
Climate Change Project

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General References

Altschule, MD: Bad law, bad medicine. Am J Law Med 1977 Fall; 3(3):295-301.

Cecchini RA; Ferraro PJ: The standard of care in emergency room procedure. Leg Aspects Med Pract 1977 Dec; 5(12):45-50.

Christianson JB: Long-term care standards: Enforcement and compliance. J Health Polit Policy Law 1979 Fall; 4(3):414-34.

*Collins v. Thakkart, 552 NE2d 507 (1990).

Gibbs RF: The new JCAH standards: What is their legal standing? J Leg Med 1977 Feb; 5(2):9-16.

Greenlaw J: Enforcing professional standards. Nurs Law Ethics 1980 Dec; 1(10):3, 7.

Houtchens B: Initial evaluation and management of major trauma in the rural setting: An appeal for a "national standard." Leg Aspects Med Pract 1977 Dec; 5(12):38-39.

Johnson RH; Wood JJ Sr: Judicial, legislative, and administrative competence in setting institutional standards. In Kindred M et al., eds.: The Mentally Retarded Citizen and the Law. 1976.

Khan A; Wolfgang A: Standard of proof in medical negligence. Med Leg J 1984; 52 (Pt 2):117-22.

Mestrovic SG; Cook JA: The dangerousness standard: What is it and how is it used? Int J Law Psychiatry 1986; 8(4):443-69. [Published erratum appears in Int J Law Psychiatry 1986; 9(1):137.]

Morreim EH: Cost constraints as a malpractice defense. Hastings Cent Rep 1988 Feb-Mar; 18(1):5-10.

Nelkin D: Establishing professional standards: Ecologists and the public interest. Hastings Cent Rep 1976 Feb; 6(1):38-44.

*New York Times: Federal investigators report on clusters of infant deaths. 1985, Jul 25.

*New York Times: Investigators near end of inquiry into deaths of infants at hospital. 1984, Apr 11.

Norton ML: Ethics in medicine and law: Standards and conflicts. Leg Med Annu 1977:201-15.

Overcast TD; Merrikin KJ; Evans RW: Malpractice issues in heart transplantation. Am J Law Med 1985 Winter; 10(4):363-95.

Reuter SR: Why is a state court setting standards of care? Leg Aspects Med Pract 1979 Dec; 7(12):16-18.

*Richards EP; Walter CW: How is an anesthesia machine like a lawnmower?--The problem of the learned intermediary. IEEE Eng Med Biol 1989; 8(2):55.

Rubenstein HS; Miller FH; Postel S; Evans HB: Standards of medical care based on consensus rather than evidence: The case of routine bedrail use for the elderly. Law Med Health Care 1983 Dec; 11(6):271-76.

Sanbar SS; Thompson CS: Developing standards of care for the diagnosis and treatment of coronary artery disease. J Leg Med (Chic) 1983 Mar; 4(1):87-108.

Schelling TC: Standards for adequate minimum personal health services. Milbank Mem Fund Q Health Soc 1979 Spring; 57(2):212-33.

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