Emancipated minor
Embryo transplantation
Embryo transplantation
--divorce and custody of
--donors in
Emergency care
--abortion, sterilization, and contraception counseling and
--adults who refuse
--death certificates
--definition of
--Good Samaritan laws on
--guardianship and
--guardianship for
--informed consent and
--intoxication and
--living wills and
--medical office and
--midwives and
--prison doctor and
--prisoner care in
--school doctor and
Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)
--certification for transfer
--definition of emergency medical condition
--definition of stabilize
--delays to check insurance
--duty to treat
--fines under
--medical screening
--Medicare hospitals, special duties
--negligence per se
--physician duties
--physician liability
--private cause of action
--refusal to consent to transfer
--refusal to consent to treatment
--statutory cause of action
--whistleblower protections
--women in labor
Emerging infectious diseases
Emotional distress
Employers, physician as
Enabling legislation
Enabling legislation
--agency enforcement
--agency interpretation of law
--Americans with Disabilities Act
--delegation of Congressional power
--executive orders
English common law
Environmental health
Epidemiology, protocols for
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
--MCOs and
--premption of state laws regulating MCOs
--purpose of
--admission of
--Daubert case
--Daubert rule
--Frye Rule
--general acceptance
--hearsay rule
--hearsay rule and
--lie detector
--prison doctor and
Evidence, standards for
Examination of patient
--standard of care on
Exclusionary rule
Executive orders
Exemplary damages
Expert witnesses
--locality rule
--malpractice litigation and
--paternity testing
--product liability and
--specialty qualifications of
--standard of care and
--trial and
--witnesses, expert

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Fact witness
False Claims Act
False Claims Act
--risk management
--artificial insemination and
--disease control reporting and
--fertility treatment and
--guardianship and
--life support system termination and
--obstetric care and
--of physician, and treatment decisions
--parental rights in
--pediatrics and
--power of attorney to consent to medical care and
--substituted consent and conflicts in
--surrogacy and
--work-place acquired infection and
Family planning
--federal policy and
Family practitioners
--adoption and
--artificial insemination, and choice of
--assuming legitimacy of children and
--determination of legitimacy for
--genetic counseling and
--medical care of mothers and
Federal court system
Federal court system
--administrative regulations enforced in
--appellate process in
--District courts
--medical malpractice in
--sovereignty of
Federal laws
--abortion and
--communicable disease plan and
--family planning and
--handicapped children and
--immunization programs and
--informed consent under
--occupational medicine and
--patient dumping under
--sterilization and
Federal preemption
Federal Sentencing Guidelines
--health care practitioners and
Federal Sentencing Guidelines
--compliance plans
--fiduciary duty
--Officer of Inspector General
--sexual assault of patient
--white collar crime
Federal taxes
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Federalist system
Federalist system
--checks and balances
--Executive branch
--judicial branch
--legislative branch
Fertility treatment
Fertility treatment
--adoption and
--embryo custody after divorce and
--fitness issues in
--multiple gestation in
--unmarried couples and
Fetal monitors
Fiduciary duty
--physician-patient relationship
Fiduciary duty
--commercial bribery
--duty to disclose incentives
--federal laws
--incentive plans and
--informed consent
--institutional practice and
--managed care
--market factors in choice of provider and
--medical research and
--physician-patient relationship
--RICO fraud and
--state laws
Fifth Amendment
First Amendment
Follow-up care
--medical records and
--missed appointments and
--protocols for
Food and Drug Administration
Food and Drug Administration
Food sanitation
Fourteenth Amendment
Fourth Amendment
--advertising medical services and
--failure to disclose a risk as
--Mail and wire, under RICO
--medical students and residents and
Free speech rights
Frye rule (see Expert witnesses)

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General denial
Genetic counseling
--abortion views and
--choice of father and
--consent in
--genetic history in
--screening in
--time limitations in
--torts and
Goldberg rights
Good Samaritan laws
--emergencies and
Group health insurance
--subrogation agreement and
Growth hormone deficiency
--document in medical record
--emergency and
--informed consent and
--judicial determinations
--release of medical records and
Gunshot wounds

