
Climate Change Project

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Appelbaum PS: Confidentiality in the forensic evaluation. Int J Law Psychiatry 1984; 7(3-4):285-300.

Ayer JL: "I persuaded a judge to protect my patient's secret." Leg Aspects Med Pract 1979 Jun; 7(6):25-26.

Cranford RE; Hester FA; Ashley BZ: Institutional ethics committees: Issues of confidentiality and immunity. Law Med Health Care 1985 Apr; 13(2):52-60.

Dickens BM: Legal protection of psychiatric confidentiality. Int J Law Psychiatry 1978; 1(3):255-82.

Fiscina S: Information about patients: How confidential? Leg Med 1980:247-60.

Hastings DA: Professional Standards Review Organizations and confidentiality: The question of public access to medical peer review data through the Freedom of Information Act. J Health Polit Policy Law 1981 Spring; 6(1):136-58.

Holder AR: The biomedical researcher and subpoenas: Judicial protection of confidential medical data. Am J Law Med 1986; 12(3-4):405-21.

Khajezadeh D: Patient confidentiality statutes in Medicare and Medicaid fraud investigations. Am J Law Med 1987; 13(1):105-37.

Lansing P: The conflict of patient privacy and the Freedom of Information Act. J Health Polit Policy Law 1984 Summer; 9(2):315-24.

Meisel A: Confidentiality and rape counseling. Hastings Cent Rep 1981 Aug; 11(4):5-7.

Rosner BL: Psychiatrists, confidentiality, and insurance claims. Hastings Cent Rep 1980 Dec; 10(6):5-7.

Shulman LJ: The Freedom of Information Act and Medicare costs reports. Am J Law Med 1981 Winter; 6(4):543-58.

Slovenko R: Accountability and abuse of confidentiality in the practice of psychiatry. Int J Law Psychiatry 1979; 2(4):431-54.

Southwick AF; Slee DA: Quality assurance in health care. Confidentiality of information and immunity for participants. J Leg Med (Chic) 1984 Sep; 5(3):343-97.

Taranto RG: The psychiatrist-patient privilege and third-party payers: Commonwealth v. Kobrin. Law Med Health Care 1986; 14(1):25-29.

Thorburn KM: When X rays show, must prison doctors tell? Hastings Cent Rep 1985 Jun; 15(3):17-18.

Vacco PJ: The physician-patient privilege: Should the pharmacist be included? J Leg Med (Chic) 1981 Sep; 2(3):399-414.

Veatch RM: Ethics committees. Advice and consent. Hastings Cent Rep 1989 Jan-Feb; 19(1):20-22.

Woodside FC III; Grote J: Will what you tell insurance investigators be kept secret? Leg Aspects Med Pract 1980 Jul; 8(7):32-34.

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