
Climate Change Project

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Nursing and Other Students

The rules that apply to medical students apply to other types of students: their work must be supervised, and they may not do anything that requires licensure or certification.

As a practical matter, much of what other students do does not require licensure or is already supervised by a physician. For instance, an unlicensed individual may be authorized to draw blood or administer medication. A medical student or a nursing student also may be authorized to draw blood or give medicines. Caution must be used to make sure that these students are following specific orders and not using their own judgment. If there is an order from a physician saying that a blood glucose should be drawn at 8 a.m., a student may do the task. If the blood is being drawn under a protocol for registered nurses that says that the test should be done when the patient shows signs of hyperglycemia, a nurse's professional judgment is required; no student should assume responsibility for doing or not doing the test.

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Law and the Physician Homepage
Copyright 1993 - NOT UPDATED

The Climate Change and Public Health Law Site
The Best on the WWW Since 1995!
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See DR-KATE.COM for home hurricane and disaster preparation
See WWW.EPR-ART.COM for photography of southern Louisiana and Hurricane Katrina
Professor Edward P. Richards, III, JD, MPH - Webmaster

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