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Habeas corpus
Handicapped persons
--communicable diseases and
--school doctor and
Health Care Finance Administration (HCFA)
Health Care Quality Improvement Act of 1986
Health departments
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA)
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA)
--private insurance fraud
Health maintenance organizations
Health officer
--disease control and
Hearsay rule
Hearsay rule
Hepatitis B (HBV)
Herd immunity
High school athletics
--informed consent and
High-technology medicine
--life support under
--malpractice and
--medicalization of reproduction and
Hippocratic oath
HIV infection
--fear of
--prison doctor and
HMOs (see Managed care organizations)
Home deliveries
--prison doctor and
Hospital records
--abortion, sterilization, and contraception counseling and
--charitable immunity
--consultations within
--disease control in
--guardianship authority and
--liability of physician for employees of
--life support system termination and
--life support systems termination and
--medical records in
--obstetric care in
--ownership by physicians of
--parental consent for minor care and
--patient dumping practices and
--physician's legal relationship with
--referrals to
--refusal of care by patient and
--staff privileges in
Human growth hormone
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection
--children with
--contraception counseling and
--disease control for
--environmental health and
--epidemics and plagues and
--fear of
--food sanitation and
--historical overview of
--immunization laws and
--immunosuppression and
--in the workplace
--informed consent by infected physician
--medical records in
--mothers with
--obstetric care and
--physician-patient relationship and
--prison doctor and
--prisoner, doctor and
--quarantine and
--school doctor and
--screening for
--testing for
--warning third parties in
--warning third parties regarding
--workplace infection with
--as artificial insemination donor
--power of attorney to consent to medical care and
--reproductive counseling for wives and
Hydration, termination of

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--consent for
--disease control programs with
--medical exemptions for
--political factors in
--prison doctor and
--reportable events following
--Vaccine Compensation Act on
--medical records for
In vitro fertilization (IVF)
In vitro fertilization (IVF)
--embryo custody after divorce and
--unmarried couples and
Inadvertent abandonment
Incentive plans
Indeminfication agreements
Independent contractor physician
--occupational medicine and
--prisons and
Indirect economic damages
Induction of labor
Infectious disease (see Communicable diseases)
Informed consent
Informed consent
--abortion and
--alternative treatments and
--artificial insemination and
--cesarean section and
--conflicts of interest on
--consultations and referrals with
--contraception and
--disease control reporting and
--documentation of
--emergency care exception to
--forms for
--genetic counseling and
--illiterate patients and
--immunizations and
--individual liberty issue
--knowable and unknowable risks and
--legal standards for
--legally mandated treatment and
--medical records on
--medical research
--medical value of
--medically unnecessary procedures and
--non-English speakers and translation in
--obstetric care with
--paternalism of physician and
--patient's expectations and
--physician with HIV
--physician-patient relationship and
--school doctor and
--sports and injuries and
--sterilization and
--surrogacy contract and
--teaching programs and
--therapeutic exception to
--voluntariness of
--what must the plaintiff prove
--withheld information and
In-house counsel
In-house counsel
--conflicts of interest
--criminal representation
--legal privilege
Injunctions and seizures
Institutional practice
Institutional practice
--consultations within
--physician's legal relationship with
--proxy consent for
--school doctor and
--teams and
Institutional review boards (IRBs)
Insurance companies
Insurance companies
--abandonment of patient and
--attorney fees and
--collateral source rule and
--college students and
--damages payment by
--incentive schemes from
--obstetric care and
--pediatric care and
--physician-patient relationship and contracts with
--referrals and
--rehabilitation expenses and
--subrogation provision and
Intensive care medicine
Intentional torts
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
International classification of disease, revision 9 (ICD-9)
International codes on medical research
Internet medicine
--reporting of
Intrauterine devices (IUDs)
Invoking the rule
Isolation, in disease control

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Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO)
Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO)
--ambulatory care standards
--medical records standards
--medical records standards
--physicians office records and
Joint research agreements
Joint ventures
Judges, role of
Judgment in trial
Justice Department

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Kaposi's sarcoma
Kennedy-Kassebaum bill (see Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
--of 1996)
Kidnapping, and adoption

