
Climate Change Project

Table of Contents



Fourth Edition February 2001
Blue Book Title and Disclaimer
Word (1 MB)
PDF (30 KB)
Introduction and Blue Book
Word (286 KB)
PDF (234 KB)
Appendix A: Glossary of Medical Terms
Word (60 KB)
PDF (33 KB)
Appendix B: Patient Isolation Precautions
Word (24 KB)
PDF (12 KB)
Appendix C: BW Agent Characteristics
Word (27 KB)
PDF (15 KB)
Appendix D: BW Agent Vaccines, Therapeutics and Prophylactics
Word (41 KB)
PDF (19 KB)
Appendix E: Medical Sample Collections for BW Agents
Word (39 KB)
PDF (21 KB)
Appendix F: Specimens for Laboratory Diagnosis
Word (22 KB)
PDF (9 KB)
Appendix G: BW Agent Laboratory Identification
Word (27 KB)
PDF (11 KB)
Appendix H: Differential Diagnosis - Toxins vs. Nerve Agents
Word (20 KB)
PDF (7 KB)
Appendix I: Comparative Lethality - Toxins vs. Chemical Agents
Word (21 KB)
PDF (9 KB)
Appendix J: Aerosol Toxicity
Word (24 KB)
PDF (7 KB)
Appendix K: References and Emergency Response Contacts
Word (107 KB)
PDF (42 KB)
1. Palm OS Version: (145 KB)
"MMBCH4.02.zip" is designed for Palm Pilot users to download to their handheld units. The "Read.me" file contains user instructions.

2. MS Word version: (1.69 MB)
"MMBCH4 Word Ver 4.02.doc" is designed for the user to download, printout, and place in a 3-ring binder.

3. Adobe Acrobat version: (370 KB)
"MMBCH4.0 PDF Ver 4.02.pdf" is designed for the user to download, printout, and place in a 3-ring binder.

4. MS Word Version (with hyperlinks): (1.65 MB)
"MMBCH4.0 Ver 4.02 with Links.doc" is designed for the user who wants to be able to quickly navigate thru the handbook on their computer screen using the hyperlink capability. Recommend this version for Hospital ER's or for Notebook computer users who want the handbook stored on their hard drive.
This file's Last Modified Date: August 10, 2001

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See WWW.EPR-ART.COM for photography of southern Louisiana and Hurricane Katrina
Professor Edward P. Richards, III, JD, MPH - Webmaster

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