
Climate Change Project

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American Bar Association: You and the Law. 1990.

Blackstone W: Commentaries on the Common Law of England. 1765.

Brown L: Preventive Law. 1951.

Cardozo B: The paradoxes of legal science. In Selected Writings of Benjamin Nathan Cardozo. Edited by M. Hall. 1947.

*City of New York v. New Saint Mark's Baths. 497 NYS2d 979, 983 (1986).

*Fisher R: He who pays the piper. Harvard Business Review 1985 Mar-April:150.

Gilmore G: The Death of Contract. 1974.

Grad F: The Public Health Manual. 1990.

Holmes OW: The Common Law. 1881.

Kent J: Commentaries on American Law. 10th ed. 1860.

Pollock F; Maitland F: The History of English Law. 2d ed. 1898.

*Richards EP: The jurisprudence of prevention: Society's right of self-defense against dangerous individuals. Hast Const LQ 1989; 16:329.

Story J: Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States. 1833.

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