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--fetal monitors during
--induction of
--ownership by physicians of
--protocols for
--research in
--difference between finding and making
--professional paradigm for
Law enforcement
--blood alcohol testing
--involuntary testing of prisioners
--reporting of violent injuries
Lay midwives
Legal audit
Legal education
Legal privilege
Legal privilege
--attorney client communications
--attorney workproduct
--spousal privilege
Legal standards
Legal standards
--importance of
--products liability and
--proving malpractice in
Legal system
Legal system
--appellate process
--federal court system and
--litigation bias in
--relationships within
--role of judges in
--sovereignty determination
--state court system
--assumption of
--determination of
Letter of termination
Levonorgestrel implants
--communicable diseases
--disease reporting and
--emergency care and
--hospital employees and
--hospital ownership
--referrals and
--adoption and
--disease control reporting and
--emergency care and
--enforcement issues
--non-physician practitioners (NPPs)
--reproductive medicine counseling and
--residents and
--state law
--trade regulations
Life support system termination
Life support system termination
--clear-and-convincing-evidence standard in
--Cruzan case and
--duty to counsel in
--ethical issues regarding
--families and
--hospitals and
--judicial intervention in
--legal aspects of
--patient's wishes in
--persistent vegetative state and
--physician's advisory role in
--right to
--society's interests in
Limited engagement doctrine
--alternative dispute resolution (ADR) instead of
--cost of
--discovery in
--informed consent requirements and
--legal system bias toward
--making a claim in
--medical records in
Living wills
--emergency rooms and
--medical record, file in
--proxy consent using
Locality rule
Lost wages

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Malpractice litigation
--medical records in
Managed care organizations (MCOs)
--false claims act and
--physician consultants and
Managed care organizations (MCOs)
--alternative dispute resolution (ADR) and
--business of
--Capitation agreements
--contractual arrangements between physicians and
--controlling entity
--cost control
--deselection of physicians
--Deselection of physicians
--duty to disclose incentives
--HMO Act of 1973
--incentive plans under
--informed consent
--market factors in choice of
--medical records in
--National Practitioner Databank
--physician incentive plans
--physician-patient relationship and contracts in
--physician-patient relationship in
--protocol for medical services in
--protocols in
--relationship to physicians
--structure of
--supervision of non-physician practitioners
Market share
--choice of provider and
--peer review and
Marketing, and obstetric care
--domestic violence reporting in
--fertility treatment and
--genetic counseling and
--sterilization of partner in
Master-servant relationship
Maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein (MSAFP)
Medicaid fraud
Medical business
Medical care costs
--standard of care and
Medical devices, and products liability
Medical directors
--commercial bribery of
--criminal prosecution of
--dual capacity doctrine
--ERISA and
--managed care organizations
--medical license issues
--unauthorized practice of medicine
Medical education
--teaching medical law
Medical insurance
Medical licensing fiduciary duty and
Medical malpractice
Medical malpractice
--alternative dispute resolution (ADR) in
--artificial insemination and
--breach of contract and
--court system and
--defensive medicine and
--disease control reporting and
--duty of physician
--duty of physician in
--litigation bias and
--obstetric care
--occupational medicine
--prison doctor
--sexual assault and
--sexual assaults
--specialty focus and
Medical malpractice
--prima facie case in
Medical malpractice insurance
--attorney conflict of interest in
--conflicts between defendants
--damages paid by
--laboratory ownership by physician and
--Managed care organizations and
--occupational medicine and
--self-insurance trusts
--teaching programs and
--trial costs and
Medical malpractice insurance companies
--alternative dispute resolution (ADR) and
--rates set by
--sexual assault claims paid by
--unfair claims practices
Medical malpractice litigation
--adoption and
--as civil litigation
--attorney fees in
--costs of
--damage awards in
--depositions in
--discovery in
--emotional distress claims in
--expert witnesses in
--medical expenses in
--medical records in
--patient' s expectations and
--pediatric care and
--preexisting illness and
--prima facie case in
--punitive damages in
Medical malpractice prevention
--medical records in
Medical practice
--as a business
--corporate practice of medicine
--legal relationships in
--protocols in
--quality assurance program for
--regulation of
--teaching programs and
Medical records
--managed care and office records
Medical records
--access by government
--administrative agency review
--alterations for
--as defensive record
--as legal document
--basic information in
--consistency of
--consultation documented in
--consultations documented in
--contraception counseling for minors and
--criminal prosecutions and
--critical care unit and
--destruction of
--development and growth of a child on
--discovery process before trial and
--family information in
--historical perspective on
--hospital records
--hospital records as
--informal consultations documented in
--informed consent documented in
--legal information in
--legal requirements covering
--living wills in
--malpractice litigation and
--medical records, retention of
--Medicare fraud, as basis for
--non-physician practitioners (NPPs) and
--obstetric care
--occupational health and
--of minors
--off-chart records
--office records as
--pediatric care and
--physician's orders in
--police access to
--pre-employment medical examination and
--primary uses for
--protection of
--readability of
--refusal of care
--release of
--retention of
--search warrants
--selling or transfer of
--statutory requirements affection
--subpoena of
--telephone calls documented in
--telephone calls documented in
--termination of care documented in
--test evaluations in
--tracking implants
Medical research
Medical research
--contracts covering
--controversial nature of
--disease registries and
--HHS regulation on
--informed consent for
--international codes covering
--prisoners and
Medical students
Medical students
--fraud and
--legal status and
--supervision of
Medical supervision
--document in medical records
Medical tests
--defensive medicine against malpractice and
--multiple test panels used in
Medicare fraud
Medicare fraud
--improper charges
--kickbacks as
--medical records
--professional courtesy
--Stark laws
Medicare/Medicaid laws
Medicare/Medicaid laws
--Health Care Finance Administration (HCFA) regulations and
--obstetric care under
Medicare/Medicaid programs
--life support under
--medical records retention under
--teaching programs and
Mental illness
--reporting dangerous individuals
Mental impairment
--sterilization and
Mid-level practitioners
--classes of
--consultations and referrals with
--abortion, birth control, and pregnancy information for
--communicable disease treatment for
--consent issues for
--family circumstances and decision making regarding
--guardianship for
--institutional practice and
--legal status of
--obstetric care for
--parental conflict regarding
--parents' legal rights over decisions regarding
--release of medical records and
--statutory right to treat
--sterilization of
--substance and drug abuse treatment for
Missed appointments
--addiction of
--adoption and
--artificial insemination and
--diseases of
--embryo donors and
--fathers and medical decisions of
--surrogacy contracts and
Motion for production

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National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
Natural family planning
Neglect of child
--causation and
--per se
--preventive law audit for
--prima facie case of
--product liability and
--res ipsa loquitur
Neural tube defects, screening for
Neuromuscular development
Nonphysician personnel
Nonphysician personnel
--sports staff and
Non-physician practitioners (NPPs)
--delegation of authority to
--documentation of work
--drug prescription by
--nursing diagnosis and
--referrals to
--supervision of
--unauthorized practice of medicine
--use of term
Nuremberg Code
Nuremberg Doctrine
Nurse-midwives (see Midwife)
--attending physician and
--medical records and
--physician's legal relationship with
--public health and
--school doctor and
--teaching institutions and
Nutrition, termination of

Return to Medical Care Law

Obstetric care
Obstetric care
--behavioral risks in pregnancy and
--birth plan in
--birth-injured infant and
--evaluation of mother's medical condition in
--home deliveries and
--malpractice and
--marketing of
--medical interventions in
--refusal to treat by
--structured approach to
--zero-defects management in
Occupational medicine
Occupational medicine
--Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and
--communicable diseases in the workplace and
--medical record information in
--medical records retention and
--occupational medicine and
--return to work certification and
--trade secrets and
--worker's compensation and
Office, medical records
Operating room, surgeon's authority in
Oral contraceptives
--informed consent for
Oral deposition
Oral informed consent
--delegation of authority with
--public health
--of hospitals
--of laboratories

Return to Medical Care Law

Pain, damage awards for
Pan American Health Organization
Parental rights
Parental rights
--adoption and
--baby-selling and
--child abuse and
--immunization programs and
--legal aspects of
--legitimacy determination and
--medical treatment of children and
--presumption of legitimacy in
--surrogacy and
--termination of
--unfitness and
--college health programs and
--conflict between children and
--conflict over treatment decisions by
--contraception counseling for minors and
--custody arrangements and
--drug abuse treatment and
--guardianships and
--refusal of medical care for
--sports and injuries and
--suspicion of child abuse and
Parker v. Brown immunity (see Antitrust)
--assuming legitimacy of children and
--determination of
--genetic counseling and
--duty to inform patient
--duty to inform treating physician
Patient dumping
Patient dumping
Patient Self-Determination Act of 1990
--ability to pay fees
--as consumers
--physician right to refuse
Patients' rights
Patients' rights
--to choose medical care
--to choose physician
--to refuse treatment
Patients' rights parents to refuse care for children
Pediatric care
Pediatric care
--child abuse seen in
--consent in
--immunizations and
--interests of child versus parents in
--malpractice litigation and
--records in
--school doctor and
--statutes of limitations in
--telephone calls in
--unique legal aspects of
Peer review
--Health Care Quality Improvement Act on
--Managed care organizations and
--RICO litigation covering
--standard of care and
Performance enhancement drugs
Personal knowledge test for business records
Physician assistants (see Non-physician practitioners)
Physician fees
--patient's inability to pay
Physician-employee relationship
--as legal relationship
--borrowed-servant doctrine in
--captain-of-the-ship doctrine in
--contracts and
--control in
--employment criteria set out in
--method of payment and
--scope of employment and
--vicarious liability and
Physician-patient relationship
--abandonment of patient in
--as legal relationship
--backup coverage and
--consultations and
--criminal activity and
--disease control and
--duty of physician in
--duty to disclose incentives
--emergency care and
--establishment of
--expectation of treatment in
--fiduciary relationship in
--follow-up on missed appointments in
--independent medical judgment in
--informal consultations and
--informed consent and
--managed care
--mid-level practitioners
--occupational medicine and
--paternalistic aspect of
--pediatric care and
--physician as medical director
--referrals in
--refusal of care and
--romantic attachments in
--specialists and
--teaching programs and
--telephone calls and
--terminal illness and
--termination by patient
--termination by patient
--termination of physician in
--treatment recommendations and
--walk-in patients and
Physician-player relationship
Physician's orders
Pneumocytis carinii pneumonia
Police power
Police power
--criminal law
--public health and safety
Police, and reporting
Political factors
--abortion and
--immunization programs and
Power of attorney
Practitioner-patient relationship
--as legal relationship
Precedent case
Predicate act (see Racketeering Influenced Corrupt Organizations Act)
Preembryos, custody of
Pre-employment medical examination
Preferred provider organizations (PPOs)
Preferred provider organizations (PPOs)
--incentive plans under
--peer review in
--divorce during
--duty to counsel in
--midwives and
--minors and information on
--refusal of care during
--risk analysis in
--self-destructive behavior during
--testing for
--work-place acquired infection and
--work-place discrimination against
Prenatal care
Prenatal care
--diagnostic procedures during
--screening programs in
--structure medical records in
Preponderance of the evidence standard
Prescription practices
--development and hormonal techniques and
--medical students and
--performance enhancements in sports and
--state regulation of
--telephone calls and
--treatment of family members and
Preventive law audit
Prima facie case
--adequacy of care in
--disease control in
--emergency care in
--medical research in
--physician in
--privacy and medical information in
--public health and
Privacy of patient
--abortion and
--consultations and
--contraception, sterilization, and abortion decisions and
--disease control and
--police access to records and
--prison doctor and
--public health and
--sexual history taking and
Privileges, hospital staff as creating a duty to treat
Process server
Product liability
Professional courtesy (see Medicare fraud)
Proof, standard of
--Civil law
--Criminal law
Prosectorial discretion
--delegation of authority with
--medical students and writing of
--sample text for
--telephone calls in pediatric care and
--use of term
Proxy consent
--medical records and
--physician-patient relationship for
--sexual relationships between patients and
Public health
Public health
--AIDS and
--communicable diseases in the workplace and
--costs of due process
--disease control and
--historical view of
--Institute of Medicine study
--law enforcement reporting and
--legal standards for
--prison doctor and
--reasonable-belief standard in
--school doctor and
--state and health care practitioners and
--vital statistics in
Public health laws
--coercive measures for disease control under
--mandated treatment under
--prison doctor and
Public Health Service (PHS)
Public policy
--informed consent and
--surrogacy and
Pulse oximetry
Punitive damages

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Quality assurance programs
--disease control with
--precedents for
--public health and

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Racketeering Influenced Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO)
--breach of fiduciary duty
--business failure under
--incentive plans under
--mail and wire fraud under
--patterns of racketeering under
--peer review under
--predicate acts
--prosecution of claim under
--direct patient care
--duty to inform patient
--duty to inform treating physician
Reasonable-belief standard (see Public health)
Record keeping
Record keeping
--adoption and
--consultations and
--preventive law audit of
--statutory requirements affecting
Red Book, American Academy of Pediatrics
--consultations differentiated from
--continuing care and
--duty of physician regarding
--liability for
--obstetric care and
--patient refusal of
--protocols for
--school doctor and
--specialists and
--to institutions
--to nonphysician
Refusal of medical care
Refusal of medical care
--blood transfusions and
--by adult
--by parent for child
--by physician
--pregnancy and
--prisoners and
--referrals and
--religious grounds for
--teaching institution and
--termination of life-support cases and
--adoption records
--communicable diseases
--toxic effects of chemical substances
Regular course of business test for business records
--administrative law and
--courts enforcing
--federal and state laws covering
--licenses under
--medical research and
--prison care and
--and damage awards
Rehabilitation Act (see Americans with Disabilities Act)
Relationships in law
Release from work certification
Release of medical records
--authorization for
--occupational medicine and
--refusal of
Religious beliefs
--abortion, sterilization, and contraception counseling and
--care for minors and
--immunization programs and
--refusal of medical care and
Remitted judgment
Reporting laws
--child abuse and neglect and
--disease control and
--law enforcement and
--midwives and
--substance abuse and
--violent injuries and
--balancing health care practitioner' s and patient' s rights in
--ethical dilemmas in
--medicalization of
--parental rights and
--sexual history taking and
--surrogacy and
Requests for admissions
Requests for production
Res ipsa loquitur (see Negligence)
--death certificates and
--fraud and
--licensing of
Respectable minority rule
Respondeat superior
Restatement of Torts 402a (see Products liability)
--damage awards and need for
Return to work certification
Review of court judgment
Right to counsel
--birth-injured infants and
--communicable diseases in the workplace and
--contraception and pregnancy and
--factors influencing patient's tolerance of
--genetic counseling for
--HIV infection and
--informed consent regarding
--knowable and unknowable
--nature of
--pregnancy and
--preventive law audit for
--teaching programs and management of
--withheld information concerning
RU 486 pill
Rulemaking (see Administrative law)

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Safe harbor regulations
Scheduling system
School doctor
School doctor
--college students and
--comprehensive care and
--consent and
--duty to patient in
--handicapped children and
--medicines at
--public health and
--school clinics and
--screening programs in
School nurse
--artificial insemination and
--neural tube defects and
--neuromuscular development on
--obstetric care with
--pre-employment medical examination and
--prison doctor and
--school doctor and
--tuberculosis and
Search and seizures
--electronic surveillance
--medical records
Securities law
--medical research
--Securities and Exchange Commission
Service of process
Severity of communicable diseases
Sexual abuse, reporting of
Sexual assault
Sexual history
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
--college students and
--minors and contraception counseling
--of minors
--reporting of
--risks for
--treatment of
Sherman Antitrust Act (see Antitrust)
Sickle cell trait
Significant risk of substantial harm (see Americans with Disabilities Act)
--life support system termination and
--physician's role defined in
Special education programs
--emergency care and
--expert witness qualifications
--informed consent and
--locality rule and
--malpractice litigation and
--physician-patient relationship
--physician-patient relationship and
--referrals to
--technology-oriented medicine
Sperm banks
Spontaneous abortions
Sports medicine
Spousal privilege
Standard of care
Standard of care
--competition and
--distinctions among schools concerning
--expert witness and
--intentional torts and
--legal definition of
--locality rule on
--negligence per se
--patient examinations and
--res ipsa loquitur
--sexual assault by health care practitioner
Standard of proof
Standard of proof
--civil litigation
Standing orders
Stark laws
State courts
State courts
--administrative regulations enforced
--appeals process
--appellate process in
--definition of death by
--sovereignty of
State laws
State laws
--ability to pay and right to care under
--abortion and
--adoption and
--autopsies under
--caps on lawyers' fees under
--collateral source rule
--emancipated minor under
--emergency care under
--immunization programs and
--informed consent under
--legitimacy determination in
--licensing under
--life support system termination and
--locality rule in
--medical care for minors under
--medical practice under
--medical records under
--medical records under
--midwives under
--occupational medicine and
--parental rights and
--Physician-patient relationship
--power of attorney to consent to medical care under
--prescription regulation under
--public health authority under
--refusal of care under
--religious beliefs and medical care under
--sports and athletics under
--state attorneys general
--status of health care practitioners created by
--substance abuse and
--trial judgments under
--vital health statistics under
--worker's compensation in
State taxes
State, health care practitioner's relationship with
--federal law requirements on
--informed consent for
--minors and mentally impaired patients and
Steroids, and sports
Stock fraud, and medical research
Strict liability (see Products liability)
Structured settlement of damage awards
Subjects in medical research
Subjects in medical research
--HHS regulations covering
--subpoena duces tecum
Substance abuse
--medical records of treatment of
--minors and
--pre-employment medical examination and
--pregnancy and
--testing and reporting of
Substituted consent
--definition of
--drawbacks of
--consultation and
--of non-physician practitioners (NPPs)
--physician-physician legal relationship in
--school doctor and
--sports and athletics and
--teaching institutions and
Supreme Court
Supreme Court
--abortion and
--disabilities legislation and
--federal court system
--parental rights and
--peer review and
--public health and
--terminal illness and treatment and 206, 209,
--the right to counsel
--operation room team and
Surrogate parenthood
Surrogate parenthood
--Baby M case and
--divorce and preembryos in
--parental rights and

Return to Medical Care Law

Take nothing judgment
--duty to report dangerous individuals
Taxation, and method of employee payment
Tay-Sachs disease
Teaching institutions
Teaching institutions
--conflicts between legal norms and medical practice in
--faculty physicians in
--medical students, residents, and fellows in
--patients' rights and
--personal knowledge test for medical records and
--physician-student relationship in
--supervision in
--teaching protocols in
Team care
Team care
--medical records in
Team doctor
Team doctor
--children as athletes and
--performance enhancement and
--physician-player relationship in
--role of
Technology-oriented medicine
--First Amendment issues
--practicting telemedicine
--informed consent to
--interstate licensing
--physician patient relationship
--telephone consultations as
--unethical practices
Telephone calls
--across state lines
--pediatric care and
--physician-patient relationship and
--treatment recommendations and
Temporary injunctions
Terminal illnesses
--autonomy of patients with
--refusal to accept treatment for
--withheld information about
Termination of life support system
--at trial
--laboratory ownership by physician and
--artificial insemination and
--consultations for evaluation of
--delegation of authority to evaluate
--disease control and
--for drug use
--for pregnancy
--genetic counseling with
--HIV infection and
--intoxication and
--paternity and
--performance enhancement drugs and
--specialist evaluation and
The Jungle
Therapeutic exception (see Informed consent)
Third-party payers
Third-party payers
--abortion, sterilization, and contraception counseling and
--consultations and
--life support system termination and
--physician-patient relationship and
--teaching programs and
Timely entry test for business records
--alternative dispute resolution (ADR) for
--midwives and
--workplace infection and
Trade secrets
--midwives and
--occupational medicine and
--right to practice medicine
Transcription of patient notes
Transmission of communicable diseases
Treatment decisions
Treatment decisions
--alternative treatments in
--by physician of own family
--fraud regulations covering
--incentive plans and conflicts in
--paternalism of physician and
--patient's right to refuse recommendations in
--physician's advisory role in
--protocols for
--telephone calls and
--withheld information concerning
Trial court
--adversarial system
--attacking defendant or plaintiff in
--costs of
--cross-examination in
--delays and progress of
--discovery before
--focus on people in
--inquisitorial system
--judgment rendered in
--pleadings in
--preparing for
--procedures after
--protecting the jury
--witnesses in
--carriers of
--drug resistant
--HIV infection risks in
--in the workplace
--prison doctor and
--screening for
--workplace infection with
Twins, and fertility treatment
Typhoid Mary

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Unfitness of parents
Uniform Commercial Code (UCC)
Union rules
--Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
--medical research in
--student health programs in
Upjohn case
Urine testing for drugs

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--public health and
--smallpox and
Vaccine Compensation Act
Venereal disease (see Sexually transmitted diseases)
Vicarious liability
Videotape deposition
Violent injuries, reporting of
Vital statistics
Volunteers, and school doctor

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--college health programs and
--informed consent requirements and
--of parental rights in adoption
Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics
Weight loss clinics
Wickline case
Wire fraud
--criminal defendants as
--cross-examination of
--establishing qualifications of
--evaluating expert
--expert as fact witness
--expert witnesses
--fact witnesses
--Frye rule
--hearsay rule
--informed consent documented by
--invoking the rule and
--power of attorney to consent to medical care and
Worker's compensation insurance
Worker's compensation insurance
--disabled workers and
--occupational medicine physician and
--subrogation provision in
Workplace (see Occupational medicine)
--communicable diseases in
--disease transmission modes in
--immunosuppressed workers and
--screening tests in
World Health Organization
World Medical Association
Wrongful birth action
Wrongful life claim


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